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Once we reached their dorm, we saw that it was all messy with things resting anywhere and everywhere. It always was like that, so we weren't shocked to see it. Everyone quickly dispersed as Chan and Mika, like always, went to Chan's room; almost everyone went towards the couch to watch TV or play random games; and Hyunjin and I stood in front of the door not knowing what to do.

"The perfect opportunity for you to sing a little for me." I told him smiling like a little kid.

"I was expecting them to come up with an idea so that I didn't have to do it, but I guess I have no choice..." He said and we went to the room he shared with Changbin, Jisung and Jeongin.

I layed down on his bed and stretched myself to which he laughed.

"Why do you always do that whenever you come here?" He asked me.

"Why do you have such a comforable bed?" I asked back.

Chuckling, he layed down on the bed next to me, hugging me like a koala.

"What do you think you are doing?!" I said trying to push him off. "I'm not a teddy bear."

He finally let go on my and sat up. He then took a laptop that was resting on one of the other boy's beds and sat down on his bed next to me.

"Are you really going to do it?" I asked him as I sat up.

"Yeah, why not. I trust you won't laugh at me, or at least I hope so." He said as he went into youtube to search for a song.

"I won't laugh at you, I promise." I said sealing it with a pinky promise.

He decided to sing <Sorry> by The Rose. It was one of our favourite songs, so I was happy he chose that one. When he began singing, I was amazed. His singing sounded beautiful in every way. It was evident he was more confident when rapping, but I really loved his voice. My eyes got watery while he sang.

"Sorry, did you hate it? I'll stop." He said trying to stop the song when he saw I was almost about to cry.

"No, don't!" I quickly said stopping him. "Continue singing, please."

He reluctantly continued and I listened to it intently. In the middle of the song, I gave him a back hug and rested my head on his back while still listening to him.

He continued singing while holding my hands that were wrapped around him. When the song finished, he placed the laptop aside and turned towards me.

"What do you think?" He said as he turned around. He then saw me crying and lifted my face up so that I faced him. "Hey, why are you crying?"

"I don't know. It just sounded beautiful." I admitted, not knowing what to say. "I really love your voice. You should sing more often."

"You are making me feel bad." He said drying my tears. "I've never seen you cry to a song. I think I've never seen you cry at all."

"The first time and it is your fault." I said hitting his chest playfully. "Sorry for making a scene. I just couldn't control it."

"It's okay." He reasurred me. "Let's do something fun now. The mood has dropped a lot."

"Sorry..." I said but he smiled. "Why don't we sing some karaoke. More upbeat music, though."

"Why not?!" He said and searched for a karaoke channel on Youtube. "Which song do you want to sing?"

"Do they have <Hellevator>? You know I love that one." I asked him.

"They do!" He said excited. "Come on, let's do it!"

He then played the song and we began jamming to it, jumping around the room and having fun. The door, though, suddenly opened and the rest of the boys plus Leah and Mika came in and began singing and dancing too. It definitely lifted the mood a lot.

Once the song came to an end, we were all panting. We then went to the kitchen to drink some water as we were all parched. When Leah picked up her glass, though, she tripped with a pile of clothes that was scattered on the floor of the messy dorm and threw her water all over me.

"Really?" I said sighing. "The one time I decide to wear lighter colours?"

"Sorry!" She apologised quickly. "You had extra clothes with you, right?"

"We left them at JYP because we didn't use them!" I remember and sighed.

Due to the water, my blouse was showing through, so I had to cover myself with my arms.

"Here!" Hyunjin suddenly said throwing a T-shirt towards me. I managed to pick it up. "Put this on while it dries."

(This T-shirt)

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(This T-shirt)

After thanking him, I went to his room and quickly changed into his t-shirt. I looked big on me, but it was really confortable, so I didn't mind at all. It also smelt like him, which I found oddly comforting for some reason.

Once I had changed, I went back to the living room and hung up my blouse for it to dry.

"You two look like a couple now!" Said Seungmin.

"Now? They always look like a couple!" Woojin told him.

"Hey, you know it's not like that!" Hyunjin told them.

"We know, we know! You are just really close!" Changbin said ironically. "Just like Mika and Chan, right?"

"What does this have to do with us now?" Chan asked them. "You should mind your own business and stop inventing things."

I then saw how Mika's face turned sad when Chan said that. I knew she had a major crush on him, so that phrase was definitely a hard blow for her.

"Let's stop this, okay?" I said trying to calm down the situation. "What started as a joke is getting a little serious now."

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