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"Please, sit down

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"Please, sit down." Stray Kids' manager told us. "We need to talk about some things."

We all sat down on the couches and on the floor while he and Sooyeon took two of the kitchen chairs and sat down in front of us. I was sitting on the floor between Hyunjin and Jisung with Minho behind me.

"First of all, just so that you can relax a little bit, we are not going to report this." Sooyeon said and we all sighed in relief. "Now that we got that out of the way, I want all of you to know that you should think about all of this. When you were all trainees, I had absolutely no problem with you hanging out with each other, the problem is that Stray Kids has already debuted and ResQ is about to do so. Every small thing you do will be watched by either paparazzi or fans and the rumors could harm your careers which have just begun. I think you should think this through."

"But I don't get why rumors could arise. We are friends from the same company who have known each other for many years, more than seven in the case of Chan and Mika, are you saying we need to cut our relationship because of rumors?" Hyunjin said bluntly shocking the rest of us.

"I get why you are reacting this way because I feel the same way as you," their manager said "the problem is that we can't control what people say or don't say about you. We are sure that if the same situation occurred but both of the groups were boy groups or both girl groups we wouldn't have to be talking about this. For the sake of your careers you need to be more careful."

"So you are basically saying that we can't see each other unless we are inside the JYPe building? Is that what you are trying to tell us?" Jisung asked him. "We have to stop seeing our friends, and let me insist in the word friends, because of what people may say? Rumors have always been there, ships have always been there, but can't we just say we are friends and that's it? We will eventually have to go to certain events or places together and people will notice we are close, so why hide it?"

"Isn't there any solution?" Chan asked trying to ease the tension. "Maybe we can find a way to solve this."

"The only solution that I can find is talking to JYP himself about his opinion and advice." Sooyeon said. "We can try explaining it to him without saying the dorm thing. We can just say that you want to be able to hang out together without any problems."

"Would you do that for us?" Mika asked her hopeful.

"We are your managers after all." Their manager said with a smile. 


More than week had passed since the day Sooyeon found out about the dorm thing and we hadn't been able to see the boys since then

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More than week had passed since the day Sooyeon found out about the dorm thing and we hadn't been able to see the boys since then. They were also busy with the promotions for <District 9> and we were busy preparing for our debut, so it's not like we would have had time to hang out anyways.

As we finished yet another rehearsal, the door of the dance practice room opened and Sooyeon appeared.

"It's JYP. He wants to talk to you." She said with a worried smile. "The boys from Stray Kids are already there waiting for you."

Worried and scared, we followed Sooyeon to JYP's office. I had personally only been there once and it was for really good news, so I hoped it would be the same that time.

Mika knocked on the door as she was in front of me and when she opened it, we found all of the boys standing in front of JYP. There were obviously not enough seats for all of them.

"Oh, here you are! We were waiting for you." JYP said standing up. "Come in, please."

We then went inside, greeting him and the boys as we did so. Mika then sat down with Chan in front of JYP's desk while I stood at the back with the boys not knowing what to do or say. 

"Did he tell you anything already?" I asked Seungmin, who was closest to me.

"Not yet," He said. "He was waiting for you."

"Now that we are all here, I think we should just go straight to the point, shouldn't we? First of all, thank you for trusting your managers and thank you for telling me about this, you know that you can come to me whenever there is a problem. Now, let's start talking about the problem we have here." JYP said. "Friendship among idols isn't unusual. You spend a lot of time together while training and it is obvious that some friendships will arise, we encourage them even. The problem comes after debut. Rumors are harmful for artists, ships aren't. If we show to the public from the first minute that you are all friends from the same company and nothing more than that, the probability of rumors drop massively so we are going to do exactly that. We are going to show to the public that both groups have been friends and that there is nothing more than that."

We then all smiled happy and some of us even hugged each other.

"Now, there is one but." JYP said. "If a camera sees one of the Stray Kids boys alone with one of the ResQ girls, everything will go to waste. Always go at least in groups of three. It's better to prevent anything from happening. Am I being clear?"

"Crystal clear, sir." Said Chan. "Thank you very much."

"It was nothing." He said standing up. "ResQ will soon be recording their extra content for VLive, so you will be introduced there as friends. Until then, please be careful."

"We will, thank you very much." Said Mika.

"Well, that was all. You can go back to practice." JYP told us. "Keep working hard."

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now