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We were all on our way back to Seoul (this time by plane instead of by boat and bus like how we first did) and I was sitting next to Mika with Hyunjin and Chan at Mika's right, Kyulkyung and Nayoung to my left and Seungkwan and Mingyu behind us.

"Soojinie..." Seungkwan said behind me.

"What?" I asked him.

"Mind sharing those gummies?" He asked acting cutely.

"I told you to get some at the store. You should have listened to me, " I told him.

"Pretty please?" He insisted and I gave in, sighing.

"Soojin! Soojin! Soojin!" He began chanting and we laughed.

"Hey, Seungkwan, quiet down!" Exclaimed Kyulkyung who was half asleep.

"Sorry!" He apologised and stayed silent.

We were all quiet for most of the plane ride. Mika was watching some videos on her phone, Chan and Hyunjin were fast asleep, Johnny and Haechan were listening to music, Seungkwan and Mingyu were with their phones and the girls were quietly chatting or doing whatever to keep themselves entertained. I personally was working on the song I started during the first half of the trip and had the instrumental almost finished.

"Soojin," Seungkwan called me once again.

"Seungkwan, seriously, what now?" I asked him pissed off without looking up from my laptop screen.

"Soojin, this is serious, you need to see this," Mingyu insisted.

Sighing, I finally took off my earbuds and looked towards them. Seungkwan then showed me his phone and a picture of Chan and Mika appeared on the screen.

Stray Kids' Chan and ResQ's Mika caught on a romantic date in Jeju Island.

"Oh, shit!" I exclaimed. "Mika, you flipping idiot!"

"What?!" She asked. "Stop yelling at me!"

I then showed her Seungkwan's phone and she turned pale. We then immediately stood up and shook Chan and Hyunjin awake.

"What? Are we there already?" Chan said rubbing his eyes.

"You will wish we never arrive once you see this!" Mika exclaimed shoving the phone in his face.

"Fuck..." Chan simply said looking at the screen looking pale.

"You idiot!" Hyunjin said and slapped him in the back of the head. "You only had one job! You should learn from Soo- So many other artists, yeah... There are many who kept it secret!"

"Hyunjin, shut up," I told him sending him a death glare. "We should think about how to deal with this."

"I have an idea!" Haechan said. "Once we get our of this plane, you quickly buy new plane tickets and run out of the country."

"Get fake Russian passports," Seungkwan added. "From now on you are Anushka an Mstislav."

"Matryoshka!" Chan and Hyunjin said at the same time to which they both received a death glare from Mika and I.

"Chan you motherf-" Mika said but I stopped her.

"Okay, okay!" I said. "Let's calm down, shall we?"

"You can always explain JYP how you've fucked up your careers in less than half a year, " Mingyu said laughing and we all looked at him with death glares except for Seugkwan. "Not the time?"

"Yes, Mingyu, not the time, " I told him.

"Seungkwan and Haechan's options seems the best one so far, " Hyunjin joked. "I might join you on that one."

"I don't get what all the fuss is about. You were literally just going out after recording the program, " Said Johnny quietly in between all the laughs and yells.

"Do you think Vladimir suits me?" Hyunjin continued joking.

"You truly want to die, don't you?" I told him.

"Okay, shut up, everyone!" Mika yelled making everyone instantly stop. "Wait! Not you, Johnny. What did you say?"

"I said you were just hanging out after recording, " He repeated. "You can just explain it was just a simple walk after work. It's not like you're shown kissing or something."

"I'd kiss you right now, " Mika told him.

"Thank you?" Chan said making me stiff a laugh.

Just after that, we were told to sit down as the plane was about to land. Mika was visibly nervous during the entire time and I tried my best to calm her down but to no avail.

Once we were off the plane and had picked up our bags, we were met by a swarm of reporters at the entrance of the airport.

"Nishikino Mika! Are your rumours with Stay Kids' Bang Chan true?" A reporter asked her.

"Answer no questions, " I told her and she nodded.

"Bang Chan! Are you dating ResQ's Mika?" Another reporter asked him.

He was about to answer, but I quickly pulled him away from the reporter.

"Don't say a word, " I ordered him and he just nodded after sighing.

The reporters suddenly moved away from us as Sooyeon and Stray Kids' manager came towards us with bodyguards.

"You truly want to ruin your careers, right?" Sooyeon said sighing. "Let's leave now. JYP wants to see you."

Once we reached the van, we got quickly inside and Sooyeon drove towards the JYPe building.

"Why didn't you think things through?" Sooyeon scolded them. "JYP told you explicity to never go out alone, always at least in groups of three. Are you really telling me you forgot about that?"

"Can I say something?" I spoke up, startling them.

"Soojin, stop, please, " Mika pleaded.

"No. Stop no! " I protested. "Why can't you listen to what they have to say first instead of just basically calling them idiots? I get that you two are the responsible adults and you are in charge of taking care of us, but couldn't you listen to both sides of the story before jumping to conclusions?"

"Have your parents never taught you to not talk back to adults?" Sooyeon snapped back.

"But they also taught me to stand up for what is right..." I muttered under my breath.

The car then fell to awkward silence and I tried to calm down my anger by controlling my breath. As I did so, I felt Hyunjin trying to grab my hand and squeezed it.

"Calm down," he whispered to me. "You at least tried."

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now