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As we were working on the lyrics and giving it the final touches, there was a knock on the door and Changbin and Jisung came in.

"Hello m'ladies." Jisung said as they came in. "Are we interrupting anything?"

"We were working on a song." I told them. "Wait a minute, it won't take us much longer."

"Don't worry." Changbin said and they sat down on the couch while waiting.

Five minutes later, we gave the song the last listen before giving it the okay and finally payed attention to the boys.

"Woah, Lin, that was pretty good!" Jisung said. "I see which kind of style you are going for now." Jisung said.

"Thank you, Jisung, but the song isn't mine." Lin said chuckling. "It isn't even my style."

They then looked at me puzzled. They had never heard me creating any song similar to that one, so it was very shocking for them.

"Since when...?" Changbin muttered. "Since when do you produce this type of music?"

"Since I want to parody a song someone has been constantly singing to me this past few weeks." I said sending Lin a wink.

"Okay, after this rather shocking moment, we wanted to ask for some help on a song." Jisung said standing up and handing me a pen drive which I immediately plugged into the laptop.

"There's this song we've been working on called 'Voices', but we seem to be stuck and don't know how to continue with it." Changbin explained. "Not even Chan seems to know what to do so we were hoping you could help us."

"Lets see what we can do!" I said before playing the song and listening to it carefully.

They then also sang and rapped along to the song and we listened to it carefully. It was a really good song do far and it definitely had a lot of potential.

"So, your problem is maily the chorus, right?" Lin asked them.

"Yes, mainly that." Jisung agreed.

We then began working on it, carefully rearranging everything and creating the lyrics at the same time. We even recorded small harmonies so they had them as a guide.


The four of us, girls, were having dinner in the living room while watching the television whe we heard a knock on the door.

"Soojin, get it." Mika said with her mouth full.

"You're the youngest." Leah added.

"No, not anymore." I said pointing towards Lin.

"In that case: Lin, get it." Mika said with the same tone as before.

"You truly are lazy..." She said sighing and stood up to open the door. "Oh, hello, boys!"

"Turn on KBS!" Woojin exclaimed running inside.

We just stared at them confused so Minho picked up the remote control and changed the channel.

"Hey, we were watching that!" Mika exclaimed. "Wait, it's us!"

"I thought they would be airing the program next week?" I asked confused.

"Apparently they've changed it." Seungmin explained.

"Well, better for me. That way I can see at least some of it." Lin said shrugging.

The program was already at the point in which we did the random play dance and they had edited me with the phrases 'Dance Machine' and 'Unlimited Dance Database' around me while I danced, which made me blush.

"Soojin the dance machine!" Felix mocked me and I threw a pillow at him. "Worth it."

Hyunjin, who was behind me as we were on the left side of the couch and I was laying down between his legs, then chuckled and wrapped an arm around me.

Next, it was time for the game of the thread in the corridor and I was scared to see how they had edited it.

I had reasons to be scared apparently as they edited me with fire around me as I yelled I couldn't do it and edited my heels to look like bombs when I threw them to Hyunjin.

"You surely are scary..." Seungmin said.

"Am not!" I exclaimed. "It wasn't like that at all! It's just the editing which makes it look worse."

"Yeah, sure." Changbin said. "As if a five foot ten woman in high heels screaming at the top of her lungs wasn't scary at all!"

"Want to test if this woman's hand colliding with your face is scarier?" I said sarcastically and he immediately shut up.

"Thought so."

"Hey, chill! They are just joking." Hyunjin said kissing the top of my head.

"Sorry..." I said kissing his arm and cuddling onto him more.

"Wait, what the fuck?!" Jeongin suddenly exclaimed. "Are you two dating?!"

"Us? What?! No!" We said at the same time pulling away.

"Now that I come to think of it... you have been closer than ever during the trip." Mika added.

"That's because you and Chan were always together, so we ended up alone on more than one ocasion." Hyunjin said. "We are not dating. Point."

"Yes, sure. As if I believe you." Jeongin insisted. "I don't go kissing my friends' heads on a daily basis."

"So what?" I said this time. "I kissed you on the cheek the day of our debut and it meant nothing."

"If it means nothing then you can give a kiss on the cheek to Jisung without a problem, right?" Mika said and I wanted to murder her but still stood up to do it.

"Come here, Jisung." I said kissing his cheek, leaving my lipstick stain.

"I can die now!" Jisung joked and pretended to die, falling on top of Changbin.

Insead of pushing him away, though, Changbin closed Jisung's eyes as if he was dead, making everyone laugh.

"But Soojin already said she kissed Jeongin's cheek the other day." Leah said. "I think Hyunjin should be the one doing it. Why don't you kiss Mika, Hyunjin?"

"I have a boyfriend, thank you." Mika said wrapping her arms around Chan.

"It's just a friendly kiss, Mika. Sacrifice yourself for the cause!"

She then finally gave in and Hyunjin stood up to do it.

My blood began boiling as soon as he approached her and I couldn't bear to see it but I also didn't want to tell them we were dating. It was too risky.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now