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Here's my new year's gift for all of you! I hope you all have an amazing year full o happiness.


"You wish!" I said and hid the box of pepero sticks. "You play that with your boyfriend and leave me alone."

"You are no fun!" Mika said. "Anyways, I want to go for a walk. Does anyone want to join me?"

"I'll go!" Chan said. "Soojin, Hyunjin?"

"I'll pass." I said. "You two, lovebirds, can go together."

"And you, Hyunjin?" Mika asked.

"I'll pass too. I want to rest for a bit." He said and Mika and Chan finally left. "Now, where are those Pepero sticks?"

He then fetched them from underneath my pillow and opened the box again before popping one in his mouth.

"Come on. Let's play." He said.

"There's no point in playing when we both now how it will end." I said and bit the Pepero stick. "Because I can go as close as I want and nothing happens."

Just when I was about to kiss him, though, the door suddenly opened and we quickly sat down properly.

"I forgot my phone." Mika said and picked it up quickly before leaving once again.

"Well, that was close." Hyunjin said and layed down on the bed. "Tell me again why are we hiding it from them?"

"I don't know. I just don't want them to know." I said. "The more people who know about us, the higher the chances of being caught are."

"Fair point." He said and pulled me down to lay down next to him. "If getting to do this on a daily basis means having to hide it, I couldn't care less. I just want to be able to be with you."

"How did we go from friends to lovers? It still amazes me." I said suddenly.

"Because we were never friends in the first place." He said. "I've never seen you the way I see Mika or Leah."

"Even if I tried to deny it, a little piece of my heart belonged to you since day one." I said. "Hwang Hyunjin: the new boy who seemed completely lost and shared both interests and age with me. We were too similar."

"I think we still are in a way. Spending all of this time together has only made us have even more things in common. Plus, even if we were just friends, we really have had a lot of fun together."

"I remember how shy and reserved I was before I met you and the rest of Stray Kids." I said and we both laughed. "If I could go back in time, I would have definitely kicked my ass."

"We all have changed for the better, I think." He pointed out. "You and I became more confident, Jisung became less egotistic, Chan became more confident that he could debut, Mika became less independent and more willing to hang out with all of us... Getting to know each other truly has made a difference."

"You are like my second family. I think I see all of you even more than them, even!"


"Please, everyone, gather around!" One of the girls from the staff told us. "I just want to tell you some brief instructions before we go."

The other boys and girls were in our room because they told us they will be giving us some information to what we would be doing before we left to the beach, where everything was going to be recorded.

"Just some instructions. I think they are pretty obvious, but we'll go through them just in case." She continued. "First of all, just like at the other house, you should all way shirts in the case of the boys and all of the girls should wear swimsuits with shorts. If you are sunbathing we won't record you, so don't worry about that. Any problems?"

We then all shook our heads and she continued.

"Next, we will be playing some games to decide the order of your next task. We won't be saying what the task is until later." She said. "I was told one of you got hurt the other day at the pool. Who was it?"

"I actually was a little bit in pain for a few days, but I am all okay now." Seungkwan said.

"So you can play the games without a problem? If you feel the slightest bit uncomfortable, tell us immediately." She said and he nodded. "Now, the third thing. Use your time in the program as promotion time. What I mean is that you should promote your songs a little bit while you are recording. I'm not saying you directly tell the audience to listen to your music, but maybe you can sing some parts whenever it seems appropiate. That was all I had to say. Any questions?"

"We will work hard!" We all said and bowed before she left, the SM trainees following suit.

"I really want to have fun, but the two days with the kids left me exhausted." Seungkwan said sitting down on my bed after asking for permission.

"Oh, come on! You have survived world tours. Two days is nothing!" I told him.

I then began singing their song <Healing> which made him laugh, but he eventually stood up and joined me. It somehow ended up with us all singing acapella and dancing around, so we ended up even more tired than before.

"I must say I would have never expected you to know that song!" Mingyu said. "How is that so?"

"This girl right here had a slight obsession with Seventeen not so long ago and kept playing your songs on repeat." Mika revealed. "I'm pretty sure half of your views on YouTube are hers'."

"Did you really need to expose me like that?" I said and she just laughed. "I'm a proud Carat, can't I be one? At least my favourite group isn't in the army!"

"You didn't!"

"Oh, yes I did."

"You are so dead! How dare you say anything about Big Bang in my presence?! " Mika said and began chasing me around while I just laughed histerically.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now