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As the days went by, things became more hectic. I had to work on both our group comeback and my solo one and the little sleep I had was starting to wear me out. I never really drank coffee as I didn't especially like it, but I had been surviving thanks to it.

"The camera will zoom in on that part," the staff from MCountdown told me as we talked about how the stage will go. "Then we'll change to camera two."

"Do you think you will able to do that Instagram effect for the beginning?" I asked her.

"Yes, don't worry. We have already checked it and there will be no problem," she assured me.

"Perfect! Let's go over it once, then," I told her and she nodded before telling everyone we would do so.

Everyone then went to their spots and we went over it a couple of times. It all went smoothly, so we were all dismissed after that and told we could go home.

As the girls were preparing for our comeback, they weren't able to come with me. I was fine with it because I could do this alone and didn't really need anyone, but I must admit it was kind of boring without them.

I had told Yeongjae, our manager, I wanted to go back home on my own and go for a walk so he left reluctantly with the condition that I updated him on my whereabouts every half an hour. He was really protective over all of us and felt like an older brother from time to time, but that was one of his charms.

When I went out of the back exit from the venue, I saw someone there and greeted him politely thinking it was someone from the staff but, when he turned around, I saw he was Hyunjin.

"Finally! I have been waiting here in the snow for nearly twenty minutes!" He said wrapping me in a hug. "Put your disguise on. We are going out for dinner."

"On the last day before my debut?" I said and startled to walk away. "Nope. I don't think so!"

He then grabbed the back of my jacket and pulled me towards him, which made me sigh. If there was a clear thing in this life it was that Hyunjin never accepted a no as an answer.

"You and I. Date. Today," he said and placed my mask on my face. "Come on! You need to relax for a little! It's like an exam; you shouldn't study the day before."

"I was more of the cramming type," I joked. "Leaving things for the last minute is my forte. «NO» confirms it; procrastination at its finest!"

He just shook his head before taking my hand and starting to walk to the restaurant. He told me he had booked a table at one of the restaurants nearby, so we wouldn't have to walk for long.

As we were wearing our disguise and were together, no one really noticed who we were or simply ignored us, so I was thankful. I didn't mind it when fans approached us and always made sure to chat with them even for just a few seconds, but I missed the anonymous life from time to time.

When we reached the restaurant, it was slightly crowded but there was nothing we could do so we simply ignored it and went to our table. When we sat down, we both took off our disguise and, as he had been wearing a hat, his hair was all ruffled, which made me chuckle.

"What? Do I have something on my hair?" He said running his fingers through it.

"No, stop! You will mess it up even more!" I told him and handed him a small mirror I had in my bag. "You look cute when you let your hair natural and don't iron it."

"Did Lee Soojin just compliment me? Is it Christmas?" He joked and I threw him the cap from the soju bottled we had ordered. "I feel flattered."

"You keep saying that! I don't feel the need to compliment people all of the time. Actions often say more than words."

"But it feels great to hear it from time to time," he told me and I pouted. "Don't pout, it doesn't look cute on you."

"Hey!" I said hitting his arm while he laughed.

The waiter then came with our food so we immediately stopped playing around and began eating.

Halfway through our meal, a girl around sixteen years old approached us shyly.

"You are Hwang Hyunjin and Lee Soojin, right?" She asked and we nodded smiling. "Can I take a picture with you?"

"Yes, of course!" I said standing up. "Come here, Hyunjin!"

We then each stood at either side of her and did a finger V while her friend took a picture. Hyunjin was slightly further away from her but I gave her a side hug as we posed. That was one of the things I didn't like about this industry: boys couldn't get too close to girls or it would look as if they are dating or he is a pervert.

"Thank you!" She said bowing.

"Please, continue supporting us!" I told her.

"If you post it online, please wait until tonight. It's just for safety," Hyunjin told her.

"I understand, don't worry," she assured us. "Thank you and good luck on your debut, Soojin!"

She then went back to her table and we sat down to continue eating.

"Life has changed so much in just a year..." I told Hyunjin. "To think just last year you were on your debut survival program and I didn't even have any debut plans..."

"Many things have happened, indeed," he agreed. "We all debuted, Lin joined you, we started dating, we won the rookie awards, we joined that TV program, you all debut solo... What a hectic year! Oh, and the Sooyeon problem too!"

"Oh, right! I almost forgot about that!"

"How could you? We had to practically break up because of her and you had to stop promoting with your group!"

"When Jisung came to check on me the day we found out about the pictures, I was a complete mess. You should have seen me."

"I'm sure I wasn't any better. I spent every single day watching your programs and stages. I found some great compilation videos of your funny moments back then!"

"The fans are sometimes really evil," I said and we both chuckled. "What's going to happen to us next year? Will there be any more drama? Will we win any awards? Will any of us finally get a first win?"

"Let's hope and pray that happens!" He said. "What I am sure of is that we will go through it all together; the thirteen of us."

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now