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It was the eighth of April, three days before our debut, when we would record our first VLive extra episode. To introduce Stray Kids to the fans, we would be going to their fan sign as a joke and ask for their autograph while recording everything. They had no idea about it, though.

We began recording while we were inside the van. The filming crew had given us self-cameras but they would also be recording us.

"Fight for it: ResQ! Hello, we are ResQ!" Mika and I said to the camera doing our greeting. 

"Hello, I am Nishikino Mika!" She said. "Nice to meet you!"

"Hello, everyone. My name is Lee Soojin." I said to the camera.

"So today, as we are three days away from debut, we have decided to go around the city for a while and have some fun." Mika said. "But, before all of that, we will be going to Stray Kids' fan sign. They don't know we will be going, so it should be fun."

"For those of you wondering, Mika and I trained for a long time with them, do we are very close to each other." I explained just like Sooyeon had told me to. "I think we are almost there so let's go!"

When we arrived, we got out of the van and went to the side of were the fan sign was located so that their fans nor the boys saw us. We still had masks on as disguise. When the staff gave us the okay, we went to the line and went up the stage so that they signed our copies of the album. We were the last ones. Mika went before me and I went up a few minutes later.

"Jeongin, you are so cute!" I told him changing my voice a little so that he didn't recognize me.

"Thank you." He said blushing. "Thank you also for supporting Stray Kids."

I then went to the next person, who was Changbin, while trying not to laugh. They were truly blind.

"Changbin, marry me!" I said again changing my voice and he blushed like mad.

"Thank you for supporting and loving Stray Kids." He said trying not to make eye contact with me.

Next up was Hyunjin, who already had a dozen things from the fans on.

"Hwang Hyunjin, you are so handsome!" I told him as he signed the album.

After I said that, he looked up smiling but changed into a confused look when he saw me.

"Wait a second, do I know you?" He asked me. 

"I... I don't think so..." I said looking away but not realizing I had used my normal voice.

"Lee Soojin?!" He said and took the mask and the hat off of me. "What on earth are you doing here?!"

"Surprise...?" I said with an awkward smile and he began laughing.

A few places to the right, Chan had also discovered Mika so all of the boys looked at us shocked.

Once they had discovered us both, the camera crew went up the stage to film from up close and we could hear some of the fans cheering Mika and I's names when we turned around to face them.

"Lee Soojin!" One girl suddenly screamed on top of her lungs making me laugh.

"2TEAM!" A group of girls said next, dropping the mood immensely.

2TEAM was the group of girls who had the showcase at the same time as Stray Kids but they weren't chosen to debut. Many people were sending hate to Mika and I due to that as they thought they should have been the ones debuting and not us.

We weren't in bad terms with the girls at all, though. Ryujin, one of the girls from the group, and I were good friends, in fact. I was closer to Mika, but, before Leah came, we used to hang out a lot.

Trying to act as if though I didn't hear anything, I smiled back again and bowed to the fans before Mika and I did our greeting.

Hyunjin noticed how my smile was fake, though, and pulled me to the side once we went off the small stage. Mika stayed with the boys recording for our program.

"Are you okay?" Hyunjin asked me.

"Yeah, it was nothing. It's just that it is the first time I am hearing it in person so it hurt a little more." I told him. "Don't worry, I am okay."

"Are you sure?" He asked one more time trying to look for signs of me lying to him.

"Certain." I told him and ruffled his hair. "Now, you need to continue with the fansign. I won't take any more of your time."

After recording for two more minutes with the rest, the boys went back up on the stage to continue with the fansign. We stayed on the side for the whole time to wait for them to finish.

When they began singing <Grow Up> and Hyunjin's parts came, though, he began crying and wasn't able to do his part.

I looked to the side and silently asked Sooyeon for permission to go up to console him, but she didn't let me. I, in complete honesty, wanted to tell her to fuck off. The boys took care of him, though, and I sent him some reassuring smiles from down there whenever he looked my way.

A few minutes later, once the fan sign ended and the boys came off the stage, I immediately wrapped Hyunjin in a tight hug. He began crying again once I did that, so we both sat down on a bench nearby.

"Hyunjin, what happened?" I asked him once he calmed down a little but he didn't even look at me. "Please, Jinnie, look at me. Tell me what happened."

"It's just... The rumors..." He said sobbing. "People are saying I harassed a girl during middle school. You know I would never do that!"

"I know, Jinnie, I know. They are just rumors. People who truly know who you are won't believe these rumors." I said and grabbed his face to force him to look at me. "You are the most precious, most caring person I have ever met. I know you would never do that."

He then suddenly did the most unexpected thing: he kissed me.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now