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"Okay, guys. Time to work!" Seungcheol and Mika said at the same time, surprising each other.

"First the collaboration or the song?" Lin asked.

"The song. We'll work on the collaboration next week as we are also collaborating with the Stray Kids boys." Seungcheol explained. 

"Oh, right. We will be dancing to one of your songs all together." Leah remembered. "'Pretty U', wasn't it?"

"Yes, and then 'Crazy In Love' by ourselves," I added.

"Woah, 'Crazy in Love'?!" Hoshi asked shocked. "We have more than a week of work there, then."

"She already knows it. She can finish teaching it to us if we run out of time." Mika told him.

"You know it?!" Asked a shocked Jun.

"When I say I'm a Carat, I mean it," I said cockily before laughing.

"I would suggest that you start teaching us your dances now and we work on the song after lunch," Seungcheol suggested. "That way we can relax for a while and then go back to work if there's time."

"Sounds great!" Mika agreed. "Which songs are they?"

" 'Lil' touch' and 'Lady'," Woozi answered.

"Perfect. None of the dances are difficult, so this should be easy," Lin said.

"Will you all do them or just certain people?" I asked.

"Jun, Dino, Mingyu, Joshua and I will be doing 'Lil' touch' and Minghao, Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Seungkwan 'Lady'," Seokmin answered.

I then started laughing as I imagined them dancing to the songs. It was definitely a sight and I was actually really excited to see them doing them.

"I know you've just imagined it," Joshua said. "I bet reality will exceed your expectations."

We then divided ourselves into groups to start working right away. Leah and Mika would be working with 'Lil' touch' team and Lin and I would be working with the 'Lady' one. Leah and Lin would be the teachers while Mika and I would be watching them carefully making sure they got everything right and focusing on each of them individually.

"Have you already divided yourselves?" I asked the boys.

"Yes, we were talking about that yesterday," Seungcheol answered. "Minghao will take Lin's part, Jeonghan Leah's, Seungkwan Mika's and I will take yours'."

"Interesting choice!" Lin explained. "Wise yet interesting."

"The Chinese member doing the other Chinese member's parts. Seems planned!" I told them.

"Oh, you're right!" Minghao exclaimed. "I promise we didn't plan it. It was all coincidental."

After that, we got to work and Lin began teaching them the dance. I from time to time approached them to correct any position or posture, or fix any small mistake. I also helped Lin teach the parts that were done the opposite way depending on if you were on one side or the other.

They were amazingly quick learners. I guessed Soonyoung was really strict with them too as they weren't only quick but also precise.

"Soonyoung, what's your secret?" I asked him jokingly. "I've known Mika for five years and Leah for two yet they can't learn dances as quick!"

"What can I say?" He said cockily as he shrugged.

"He basically scolds us if we are just one degree off with our movements. You just learn to do it right just to not hear him," Woozi answered directly.

After having lunch with them, we, the ones working on the new song, went to Woozi's studio to start working on the song.

"Any ideas or preferences?" Jihoon asked us.

"I want us all to showcase our abilities, so hopefully a song with rap and vocals that we can dance to," I told him.

"I agree," Soonyoung said. "If we want to make the most of it we need to make sure we really showcase our skills."

"Then we should start working. Do any of you know how to produce?" Woozi asked us.

"Soojin and I," Lin told him. "We make the songs for the group."

"We can start working on the song right away, then," Jihoon said smiling. "I'm glad I won't have to work on this alone."

"Hey! We write the rap lyrics and Hoshi creates the dances!" Wonwoo protested.

Woozi then made an 'I'm going to slap you' motion with his hand but I grabbed his hand stopping him.

"We need to work. You can fight later," Lin told him.


Around three hours later we already had a draft for both the music and the lyrics and it was sounding really well. I dare even say I was surprised with how it was turning out. Hoshi had been already dancing along to it, trying to come up with some steps as we worked on the lyrics.

"I think I have a general idea of what we could do for the dance," he told us. "We can start working on it tomorrow in the afternoon."

"If you need any help, just say so," I told him and he nodded.

"Now I think we should divide each other into pairs for the sake of the dance," he told us. "As we are eight, being in couples for some of the parts will make the formations easier."

"I think we should follow the song order," Woozi suggested. "For example, we said that Wonwoo would take the first rap part and Soojin would follow, so I think that should be a couple. The same thing goes for Leah and Hoshi, Lin and Vernon and Mika and I."

"Fine by me," Mika agreed. "Does anyone have a problem with that?"

After we all shook our heads, Hoshi wrote the pairs down on a notebook and began doing some drawings of the different movements he came up with. The rest of us then began polishing the lyrics and the music, trying to make the song as outstanding as it could possibly be.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now