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"It's been nearly a week and Soojin isn't leaving her dorm, " I said wanting to pull my hair off while we all sat in our living room, Leah and Mika included, except for Jisung and Soojin. "Han isn't really taking either. I don't know what happened between them, but this is driving me insane."

"We've tried everything to get them talking, but it just doesn't seem to work, " Leah said sighing. "I don't want to force them to do it either, but the problem is between them, not with us. They should learn the difference."

"This wasn't a normal fight, Leah, " Seungmin said. "Han has never stayed mad for longer than a couple of days."

"And Soojin is pretty aggressive after a fight and you told us she calmly told you she wanted to be alone, " Mika added.

"Let me try to talk to her again, " I said standing up. "You try to talk to Jisung."

After that, I headed to the girl's dorm and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, Soojin finally opened it.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were all hanging out downstairs." She asked me confused.

"We need to talk," I said stepping inside. "And you must answer all of my questions, okay?"

"If it's about Han Jisung..." She said sighing.

"Of course it's about him!" I told her. "It's been a week, babe. How long will this keep going on?"

"He literally told me he doesn't see me as a friend, that we are merely acquaintances. Wouldn't you be hurt too?" She told me.

"Is that it?" I asked her shocked and she nodded. "Do you want to know why he told you that? He flipping likes you!"

"What?" She asked me confused.

"Soojin, he likes you! He's liked you for a long time now." I explained. "I almost gave up trying to get you to like me for him."

"So that's why he was angry? Because we announced we were dating?" She asked me and I nodded. "I'm going to talk to that asshole right now."

"Try not to cut his head off, please," I said. "We need our lyrical rapper."

"Don't worry." She said pecking my lips. "I won't."


When I finally got to the boys' dorm I immediately went to Jisung's room without knocking. Inside was also Changbin, who seemed to be talking to him about a serious topic.

"Sorry, I'll come back when you're done," I said closing the door again. 

"Soojin, wait!" Jisung said stopping me. "We need to talk."

"I'll leave you two alone," Changbin said standing up and squeezing one of my shoulders before leaving.

As soon as he closed the door, things became pretty awkward as either of us knew how to start. We both knew what we wanted to say but saying it wasn't the easiest thing ever.

"I'm sorry." We both said at the same time.

"Hyunjin told me," I told him. "The reason why you were mad, I mean."

"He did?" He said blushing. "Sorry about that..."

"Don't be. Is not as if we can help who we like or don't like." I told him.

"But that way things between us wouldn't be awkward." He said scratching his nape.

"I'm sorry I don't feel the same way about you, Jisung," I told him. "I truly think you are an amazing person, but you know my heart belongs to someone else."

"You don't need to apologise." He told me. "You like who you like, as you said."

"Did you really mean what you told me the other day? About not really being friends, I mean." I asked him. "Do you really think that."

"No, please, no! Forgive me!" He immediately pleaded. "I was a douchebag who didn't want to admit defeat. I didn't mean any of it. Please, forgive me!"

"It just hurt me a lot, you know?" I confessed. "JYP didn't have that many rappers when I joined the company, but when you joined I finally felt I shared something with someone that was around my age."

"So you basically felt the same way I felt with Changbin when he joined?" He asked and I nodded. "I didn't notice, sorry."

"I don't blame you. During that time I used to be really quiet and all."

"I used to think you were a vocalist until I saw you on a showcase, to be honest." He said and we both laughed. "You proved me wrong."

"So, are we okay again?" I asked him and he nodded. "Are we friends or just  acquaintances?"

"Best friends!" He said smiling. "I won't accept any less."

"Bestest friends!" I joked and hugged him. "I'm really sorry, Han."

"Stop it!" I told him. "There is nothing to be sorry about."

I then kissed his cheek and stood up to leave the room, opening the door and finding out all of the boys and girls were trying to listen to what we said.

"Interesting talk, right?" I said sarcastically.

"We couldn't hear a thing, so we don't know," Jeongin said, earning a slap upside the head. "What? They already caught us. There's no point in lying."

"It's okay, guys. Everything's settled now," Jisung said giving me a side hug.

"Hallelujah!" They all said and began cheering.

"Treat my best friend right, Hyunjin," Jisung told him. "I won't hesitate to chop your balls off."

"I wouldn't dare to do it." Hyunjin said.

"Congratulations, then." He told Hyunjin shaking his hand. "I swear this time I mean it."

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now