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"What the hell?!" I said turning around to see who it was and saw Haechan there. "You could have at least knocked."

"That wouldn't have been fun, would it?" He said laughing. "How have you been? We have a lot to catch up on!"

"Well, I just debuted a month ago. That's the only interesting thing I can tell you." I said chuckling." My life is pretty boring."

"Oh, come on! There must be something else!" He said and we both laughed.

Just then, the door opened and Hyunjin came in.

"Mika just told me I have to sle-" Hyunjin began saying but stopped once he saw Haechan. "Oh, sorry. I didn't know you had company."

"Don't worry, it's okay. We were just catching up with each other." Haechan told him. "Hwang Hyunjin, right?"

"Yes," he answered. "I can leave if you want to, I truly don't mind."

"No, please!" Haechan insisted. "Any friend of Soojin is my friend too."

"Come here!" I told Hyunjin extending my arm for him to take my hand. "Sit here with us!"

Hyunjin reluctantly did so and made sure he sat as close to me as he possibly could.

"I see you two are close, since when do you know each other?" Haechan asked us.

"We met over two years ago when he joined the company." I explained. "We have been close ever since."

"Oh, I see. So you technically have known me for longer, right?" Haechan said. "We went to the same class for three years."

"Technically yes." I agreed.

"But I believe I know her more. We basically spend all of our time together and it was almost like she lived in my dorm and vice versa." Hyunjin quickly pointed out.

"Chill down! No need to get possesive!" Haechan said laughing awkwardly.

There then were a few seconds of awkward silence until Haechan stood up.

"I think I'll go now. It was nice talking to both of you." He awkwardly said before leaving.

"What was that for?!" I asked Hyunjin and hit him with one of the pillows. "You just embarrassed me in front of my friend!"

"Since when are you two close and why didn't I know you knew him?" He asked me completely ignoring what I had told him.

"Are you kidding me? Are you honestly jealous of Haechan, a friend who I haven't seen in seven years?!" I asked him mad. "If we're starting this way we should have never even started it. I have my own friends whether you like it or not."

"Did I say you couldn't have friends? I just asked you about him!" He protested. "Sorry for caring about who you hang out with. I want to know who your friends are just like you can know who mine are."

"But that doesn't give you permission to act that way in front of him!" 

"Okay, I am jealous. Is that a sin?" He said. 

"No it isn't but-"

"But what?"

"But you have no reason to be jealous for!" I exclaimed and he shut up immediately. "I just told you I haven't seen him in seven years, why would you be jealous? Plus, I started dating you for a reason."

He then scratched his nape and blushed like mad which made me want to pinch his cheeks, but I was still a little mad at him.

"Sorry, you know it's my first relationship." He said.

"Don't worry, it's okay." I told him and layed down.

He then suddenly straddled me and leaned down so that he was inches away from my face.

"Are you mad?" He asked me and I nodded.

Instead of saying anything else he pecked my lips and I looked to the side trying not to smile like an idiot.

"If you thought that was going to work, you are absolutely wrong." I told him.

"Oh, but I think it did work." He said and kissed me again, this time for longer.

Once again the door opened abruptly and I pushed Hyunjin off of me, making him fall off the bed. Looking to see who it was, we saw Seulgi there.

"We're going to play some games by the pool and wondered if you wanted to join us." She said.

"Yes, sure. We'll be there in a second, thank you!" I said blushing.

She then sent me a knowing wink before leaving.

Once she closed the door, I buried my head on the pillow and I sighed.

"Did you really have to throw me off the bed?" Hyunjin said standing up.

"Seulgi knows." I told him without pulling my head up from the pillow.

"She knows what?" He asked sitting down on the bed again.

"She knows we are a thing." 

"But how could she know?" He asked confused.

"Well, Sherlock, I literally threw you off the bed when she came in, I was as red as a tomato and your lips are super plum right now?" I said.

"But my lips are always plump, let's be honest here." He said pointing towards his lips for me to kiss them.

"Could you please be serious? This could be a huge problem!" I told him.

"Let's talk to her later if you want to, but don't let this stress you." He said and pecked my lips. "Let's go now. We have somewhere to go, I believe."

He then went to his room to pick up his suimsuit while I changed into mine. As I wasn't particularly fond of showing too much skin, though, I also wore shorts over the swimsuit. Once we were both ready, we went downstairs with the rest.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now