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I was alone at the rap studio. Right then, I was the only rapper among the female trainees. Debut wise, that meant I had more chances; training wise, it meant classes were lonely and awkward sometimes.

"Hello, Mr. Jang." I said going inside the studio where the teacher was.

As I was the only one and he had known me for a long time, he told me to always go to his studio whenever we had class. He made me record rap covers as he said I was really good and wanted me to keep track of my improvement.

"We need to start working on a new song." He told me without even saying hello. He was like that, so I didn't care that much. "Choose anything that isn't bubblegum pop, please!"

Another perk of being so close to the teacher was that that I got to choose the songs I liked for the evaluations unless they were imposed from the beginning.

"Yes, please!" I agreed with him. "Anything but that!"

"Do you want to do a Got7 song this time?" He asked me.

"Yeah, sure, why not." I said shrugging. "Which one?"

"Their latest one is <Look>. They released it a few days ago, maybe a week." He said.

"Perfect. I actually quite like it." I admitted.

We then started working. Although I already knew the song, he made me listen to it once again so that I paid attention to the breathing and the rap flow.

Jackson, Bambam and Mark's rapping styles were extremely different. They each had their own techniques and colours that made their rapping so distinctive.

"Why don't you sing the whole song?" He suggested. "We have two weeks to work on this, which is ridiculously long, and you can sing too, so why not? At least that will keep us busy."

"Fine by me!" I said.

"If we see we have extra time, maybe we can work on another one you like, even if it's from another company."


After the rap class I had a break, but Leah and Mika had started their vocal class minutes before my break, so I had no one to hang out with.

I decided to stroll around the building and stopped outside Got7's room. They were rehearsing <Look> at that moment, so I looked at their expressions and tried to copy the steps from outside.

"Hey, someone's there!" Yugyeom said and stopped the music.

There was no use in trying to hide, so I just waited for them to open the door to apologise.

"I'm sorry for looking without your permission!" I immediately said once the door opened.

"Oh, Soojin, it's just you." Said JB. "Don't worry, you can look if you want to. Come in!"

After thanking him, I went inside and greeted the rest of the boys.

"Soojin!" Jinyoung exclaimed. "What brings you here?"

Jinyoung and I were slightly close as he had helped me during my first year of being a trainee when the other trainees would pick on me. I would always be thankful for that. I owed him a lot.

"I have free time now and just strolled around before seeing you rehearsing."I explained. "I'm actually covering this song for the next rap evaluation." 

"Really?" Mark said. "And how are you doing?"

"I literally just started today, but I really like the song, thank god!" 

"Why 'thank god'?"Yugyeom asked.

"If I have to cover one more Twice song for rap, I will go crazy." I explained. "They are good songs, don't get me wrong, but they just aren't rap. Dahyun and Chaeyoung's raps aren't really raps sometimes."

"Fair point." Said Bambam. "Do you want to see us practice? We will help you prepare for the evaluation later."

"Would you?" I asked and they nodded. "Thank you!"

They practiced for around an hour and decided to end it after that. They were all sweating and panting, so they sat on the floor to rest.

I picked up the water bottles that rested on top of the table on the side of the room and gave them out. They thanked me and I went back to the chair I was sitting on.

"Soojin, come here." Jackson said.

"Yes?" I asked once I stood beside him.

"Give your elder a back massage." He suddenly ordered.

"Hey! Why do you all keep pulling out the 'I am older' card?" I said but still gave him the massage.

"You know what? You remind me of someone." Jackson said.

"I hope that's not an insult."

"No! She is an old friend of mine. She must be around your age. Her name's Lin." He explained. "She's now in <Idol Producer> in China."

"But isn't that a male show?" I wondered aloud.

"She joined the program too. She's the only girl." He said. 

"I pity her!" I exclaimed while laughing.


Leah, Mika and I were at the canteen eating lunch while waiting for our next class. Leah and I had been asked to lose some weight, although not too much, so it was a torture seeing Mika eating like a pig.

"Can you be more thoughtful?" Leah scoffed. "I'm not asking you to go on a diet too, but a least don't eat a bacon sandwich in our faces."

"It's not my problem that I have a fast metabolism!" She exclaimed with her mouth full.

We pitifully ate our bland rice with kimchi and finished in around fifteen minutes.

"When's the next class?" Leah asked.

"In an hour and a half more or less." I answered looking at the time.

"Why don't we rehearse our songs? Maybe there's an empty dance room." Mika suggested.

"But we are supposed to book it at least a day ahead." Leah reasoned.

"Then let's hope it isn't booked right now and write our names!" Mika insisted and we had no choice but to follow.

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