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By the time we were done with our promotions, it was time for Stray Kids to come back with their new album 'I am who'. They had been working really hard on it, so I was really proud that they would finally be releasing it to the public. They would be performing at the UNVEIL showcase and, as we had already finished all we had to do, we decided to go to see them and cheer for them.

With the help of Sooyeon and their manager, we snuck into the backstage to see them before they went onstage.

"Surprise!" Leah yelled opening the door to their dressing room abruptly.

"What the heck?!" Yelled a changing Changbin quickly covering himself up. "Knock the next time!"

Changbin looked really embarrassed but the rest of us burst out laughing, including Leah.

"Changbin, it's just your chest!" Said Leah going inside the room and hugging him. "It's not as if you were on your full glory."

Instead of saying anything back, Changbin just pushed her away and quickly put his yellow t-shirt and flannel on.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Chan pecking Mika's lips.

"We came here to cheer for you," Mika answered. "We are taking the first row seats, courtesy of your manager. We will be obviously wearing a disguise, but still."

"Really?!" A happy Felix exclaimed. "You'll get to see us perform this time?"

"As if we would miss the opportunity!" Lin exclaimed. "My first live concert experience in Korea!"

"I sometimes forget you aren't Korean, to be honest." Said Woojin. "Anyway, I hope we live up to your expectations!"

"I'm sure I will," Lin told him smiling.

Checking out who was in the room, Hyunjin was nowhere to be seen. Jisung seemed to notice I was looking for him and quickly approached me.

"He just went to the restroom. He should be back in a minute," he told me. "I hope my company is sufficient until then."

"Why would you say that?!" I exclaimed hitting his arm. "Of course your company is more than sufficient, idiot!" 

"Do you guys know why ResQ's manager is out there?" Asked Hyunjin as he came inside looking at his phone.

My notification ringtone then rang across the room and he immediately looked up.

"Oh, shoot!" He said looking confused. "Why are you all here?"

"Is that a way of greeting your friends?" Lin scolded him hitting his arm. "At least pretend you are glad to see us or something!"

We then all stood there shocked. It was the first time we had seen Lin speak so comfortably with any of the boys, so it took us all by surprise.

"Sorry!" Lin said covering his mouth in embarrassment.

"Thank god!" Minho suddenly exclaimed hugging her. "I thought you didn't like us or something!"

After a few laughs, Hyunjin approached me and took me outside of the room. Luckily Sooyeon seemed to have left, so we didn't have to explain why we were leaving together.

When we reached a dead end in one of the corridors, he then wrapped me in a hug and pecked my lips.

"I haven't seen you in way too long," he told me. "I'm sorry for not hanging out with you due to our preparations for the comeback."

"It's okay. We were both busy," I said looking at his eyes and running my fingers through his hair. "At least we were able to see each other today."

"About that, what are you all doing here?" He said sitting down on the window sill next to us and patting the seat beside him signalling me to do the same. "Aren't you busy with your own schedules?"

"We finished yesterday," I told him as I sat down. "We only have the Idol Room program with all of you left."

"Talking about your promotions. Thanks for that kiss from your comeback stage," he told me winking. 

"Oh, shut up! Acting all girly was already embarrassing enough and that only made it worse!" I told him.

"I thought you were really cute," he said kissing the tip of my nose. "Although I also think the Soojin who dances to EXID's DDD is really amazing too. I wouldn't mind seeing more of that, to be honest."

"Oh, you disgusting man!" I said standing up and pulling him with me. "Come on, you need to get ready to perform. Let's go before you say something that makes me hit you."


With our disguises on, Mika, Leah, Lin and I headed to our seats on the first row to see the boys performing. Funnily, my seat was just in front of a Hyunjin stan, so I had to suppress my laughter more than once.

"How will he be dressed?" The girl behind me asked her friend. "I bet he can wear a potato sack and still look great with it! I love him so much! I am going to marry him!"

"Could you please stop for a second, Jieun?" Said her overwhelmed friend. "You like Hyunjin, I get it. But I bet he has a girlfriend. I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate it."

That made me lose it, and I stifled a quiet laugh so that they didn't see me. I noticed, though, that Lin must have heard it too as she was laughing too.

"He can't have a girlfriend! They have a dating ban!" The girl argued. "Besides, even if they didn't have one he would be waiting for me!"

Right when she finished saying that, the boys finally came up on stage to begin performing. 

All of the girls and I began cheering for them as soon as the song began. We were already familiar with it as we had heard it multiple times already, so we even sang along from time to time, trying not to make it too obvious, though.

I noticed that the boys were almost always looking at us. Changbin fixed his gaze mostly on Leah and Chan on Mika, but they overall looked at all of us.

When Hyunjin's part in the second verse came, he had to make sure I lost my mind. He looked at me in the eyes throughout the whole thing. He even sent me a cheeky wink when his last part came.

The girl behind me then began screaming because she thought he was looking at her, which made me lose it once again and I had to lean on Lin to support me as I was going to fall over from all the laughter.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now