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"Hi!" Mika said greeting everyone. "Thank you for coming."

"We trained together for so long we had to come to root for you." Jihyo told her.

We then naturally split into different groups. Somehow, Mika ended up with the Stray Kids boys while I ended up with the Twice girls.

"Hey, Soojin. Look!" Jeongyeon told me and pointed towards the boys. "Hyunjin's looking at you."

I then carefully looked towards him and saw that he was indeed looking at me. As soon as he saw I caught him, he looked away pretending nothing happened. It made me chuckle a little how obvious he actually was and how I never noticed it.

"See? I wasn't lying to you!" Jeongyeon said and sent me a wink.

A few minutes later, I excused myself to go and talk with the Stray Kids boys. When I reached them, I hugged I.N from behind.

"Jeonginie!" I said cutely, making him laugh. "Now you can't laugh at me anymore."

"My only opportunity to tease you is now gone." He said and pretended to cry.

I then looked to the side and saw Hyunjin clenching his fists slightly. Smirking, I kissed Jeongin's cheek and laughed.

Jeongin then wiped off his cheek with a disgusted face as the rest started laughing. Hyunjin, on the other hand, seemed to be clenching his fists tighter.

"I'm going outside for a second. I will be back." Hyunjin said and left.

"What happened to him?" Mika asked.

"He may just need some fresh air." Jisung said shrugging.

A few minutes later, I left too and searched for him. He was sitting down in one of the waiting areas alone and I approached him.

"What happened, Jinnie? Are you okay?" I teasingly asked him.

"Yes, perfectly fine." He said looking away. "You can go back with your 'Jeonginie'. He must be waiting for you."

"It's just a second." I said. "By the way, doesn't he look really handsome today for some reason?"

Hyunjin then stood up and approached me. I was shocked and started to back away until I hit a wall. He then placed his hand on the wall right next to my face, making me unable to move.

"I dare you to say that again." He told me. "I dare you to say that to my face."

"Why? Are you perhaps... jealous?" I teased him. I didn't know when I got the courage to flirt with him so directly.

"You wish." He teased me back.

He then leaned foward slowly, testing the waters, and when he saw I wasn't going to pull away, got ready to kiss me.

"Here you are! We were looking for you!" Jeongin said so I immediately pulled away.

Hyunjin then punched the wall and looked at Jeongin with murderous eyes.

"You have three seconds to run away or I will use your face as a punching bag." Hyunjin threatened I.N so he immediately ran away.

I laughed at the situation and, once I calmed down, looked at the clock on the wall.

"Oh, I need to go. We'll be going up on stage soon." I told Hyunjin. "Thank you for coming to cheer for us!"

I then kissed his cheek and went back with the rest without looking back, a grin obviously plastered on my face.


After Hyunjin and Soojin left, we continued chatting for a few minutes and I then pulled Chan outside.

"Where are we going?" He asked me.

"To have some alone time. Now that we can't go to each other's dorms we barely have time to be together." I told him.

"I know... We will find out a way, though." He said and entertwined our fingers. "Wait, is that the bracelet I gifted you? Are you going to wear it on stage?"

"The stylists told me it was okay for me to do so after I told them it is important for me." I explained.

"How can I love you so much?" Chan said and kissed me passionately.



Finally the rime to go on stage came and we said our last goodbyes to everyone as trainees.

"I'm so proud of you, Soojin." Hyunjin said and hugged me. "Just be yourself, everyone will love you."

After that, Mika and I left and waited on the stairs for the staff to tell us to go up.

"For the start of something big!" I said as we cheered for each other one last time. "I'm glad you are the one I will be debuting with. Thank you for always being there."

"Let's hope Leah can join us soon too." Mika added. "Until then, fighting!"

We then finally went on stage and greeted everyone who came to see us.

"Fight for it: ResQ! Hello, we are ResQ!"

I saw some of the people there holding posters with my name on it and it made me smile. Most of the people who came to watch us were boys, but there were also many girls, so I was happy about that.

The time for the performance finally arrived and we began singing and dancing. We focused on getting everything right as  well as portraying our stage personas. I was having a blast throughout all of it and I think everyone could see it.

To our amazement, the fanchants were really loud. It seemed like they were enjoying the performance as much as us.

I was in my element. Everytime I went on stage I felt this rush of happines which was undescribable. I knew I wanted to be a performer. There was nothing I would rather do.

The song sadly came to an end. Everyone started cheering loudly and we finally were able to relax after the staff told us they had finished recording.

"Well, well, well..." I said. "Did you hear those fanchants, Mika?"

"Indeed!" She said. "They were amazing."

"But... I think they can do better." I said turning towards the audience. "Can you?"

"Yes!" They all cheered.

"We will be back in a few minutes to perform <Lower>." Mika announced.

"Until then, make sure to warm up your voices. I expect the best fanchants ever heard!" I told them and they cheered again before we left.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now