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The next morning we all went to Hong Kong for the next MAMAs. This time, I slept throughout the entire plane ride as after JYP's approval I was far more relaxed. The digital version of <No> had also premiered at 12 am, so I had no worries.

When we arrived there, Lin told us her boyfriend, Chengcheng, was out waiting for us. She was really excited as they hadn't seen each other since the start of summer when Lin went to China to record a program with the group. I was very happy for her and so were the rest of the girls.

"Why are you walking so slowly?" Lin said as we walked through the airport.

"Chill down, Lin!" Minho said giggling. "Your lovebird isn't going anywhere."

"Very funny, Minho," she said rolling her eyes and kicking his bottom literally. "Move quicker now, will you?"

When we finally reached the hall area, dozens of fans were there screaming their lungs out. Our security guards had to make way for us so we could go through them, but they were all thankfully very polite and moved without a protest. That allowed us to even stop to take a few pictures, sign some autographs and take some of the gifts and letters they handed us.

"Soojin!" One of the fans exclaimed louder than the rest.

"What?" I playfully answered in Chinese.

"Marry me!" He exclaimed making me laugh.

"What did he say?" Jisung, who was beside me, asked.

"He asked me to marry him," I translated.

"Sorry, she's taken!" Hyunjin exclaimed in Korean while placing his arm around my waist.

"Lin, beautiful!" Yelled another one.

"She's taken, sorry!" We heard Chengcheng say as he seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"Cheng!" Lin exclaimed and ran towards him.

It was a heart-touching moment no matter who you were. She literally jumped into his arms and they hugged tightly, Lin even shedding a few tears.

The fans there were all taking pictures and recording the moment, so I took a mental note to search for them later so I could tease them forever.

After their little moment, we went to the airports' parking area to hop on our vans to get to Lin's house as she had invited us there. Without really noticing, all of the couples were together, leaving Leah alone with the boys.

"Can you take a picture?" I heard Leah ask one of them as we waited in front of the mechanical staircase for our managers to arrive with the vans.

Seeing what she was trying to do, all the three couples kissed while Leah crouched down in front of us and flashed the middle finger to the camera.

Seeing what she was trying to do, all the three couples kissed while Leah crouched down in front of us and flashed the middle finger to the camera

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"You could tone the PDA down a little, you know?" Leah told us. "Eight people here are single pringle!"

"Talk about yourself!" Jisung and Felix exclaimed as they clung onto Minho and Changbin respectively, making us burst out laughing.


When we arrived at Lin's home we were all amazed by its size. Apparently, with the help of her brother, the two siblings had bought her father a new, bigger house so he could live more comfortably because their old one was really small and with her mother, who Lin couldn't stand.

"This looks like a mansion!" Mika said, her mouth agape.

Once we were all out of the vans, Lin knocked on the door and a man in his mid-fifties opened the door

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Once we were all out of the vans, Lin knocked on the door and a man in his mid-fifties opened the door.

"Lin!" His father exclaimed opening the door. "My baby Linlin..."

From what Lin had told us, she was far closer to her father than she was to her mother. You could even say sometimes she didn't even stand her no matter how much she tried.

Their parents were divorced but they still lived together for some reason, so the siblings wanted to stop that and therefore bought him a house.

"Hello, Mr.Zhu," Chengcheng greeted him.

"Hello, son how have you been?" He asked him and shook his hand.

I was the only one who spoke Chinese fluently, so I felt it was my duty to introduce us to Lin's father.

"Hello, Mr Zhu. We are Lin's friends, nice to meet you. "I said and told them all to bow.

"Oh, you speak Chinese?" He asked me and I nodded. "Great! I have been trying to learn Korean so I could talk to you all, but that didn't seem to work very well."

"Don't worry, dad," Lin told him. "We can translate what you want to tell them."

After that small interaction, we all went inside and Lin told us there were three rooms we could share as well as an extra bed in her room.

"Do we need to be all boys and all girls?" Woojin asked her.

"You can divide ourselves how you please. It's not like Lin and Chengcheng haven't slept together before," Mr Zhu said in Chinese making me laugh and the couple blush.

"I didn't understand a thing but I guess that was a no," Woojin said. "How should we split up, then?"

"We can simply play rock-paper-scissors or go inside the room we like the most," Chan suggested.

"Alright, let's go upstairs, then!" Lin said and we went up.

We decided to go in order by age except for me who I told them I would just go inside the remaining one as I didn't care which room I was in. One by one they all left and, a couple of minutes later, Chengcheng called me as Lin was downstairs helping her father with something.

"Which room is it?" I asked him.

"The one on the left, sorry," he said and I looked at him confused not knowing why he should be sorry.

When I went inside, I completely understood what he meant. Changbin and Seungmin jumped up and down excited when they saw me while Jisung fell to his knees defeatedly.

"I demand a rearrangement!" Jisung exclaimed.

"You wish!" Seungmin said. "She isn't going anywhere!"

There then was a knock on the door and Leah went inside.

"Oh, thank God! I thought I was the only girl who ended up alone!" She said before seeing Jisung and laughing.

"Don't laugh at my disgrace!" Jisung told her.

"You must be the unluckiest person alive!"

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now