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After a week had passed, it was Seventeen's turn to come to JYP to rehearse. We had been really productive during the whole week and already finished the new song, so the only thing left was to perfect it and make sure it was all in the best state possible even if we wouldn't be performing it until the MAMA at the end of the year.

"Mika, has Chan told you when they are coming?" I asked her as I placed all the warm beverages and snacks I had bought on the table.

"He said they'll be here in five minutes," she answered as she set up the laptop and the speakers. "Any news of the Seventeen boys?"

"They are almost here," Lin answered standing up to help me. "Minghao sent me a message saying they are just a few streets away."

I then left Lin to set everything up and went to the lounge room where there was a mini fridge to store all the cold drinks for later there so they wouldn't warm up while we rehearsed.

"Good morning!" Someone suddenly said enthusiastically making me jump.

"Shoot!" I said before turning around. "Oh, it's you!"

"Sorry for scaring you," Seungkwan said chuckling. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just putting some drinks on the fridge for later," I told him. "Don't worry Minghao, I bought you some tea and I kept a water bottle out as I know you don't drink anything cold."

"Thank you," Minghao said with a smile.

We then went to the rehearsal room and the Stray Kids boys were already there, so we went straight to work. Seventeen would be showing us Pretty U first as they said it was the easiest and the most fun to do. I already knew it, so I just had to concentrate on doing Soonyoung's specific parts.

"Why are we even here?" Soonyoung asked me as he taught me one of his parts. "You could just teach it to them!"

"Hey, stop it!" I said playfully pulling him on a headlock. "You should be glad I know your songs!"

"Okay, okay! I surrender!" He said and I let him go.

We then continued fairly normally although I could see some of the boys sending glances to the girls who were working with their respective Seventeen member. Even Hyunjin seemed to look jealous as he sent me glances.

"Hey, Mika!" I called her and she approached me. "You realise Chan and Hyunjin are jealous, right?"

"Yes, I have noticed," she answered. "I sense you have an idea in mind."

"I indeed do," I said cheekily. "Let's get them jealous for a reason."

"I like what I hear!" She exclaimed. "I'm in!"

After that, we went back to work and Mika and I tried to be as close to Jihoon and Soonyoung as possible. We both saw Chan and Hyunjin fuming which only made it more entertaining. Neither Soonyoung nor Jihoon seemed to mind the skinship, which made it a lot easier for both of us.

"Im exhausted. Let's take a break," Jeonghan pleaded.

"Yes, please. I think we should stop for a while," Hyunjin quickly agreed.

We then all stopped and nearly everyone sat down on the floor while I went back to the lounge room to pick up all the drinks and prepare Minghao's tea.

"Can you please explain what was going on out there?" Hyunjin suddenly exclaimed from behind me.

"What are you talking about?" I said still doing my things without turning around. "I was just rehearsing."

"Yes, right," he said sarcastically and turned me around so I faced him. "Do you think I'm an idiot?"

"It depends on the moment," I answered smiling. "Are you jealous, Jinnie?"

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now