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At around half past ten all of them began drinking, so Haechan, Hyunjin and I decided to go to bed already to not handle those drunken beings.

"I'm going to have a shower." Hyunjin said.

"Okay. I'll shower too when you're finished, " I told him and sat down on the bed with my laptop.

" '원래 그래 나비들은 예쁜 꽃을 보면
앉고 싶어 해요 (They say that when butterflies see a pretty flower they want to sit on it).'" I sang. "Why do I have that melody stuck in my head, for heaven's sake!"

I then decided to check online to see if it already existed and was from a song that I had heard, but found nothing.

"Well, I guess we have a new song!" I said and took out my laptop to work on it.

Just then, Hyunjin began singing "A" by Got7 obnoxiously loud. The song was extremely cocky and he had been singing it to me whenever we were alone ever since we started dating.

"Okay, you want to be cocky? I'll be cocky too!" I said to myself and began working on the song.

A few minutes later, by the time Hyunjin got out of the shower, I already had the chorus done and I was really pleased with how it sounded. It was really bubblegum for my taste, but I somehow really loved it.

"What are you working on?" Hyunjin asked as he sat down on the bed next to me.

He was only wearing a robe over his underwear so I got really flustered. I quickly closed my laptop so that he couldn't see it and stood up.

"Nothing, I was working on nothing." I said leaving the laptop on the table.

"Why don't you want to show it to me?" He asked me.

"I was working on nothing, don't stress over it." I said touching the tip of his nose.

He then pecked my lips and gave me a hug.

"Can I stay like this forever?" He said burying his head on the crook of my neck.

"I have to shower, Jinnie." I told him. "Just wait for a few minutes."

He finally let me go and I took my things to go to the shower. I always made sure to stream our songs from the mini album, so I played them and sang them in the shower. I was really proud of the lyrics of "Yes I Am" so I always sang along louder than with the others.

Once I finished, I got out of the shower and put on my pajamas which consisted of a long t-shirt and shorts. On top of that I wore my shower robe so that my wet hair didn't drip onto my clothes.

I then left the bathroom and saw Hyunjin drying off his hair in front of the wall mirror.

"Lend me that when you finish." I told him.

"Come here." He said and made me sit down on the chair.

He then began drying my hair and I couldn't help but take a picture.

"Your hair is super soft

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"Your hair is super soft." He said as he dried it.

"Thank you." I told him and kissed his hand.

Just then the door opened and we looked to the side to check who it was. Luckily it was only Chan.

"Hello!" He said. "I just wanted to tell you that tomorrow we have to be downstairs for breakfast at nine."

"Thank you." Said Hyunjin. "Is Mika alright? She seemed to drink quite a bit."

"She's fine, don't worry. She stopped once she started becoming tipsy. I can't say the same about others..." He said shaking his head.

Just then we heard Seungkwan and Mingyu singing Big Bang's <Sober> at the top of their lungs which made us laugh.

"Well, goodnight." Chan said and closed the door.

Hyunjin then finished drying my hair and we both sat down on the bed.

"You should put on you pyjama, " I told him.

"I have it already on." He said.

"But I can see your chest with that robe." I pointed out.

"I'm only wearing the bottom half. The weather is really nice." He said. "You don't mind, right? If you do I can wear something."

"No, don't worry." I reassured him. "I don't mind."

I then took the robe off and hung it on the bathroom for it to dry before going back to the bed and laying down. A minute later, Hyunjin joined me.

We layed down in silence and started into each other's eyes. I then suddenly smiled which made him smile too.

"Why did you smile?" He asked.

"I just remembered something." I told him.

"And what was it?" He said leaning towards me.

"I just remember when you kissed me the day of the fanmeet." I explained. "You made me feel so confused."

"Confused?" He asked.

"You kissed me yet you said you weren't supposed to do that. Right then I was oblivious about my feelings too, so I couldn't understand why I felt a strange sensation in my chest when we were together." I confessed.

He then kissed me without hesitation and pulled me closer. He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed me passionately for a few seconds before pulling himself up and straddling me.

"Tell me again why I took so long to do that?" He said and we both chuckled before kissing again. "This feels so strange yet so good."

"Who would have thought I would end up falling in love with my best friend?" I told him and he grinned like an idiot.

"I would say I love you to the moon and back, but that would be lying because I love you more than that."

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