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Once we all sat down, the MCs began the profile segment.

"Real name: Nishikino Mika," Seyoon read from her card. "Position: main vocal and high note supporter."

"How far up can you go?" Sangmin asked her.

"I don't really know the exact note," Mika admitted embarrassed.

"Around C7?" I said. "I don't know exactly either, but it should be around that."

"And which note is that?" Seyoon asked confused making me laugh.

I then stood up to fetch my phone and went back to my seat while searching the music app I had on my phone. I then played the note on the virtual piano for them and they looked at me shocked.

"You're joking, right?" Sangmin said.

"No, I'm not! I promise!" I said. "Mika, do it!"

"You expect me to do it without warming up?" She said.

"Yes, I do!" I challenged her.

"Well, okay. Let's give it a go," she said before doing a couple of short and simple warm-ups.

Once she was ready, I played the note again for her, but she told me to start going up from C6 until she got there.

I did as she requested and both the MCs and the crew were shocked to see her nailing them.

"I must admit I was wrong," I apologised. "She doesn't reach C7, she reaches C#7!"

Everyone was even more shocked than before and looked incredulously at a dying Mika.

"Although I may be able to reach them, please don't give me a song with those notes," Mika pleaded.

"I can't promise anything!" I said smiling.

"Okay, let's continue," said Shinyoung. "Strange talent: Maths."

"What do you mean by maths?" Seyoon wondered.

"Math used to be my favourite subject at school and I was really good at it," Mika explained.

"Let's give her a problem, then!" Sangmin said picking up a paper and handing it to her. "We threw some integrals in there. Try to solve it."

"In the meantime, we will continue with Leah's profile," said Seyoon. "So, Leah, the other girls said your speciality in the group is flexibility. Can you prove that?"

Leah then stood up to do some splits but Mika then suddenly said she was done, taking us all by surprise.

"Already?" Shinyoung asked shocked. "Are you kidding us?"

"No, I really finished it," she said showing the answer to all of us. "The answer is eight thirds."

"Is that right?" Sangmin asked the staff behind the cameras and they all said it was. "How on earth did you do that so quickly?! I couldn't even understand anything on the paper!"

"We told you she's good at math!" Leah exclaimed.

"Well, after this unexpected moment, show us your flexibility, Leah," Seyoon told her.

Leah then suddenly did a split dropping down effortlessly. After that, she bent forward until her forehead touched her leg.

"Oh my god!" Seyoon said horrified.

"Are any of you also flexible?" Shinyoung asked the rest of us.

"Not at all!" Lin said. "I'm as flexible as a rock."

"Same here!" I said high fiving her.

"Here it says your nickname is 'Duality queen', Leah. Why is that?" Sangmin asked her once she sat back down.

"It's because on the pictures we post and my parts of the songs are mostly cute but, in real life, I'm the complete opposite." She answered honestly. "I would even dare say that I'm the least feminine and cute out of all of us."

After a few minutes of talking about that, it was my turn for the profile and I was a little scared to see what the others had written about me.

"Lee Soojin, 2000 liner," Seyoon said reading the profile. "Specialty on the group: composer. Do you compose the songs?"

"Yes, I created all of the songs on this album and also on the previous one. Lin helped me with some of the new ones," I explained.

"You really have talent, then," Sangmin said. "Distinct body features: height and long lashes."

"How tall are you, Soojin?" Shinyoung asked.

"1,78 metres (5'10")." I told him and he was extremely shocked.

I then caught all of them looking at my feet and staring at me in shock.

"I thought both you and Lin were wearing heels!" Shinyoung exclaimed. "You are giants!"

"The maknae line going strong!" Lin exclaimed high-fiving me.

"I now get your nickname," Sangmin said reading the profile. "Lee the tree seems quite fitting."

They then all burst out into a fit of laughter while I just sat there looking embarrassed.

"Next, it says here you have a weird ability to create music with anything around you," Shinyoung said after calming down. "Could you create something with things around the set?"

I then stood up and began tapping the chairs, the corkboard and even the spare hairtie I had on my wrist. I then asked Lin to play a pattern tapping on the chair, Mika to tap the corkboard in another one and Leah to hit the metallic bar on the stool while I made some sounds with the hairtie. All together it actually sounded really nice. I to place the hairtie really close to the microphone so that it could be heard, though.

"That's honestly really impressive!" Sangmin said perplexed.

It then was time for Lin's profile.

"Real name: Zhu Lin. Ability: strength." Seyoon read. "How strong would you say you are."

"I'm not that strong!" She told me as she guessed I was the one who wrote it.

"She literally beat all of the boys on the chinese program she was in," I told them. "She's really strong."

The MC's then challenged her on arm wrestling and they brought a table in for them to be able to do it.

With ease, Lin defeated all of them, including some of the cameramen which the MCs selected.

"Are you even human?!" Exclaimed Seyoon holding his pained arm. "There was no need for you to smash my hand on the table!"

"Sorry about that! I though you would be stronger!" Lin said embarrassed.

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