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"Soojin?" Chan asked looking up

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"Soojin?" Chan asked looking up. "Why are you carrying him? Is he okay?"

"Yes, don't worry," I said as I laid him on the couch. "I don't think my back is, though. It really hurts..."

"Why didn't you call me?! I would have helped you!" He told me.

"How would I know you were awake? It's three in the morning!" I reasoned.

"Okay, fair enough," he said. "Let me carry him to the bedroom. I'll be back in a second."

He then picked Hyunjin up and took him to his bedroom while I sat down on the couch groaning because of my aching back.

"He owes me a big one!" I muttered to myself as I massaged my right shoulder with my left hand.

"You really are something, Soojin." Said Chan as he came back. "You do realize you've carried more than your weight here, right? You could have hurt yourself badly."

"I couldn't come up with any other option, so let's just be thankful nothing bad happened," I told him.

"Come here," he said motioning me to sit on the floor in front of me. "I'll give you a massage."

"I won't say no to that!" I said doing what I was told.

We then stood there in comfortable silence as he gave me the massage and I picked up the notebook he was writing on.

"A love song? This is new!" I said as I read it.

"It's for Mika, so I'm trying to make it as perfect as I possibly can," he confessed. "Due to our own promotions we aren't able to be together that much, so I want to surprise her with a song before the year ends."

"You two are just too cute to be true!" I said with a smile.

"You are not one to say that!" He told me and I looked at him confused.

"When you told him that Oh! My Mistake was meant for him he took that as a challenged and basically wrote the lyrics for I am you!" Chan explained.

"Wait, what?!" I exclaimed. "Why didn't I know about this!?!"

"Didn't he tell you?" He asked me and I shook my head. "You should ask him, then. Pretend I didn't say anything."

"Alright," I told him. "Can you sing me Mika's song? I really want to hear it."

"Okay, but it's not finished," he told me before proceeding to sing it.


The next day, we were all in the backstage room for the boy's showcase waiting before they had to go up on stage

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The next day, we were all in the backstage room for the boy's showcase waiting before they had to go up on stage. They were all almost ready but there was still an hour left.

Lin and Seungmin were chatting as he got his makeup done and Mika went out with Chan to walk around the building, which left me alone with the rest of the boys.

My back had been hurting a lot since I took Hyunjin home, so I sat down on the sofa and tried not to move too much so I didn't worsen it.

"Are you okay, Soojin?" Felix asked me. "Is the pain not going away?"

"Not at all," I told him. "I even dare say it keeps getting worse."

"What did you do?" Hyunjin said as he began massaging my back. "Can't you be left alone for a second?"

"I carried you to the dorms because you fell asleep, idiot!" I exclaimed. "You could at least be thankful!"

"Wait, what?!" He asked shocked. "I woke up a little and saw Chan carrying me!"

"Because he took you from the living room couch to your bed!" I said and began hitting him lightly. "I nearly broke my back for you yet you can't even say thank you!"

"You carried him on your own?!" Felix exclaimed. "Woah, you are strong!"

"Apparently not enough," I said as a wave of pain hit me.

"Sorry..." Hyunjin said back-hugging me. "Thank you..."

"Shut up!" I told him with a small smile.

We then talked for a while about random things until Mika and Chan came back with our managers.

"Are you better, Soojin?" Yeongjae asked me. "I brought you heat packs."

"Oh, yes, thank you!" I said taking the heat packs.

With the help of Hyunjin I then stuck them on my back and it already felt much better. I hadn't told Yeongjae the reason why my back was hurting, so he thought it was just from dancing.

"JYP wishes you good luck," Stray Kids' manager said. "Also, he wants to see your performances for the MAMA's tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?! We barely had time to rehearse them!" Changbin protested.

"He said he was busy the rest of the week and wanted to get it done. There was nothing I could do," he explained. "What I'm worried about the most right now is Soojin's condition. She doesn't look good at all."

"I'm okay, don't worry about me," I told them trying not to hiss as a wave of pain swept over me. "I'll be fine by tomorrow."

"I don't know if I can trust you..." Said Yeongjae.

"Please, do. If tomorrow I'm feeling worse, I'll go to the hospital," I said trying to convince him.

"Okay, but don't lie to me! Your comeback is coming soon and you need to be on your best condition!" He told me and I pinky promised it.

"Stray Kids, get ready to go on stage!" A staff member told them.

"That's our cue to go!" Said Chan standing up from the couch.

"We'll be cheering for you on the first row as always," Mika said before pecking Chan's lips.

"Don't I get one too?" Hyunjin cutely asked.

Sighing, I pecked his lips before getting near his left ear to whisper to him.

"If it's true you wrote that song for me, you better sing it to me today," I said before standing up and going with the girls with a grin on my face.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now