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Once JYP left and we were left alone with Doni and Coni, it was time to formally start the program.

"Let me introduce Stray Kids and ResQ, who JYP strongly recommended, "Doni said.

"The meaning of Stray Kids is that the nine members will gather together to go out of the box and lead the pack," Chan explained.

"What does 'Stray' mean?" Doni asked.

"It means 'wandering away'," Chan explained. "We're going to find the way."

"Let's find the way and go straight," Coni said. "What about ResQ?"

"ResQ means that, whenever things go wrong, we are always there to cheer you up and to save you from whatever may be going on." Explained Mika.

"So, whenever Stray Kids lose their way, you will be there to ResQ them?" Doni joked making us all laugh. "Anyway, you both came on 'Idol Room' six and five months after your debut."

"You are facing these two masters within a short period of time," Coni bragged. "If we touch idol groups, they're going to become stars."

"We were embarrassed first since we have heard it for years, but now I believe so." Continued Doni.

"It's our honour," Chan played along.

"I heard two of you are good at dance performances. We'll play some songs, if you think it's your song, push others, come forward and dance alone. One from each group. The others should be behind them."

The music then began and coincidentally Chan and Mika came up and started dancing. They simply just did whatever and played around.

Then Chan began doing some freestyle JYP type rap making the MC's embarrassed, but the rest of us hyped him up.

"If the song stops, you need to introduce yourselves," Coni told us. "It must be embarrassing, but be bold."

"Don't try to set the mood," Doni warned us. "It wasn't that exciting. When viewers watch it on TV it will look awesome. Don't get too excited, stay calm."

The next song then began and Minho and Lin went up. As it was a kind of sexy song, they somehow began dancing together in such a way, making us all uncomfortable.

"I'm responsible for hip-hop performance, sexy Lee Know," he introduced himself.

"And I am the dancer and rapper, Zhu Lin." She said winking to the camera.

"Ahh... too much," Coni said. "You must really be comfortable around each other to do that. I'm afraid we won't be able to air that as this program is family friendly."

The next song was 'River Flows in You' by Yiruma, meaning it was a sad piano instrumental. All of us, the girls, stayed behind, but Jisung came up, shocking us.

He then began freestyling something, but it honestly looked embarrassing. We were all cringing our souls out from our spots.

"Hello, I'm from Stray Kids. Others may think we're a bunch of troublemakers but we are nice and cute, more than you think. I'm rapper Han of Stray Kids," he introduced himself rapping.

"Others might think they are monsters but they are cute," Coni repeated.

The next song was Shoot me, and Seungmin immediately went up, doing a random dance.

"Hello, I'm Seungmin, Stray Kids' dandy boy." He said once the song finished.

"After he finished his dance he looks like a dandy boy. What was that?" Coni said.

"As the original composer of the song, Lin, what do you think of this?" Doni asked Lin making us laugh.

"I think Day6 should hire him as a background dancer for all of their concerts," she joked.

The next song then began and 'On my Feelings' by Drake played. I really enjoyed that song so I immediately went up and saw Hyunjin coming up too. We had danced along to that song multiple times and even made up a little dance for it, so we immediately did it.

"Hello, I'm responsible for dance. Lee Know, Felix and I are making our band's performances. I'm Hyunjin from Stray Kids," he said.

"Hello, I'm the main rapper and dancer as well as the composer of the group, ResQ's Soojin." I said to the camera bowing.

"Don't lie to us. You prepared this one." Coni said talking about the dance.

"We both liked the song and created a dance," Hyunjin explained.

"But we wanted some freestyle dance, not a prepared one!" Doni protested.

"Let's try again," said Coni. "Music... Cue!"

Bad by Christopher then played and we both improvised a couple dance, sometimes acting sexier than we intended to. When the music stopped we did the same greeting again.

"I see why both of you are in charge of dancing now." Said a socked Doni.

Next were Leah and Woojin with Hard Carry by Got7. They danced along with the original dance and the MC's just sighed.

"I'm Woojin, a powerful and charismatic member of Stray Kids." Woojin introduced himself.

"And I'm Leah, the duality queen of the group," she said and pretended to shoot the camera.

Next was Jeongin who danced to a trot song.

"Felix and Changbin are left. Let's add a rule. We have only one song to play. One can't introduce himself." Doni said.

"Only one can go," added Coni.

"Felix is in danger of being eliminated," Doni joked. "Will he pass the audition of self-introduction? Beating Changbin, will he be able to introduce himself?"

Immediately after the song began Changbin went up, meaning Felix wouldn't be able to introduce himself.

I quickly went towards Felix and hugged him from behind as he pretended to be hurt.

"I'm a visual member," Changbin suddenly lied.

"Hang on. You didn't know the rule, you can't lie." Doni and Coni said stopping him. "You are not a visual member, you are not that good looking."

They then gave Felix another chance by making them repeat that once again and Felix took the opportunity to introduce himself as it was his part at the beginning of their song 'Rock'.

When he did the Fortnite danced, though, I facepalmed. I was really sick of that game but he seemed to really love it.

"Hello, I'm Stray Kids' Felix who has a booming voice." He introduced himself.

"You survived, Felix," Doni told him.

"Changbin, on the other hand..." Coni said.

"Don't say you are a visual member," Doni warned him but still they let him introduce himself.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now