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The next day I woke up with an even stronger pain on my lower back and I could barely move. Still, I tried to act as if nothing was wrong because we had to show the dances to JYP.

We were all in one of the dance rooms stretching to start rehearsing before JYP came when Hyunjin approached me.

"It still hurts, doesn't it?" He pointed out. "I can tell."

"It does, but we have to show this to JYP. I'll get it checked afterwards, promise," I reasurred him. "I took something to ease the pain minutes ago and put some heat pads on my back, so don't worry."

"I'm sorry..." He said looking down. "It's all my fault."

"My cutie...!" I said placing my arms on top of his shoulders and pulling him closer. "I'm okay, don't worry."

He then pecked my lips before we both continued stretching and chatting with the rest.

As the pills started to take effect, the pain was reduced and I could dance with just a little bit of pain that I could bear with. The dance to Troublemaker wasn't that difficult, but I had to sway my hips a lot which obviously hurt.

As we rehearsed, I tried to not force it too much to be able to dance properly when JYP came and Hyunjin noticed it, so he was extra careful.

After rehearsing both songs two times, JYP arrived and we all bowed.

"Good morning," he said greeting us. "How was yesterday's showcase. Was it good?"

"It all went really well, sir," Chan answered.

"I'm glad to hear that. Now, onto the topic at hand. Which group wants to go first?" He asked.

"We'll do it," Leah told him.

"Excellent. Start whenever you are ready."

(up to 1:36)

They honestly did really well and their voices were really stable throughout the whole thing. Changbin's singing and Leah's rapping shocked me every time and I could see it shocked JYP too, but it really was good.

"Leah, act more sexily. You look like you want to get away from Changbin," JYP told her when they finished. "Jisung, Lin's taller than you so make sure you are seen when you dance behind her."

After those comments, it was our turn.

I tried to give my best although I was in a lot of pain. I concentrated a lot on my expressions to make sure I didn't appear to be in pain and forced myself to my limits. When the song ended, though, I couldn't hold it any longer and my expression completely changed from a flirtatious one to a pained one and I let out a small 'fuck'.

"Soojin, are you okay?!" Mika exclaimed.

"What happened?" JYP asked confused.

"My lower back has been hurting recently, sorry," I told him.

"Why didn't you say that before?! You shouldn't have danced!" He told me. "Where's your manager?"

"He's at the cafeteria. I told him I would go to the doctor with him after we were done with this," I explained. "As we were told you were busy the whole week it didn't seem right to ask you to postpone this..."

"You are an idiot," he said bluntly shocking everyone. "I care more about your health than about an evaluation. I'm not heartless, you know?"

"I should have told you, sorry," I apologised once again.

"Stop saying sorry!" He told me with a smile. "Now, your dancing was really good and I think the fact that you are dating makes it more realistic. I want both couples to kiss on stage that day, though. I was told your performance was going to be the first one, so let's make everyone remember this year's MAMA's okay?"

"Kiss?!" I exclaimed. "On stage?!"

"Any problem with that?" He asked confused.

"The public hasn't even realised we are dating yet," Mika pointed out. "You want us to 'force it' in a way?"

"Kind of, yes," he told us. "The fact that it's on the MAMAs will attract attention from people who don't really listen to your music, so maybe they will start listening to it afterwards."

"Ain't this too rushed?" I asked him. "I'm not really mentally prepared for what will come afterwards. There will obviously be people supporting it, but others..."

"Don't worry about that. I have been checking it and people basically already know you are dating and are just waiting for you to confirm it. There will pretty much be no hate," he reassured me. "Anyways, back to the topic, keep working hard, you are doing really well. Soojin, go to the hospital now to get that checked. I hope we won't need to delay your comeback."

After saying that, JYP left and I laid down on the floor.

"Fuck, my back was killing me after standing up straight for so long," I said. 

"Go to the hospital now," Lin said kicking me lightly on the butt. "I believe Yeongjae is waiting for you."

"Alright, alright!" I exclaimed standing back up.

"I'll go with you," Hyunjin offered. "I am the one who caused this."

"Can you please stop saying that? It is just back pain, I'm not dead or something!" I said hitting his arm. "Let's go now."

"Call me as soon as they tell you anything!" Mika ordered me. "We need you to recover as soon as possible to continue working. Our comeback date is approaching."

"Alright, mum!" I joked before Hyunjin and I left, leaving the rest to continue rehearsing.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now