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On Thursday we all continued rehearsing the stage but Leah had to leave because her comeback would be the following week and she needed to focus on that. The rest of us were doing really well, so we weren't worried because we knew that, if there were any problems, we could help her.

"Don't you think this looks weird?" Mika said as she did one of the mirror parts with me. "How can you be my mirror when you are several centimetres taller than me?"

"You can always wear heels," Wheein suggested.

"20cm heels?" Mika said. "Do you want me to fall over? Do you think I'm Lady Gaga?"

"Fair point!" Wheein said laughing.

"Why don't you change partners for that part?" Moonbyul suggested. "Lin with Soojin and you with Leah."

"I guess that would work," Mika said and we changed spots. "Thank you."

"No problem," Moonbyul told her.

Suddenly, we heard Leah belting one of the high notes on the dance room next door. She did it really well and it sounded very nice, but it took us all by surprise.

"Is that Leah?" Solar asked and we nodded. "She's supposed to sing that while dancing?"

"She actually has four or five of those throughout the whole song," I told her. "I may have gone too over the top but, on my defence, I must say she asked for them."

"If she faints on stage, it's your fault," Mika said.

Right after, we heard Leah doing the high note once again and we all mocked her.

"F*** off, girls!" We heard Leah exclaim and we burst out laughing.


Later that evening, the girls were all hanging out in the living room with the boys as I needed to make music quickly and couldn't be distracted. Thankfully, Lin, Chan, Jisung and Changbin came in from time to time to help me.

"How is it going?" Chan asked me after opening the door. "Any progress?"

"I've never felt so pressured making music. I no longer know what I'm doing," I told him. "Three songs in three days? Just kill me already."

"Come on, you can do it!" Chan said massaging my shoulders lightly. "Aren't you supposed to have your solo now anyway? Why a full album and not a mini album?"

"Don't talk to me about solos!" I told him. "I want to create a voodoo doll with JYP's face!"

"But I thought you were really close to JYP," he said. "And why can't I talk about solos?"

"He has refused to let me debut solo," I confessed. "Don't tell the girls, though. I'm planning to tell them after Leah's debut stage is over to not burden them and so they don't worry about it."

"Are you serious? Why won't he let you?"He asked me shocked and sat down on the chair beside me. "Didn't the girls say you were all going to debut solo?"

"Apparently he has changed his mind," I said running my fingers through my hair exasperated. "I don't even know why I bother anymore."

"But what was his excuse?"

"Female rappers aren't successful and I don't fit a solo concept apparently. I'm only suitable for a group," I explained. "What angers me isn't that he won't let me debut, it's the fact that I'm not talented enough in his eyes to go solo too. He even mentored me when I was a trainee yet I haven't reached his standards."

"Oh, that's right. He mentored you personally. He was really like your uncle," Chan remembered. "It's shocking, I'm not going to lie. We all honestly thought you would debut solo as you performed alone in most of the showcases. You also can sing, so I don't see why he still refuses this is all strange. And he also pretends you two don't really know each other well during interviews..."

"I honestly don't know what else to do to get him to finally be proud of me. I no longer care about debuting solo, I just want him to see what I'm capable of."


I stopped working at around three in the morning as I wanted to finish the song. I still had to record the vocals for all of them but I would at least be done for the most part.

I went out of the room to grab a snack from the kitchen but was startled when I saw someone fast asleep on the couch.

"Hyunjin...?" I wondered aloud as I approached him. "What on earth is he doing here?"

I then lightly shook him awake but he didn't even budge.

"Hyunjin..." I whispered in his ear while shaking him once again. "Jinnie..."

"Finally!" He said groggily and pulled me towards him, wrapping his arms around my waist. "What time is it?"

"A quarter past three more or less," I answered. "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you. I haven't seen you since your birthday and we both know that didn't go as planned..."


Hyunjin had booked a table at a restaurant nearby for my birthday

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Hyunjin had booked a table at a restaurant nearby for my birthday. It wasn't really expensive, but we had been there before with the boys and girls and the food there was amazing.

Not even ten minutes after we got there, though, I saw non-other than Mingyu coming through the door of the restaurant with Minghao, Seungkwan and Vernon.

"Oh, for heaven's sake!" I exclaimed slamming my forehead on the table. 

"What's wrong?" Hyunjin asked me confused.

"Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Soojin!" Seungkwan exclaimed approaching us. "What a coincidence! Do you mind if we join you?"

We didn't even have time to respond as they all moved the chairs next to our table and sat down, Seunkwan and Vernon on each side of Hyunjin and Minghao and Mingyu on my side.

"Oh, good choice!" Minghao said seeing what I had ordered. "I'll take that too."

"Auntie!" Seungkwan called the owner. "We'll eat the same thing. And also bring a bottle of soju!"

"Guys, I think we shouldn't have joined-" Vernon tried to say but Mingyu interrupted him.

"Do you want a pepero stick?" Mingyu offered me from the box he was holding. "For old time's sake."

"No, thank you..." I answered overwhelmed.

"I'm going to stick it up his butt," Hyunjin muttered.

"Why are you two alone here? Any special occasion?" Minghao asked us.

"It's my birthday..." I answered.

"Really?!" Mingyu and Seungkwan exclaimed at the same time. "Happy birthday!"

The woman then brought the boys their food and the soju but before Mingyu could grab it, Hyunjin picked it up and took a big gulp.

"Sorry..." I muttered to him and he just sighed.

"The boy can drink!" Minghao joked.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now