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(Soojin, Mika)

Once we were at the beach and all the cameras were set up, the staff told us to gather around so that they could tell us what the games were.

"Today, you will be playing some games which will determine the order of your next challenge." A man said.

"What is the challenge?" Johnny asked.

"The challenge will be duets. Each pair will have to sing a duet live on our last day." He explained. "What the order determines is how much time you have to prepare."

"Time?" Seulgi asked confused.

"The winning agency will be given the song the day before to start preparing the lyrics, the second team will be given the song six hours before and the last team will be given it just ten minutes in advance." He said and we all gasped.

"That isn't fair!" I exclaimed. "The losing team won't have time to even prepare the chorus!"

"That's why it's a challenge!" He said making the rest of the staff laugh but made us even more mad.

We then finally got ready to begin playing the games, but when they told us the first one would be volleyball I wanted to kill myself. I was extremely bad at it, so my team would surely lose.

"Whatever you do, don't pass me the ball!" I yelled once we got ready to go against the SM team. 

"Are you serious?!" Seungkwan asked laughing.

"Deadly!" I said and Mika nodded.

"Do what she says, boys!" Mika told Chan and Hyunjin. "She absolutely sucks."

We then finally began playing and thankfully I didn't have to touch the ball all that much as Chan was saving all the passes coming my way. There were some times in which I had to hit it, though, and let's just say my accuracy was of only thirty percent.

The game finally ended and we lost by a lot. As we were risking being last, Chan decided to change our spots and placed me in front of the net at the right, Mika to my left and Hyunjin and Chan behind

"Shoot all of them towards Soojin!" Kyulkyung exclaimed making the rest laugh while I just looked at her with murderous eyes.

Finally we began playing once again and it all went fairly well as we were tied for most of the game. In the end, though, they won.

"I quit!" I said spiking the ball. It surprisingly went perfectly over the net and they all looked at me shocked.

"Couldn't you have done just that a few seconds ago?" Mika yelled and I ran away before she could do anything to me.

"Yes, run!" She said. "If I catch you you are dead!"


The volleyball game ended with SM winning, but we still had two games to decide who would eventually win.

"The next game is... football!" The staff announced.

This time it was time for Mika to look pissed off.

"You must be kidding me." She said looking completely serious. "You are determined to make us lose, right?"

"We swear this wasn't planned!" The staff reasoned.

"Now it's my time to want to kill you." I told her and she just raised her hand as in shut-the-hell-up-or-I'll-kill-you. "Okay, chill!"

This time SM and Pledis went first, so we rested on the side while we watched them.

"Any plan?" I asked Chan and Hyunjin as we watched the others.

"Honestly?" Chan asked and I nodded. "Just do whatever the heck you want and get that ball on the goal."

We all then laughed and, just then, they signalled the game had already ended.

As Pledis had won, we would first be going against SM.

"Ready to lose again?" Haechan asked defiantly.

"Honestly? Yes." I simply said and everyone, including the staff, laughed. "What do I get from lying? It's not like we have many chances."

The game then began and it all went pretty bad from the start. Not even five minutes in they had already scored two goals and we only had fifteen minutes to play.

It all turned around when minute ten came. Hyunjin scored the first goal and from then on we scored two more goals. Sadly, though, SM had scored us a goal during that time, so we lost once again.

"Mika, you suck as a goalkeeper!" Chan said directly.

"I told you I can't play football!" She complained.

"You didn't seem to understand that before when we were playing volleyball!" I told her.

We were all joking, but for some reason the others thought we were actually fighting in front of the cameras.

"Guys, it's just a game. There's no need for you to fight." Johnny said seriously stopping us.

Suddenly, the four of us began laughing hysterically while they looked confused.

"Did you think we were actually fighting?" Mika said in between laughs.

"Weren't you?" Nayoung asked confused.

"No, we were just joking!" I said.

"Are you serious?" Mingyu asked and the four of us nodded. "You are amazing actors in that case."


As in both games we had ended up with the same order, we would just stick to that order for the challenge. It was definitely a bad thing for us, but there was nothing we could do about it. It would thankfully be edited before it aired, but they told us we would only have one chance to record it, so it wasn't any less nerve wrecking.

"You can all now have a bath if you want." The staff told us and we immediately went in the water.

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