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Three days later: time for plan B. We had been working on that plan thoroughly and it all had to go as prepared or else it would completely fail.

Plan B had many levels. The first one consisted of distracting her using the other girls while I quickly tried to take her phone.

"Sooyeon!" Mika caller her from the kitchen. "Can you help me, please? I think I'm messing this up."

She would probably be really messing it up as Mika couldn't cook at all, but the problem was that the first level completely failed as she took the phone with her.

"Lin, level 2!" I told her as I went to the living room and changed the channel Sooyeon was watching.

"I was watching something, idiot!" Sooyeon said coming back to the living room. 

"You shouldn't have left, then!" I said.

"Sooyeon, can you call me?!" Said Lin from our room. "I can't find my phone!"

After sighing, she did it and ten seconds later Lin told her she had found her phone. After that, I thought she would leave her phone on the coffee table and I guessed right. The problem was she was sitting down on the sofa next to me, so I couldn't exactly take it.

"Sooyeon, can you-?" Leah began saying, starting level 3, but Sooyeon cut her off.

"Can't you do anything by yourselves or what? Ask one of your groupmates, for heaven's sake!" She exclaimed.

Level 3 was a flop too, which only meant putting level 4 to action, which was our last resource. I actually didn't want to use it, but we had no other option.

"Leah!" I called her and she went out of her room.

"Yes, Soojin?"

"It's four," I told her. "The answer to your question was four."

"Oh, alright!" She said getting what I meant. "Thank you!"

"How can you possibly know that if she didn't finish her question before?" Sooyeon asked me.

"Well, if you knew us properly you would know," I told her with a smirk

A few seconds later, the doorbell rang and I stood up to open it.

"Hyunjin!" I exclaimed once I saw him there and hugged him.

"Soojin, I've missed you!" He said spinning me around.

"What are you doing here! You aren't allowed to go near her. Wasn't I clear last time?!" Sooyeon exclaimed standing up and approaching us. "Idiot, go back inside!"

She then pushed me back inside the living room and I quickly took the opportunity to go through her phone as the girls and Hyunjin fought with her.

"Please, be there!" I whispered as I went through all her pictures. "Aha! Bingo!"

I then quickly screenshotted them and sent them to Mika's phone so she knew they could already stop.

"Hyunjin, leave!" I said with fake tears from behind Sooyeon. "It's already over, leave!"

"No, Soojin, wait! We can work this out!" He said with fake teary eyes. "I'm sure there's a way!"

We flipping deserved an Oscar.

"Listen to her for once and leave!" Sooyeon exclaimed and closed the door right on his face. "I don't know what all of this was about, but it better not happen again!"

"Girls, please, go talk to him," I said. "Explain all of this. He will understand."

What I really meant was for them to talk to JYP so the girls quickly left, leaving me alone with Sooyeon the witch.



The girls and I ran downstairs to the building lobby, where Hyunjin would be waiting for us

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The girls and I ran downstairs to the building lobby, where Hyunjin would be waiting for us.

"You got them?" He asked us and we nodded. "Sweet!"

We then ran towards the JYP building, however tiring it was, and met the rest of the boys there. If things went right, Sooyeon would be out of our lives just a few minutes later.

"Why are you all running?" Someone asked from behind us and we turned around.

"JYP!" We all exclaimed.

"Yes, that's me!" He said with a chuckle. "Did something happen for you to be on such a hurry?"

"We wanted to see you, sir," Chan told him. "There's something you need to see."

"It must be very important, then." He said scared. "Let's go to my office first."


"So, what did you want to show me?" He asked once we were all at his office.

I then took out my phone and showed him the pictures we found on Sooyeon's phone and he looked confused.

"Why are you showing me this? Are they back online?" He asked us.

"No, it's not that," I told him. "The thing is we found those pictures on Sooyeon's phone."

"And what about it? They were online, she could have downloaded them," he said. "If you only came to tell me that you may as well just leave. I'm quite busy and I'm sure you are too, especially you, Mika."

Chan and I then looked at each other and we immediately knew what we had to do. I then saw Hyunjin trying to stop Chan from saying anything, but he paid him no attention and spoke up.

"She has Mika and I's pictures too!" He said confusing JYP even more.

"I'm sorry, what pictures?" JYP asked.

"The ones from the envelope. Those pictures were from both of us, not from Hyunjin and Soojin." Chan said and opened up his rucksack to give it to him. "Those pictures have never been shown online yet she has them."

"So you are telling me Soojin is on hiatus right now and has taken the blame for both of you while you have still been dating?" JYP asked trying to stay calm.

"That's a problem for later, sir," Leah said stepping forward. "The thing we are trying to tell you is that our own manager has been trying to ruin our careers. Can you please get her fired already?"

"Oh, you bet I will!" He said picking up his phone and calling her. "Sooyeon? Yes, hello. Could you please come to my office now? Yes, it's a little urgent. Thank you. See you in a minute."

"I might as well just add in that she has been insulting Soojin for the past few months. Just so you know..." Lin said.

"And why are you telling me this now?" He asked us.

"She treated the rest of us normally, so we just thought it was because they hated each other," I explained.

"Very well, then," he said standing up. "Please come back in an hour with Soojin. We need to talk about your affairs. I will fire her in the meantime, thank you."

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now