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Two weeks had passed since our debut and we had finally settled down a little. All of our schedules had finished (although we didn't really have many as we only did some stages).

We were then able to hang out with Leah a lot more as we had more time to be at home and we weren't coming and going all of the time.

Lin had also settled in Korea the previous day. She was a little lost as she wasn't training with the rest neither had debuted. Mika, Leah and I tried our best to make her feel as welcome as possible, though.

"Where are you staying at the moment?" Mika asked her as we ate in the canteen.

"I'm sleeping at a hotel. JYP is still trying to see where to place me." She answered.

"He could just place you at our dorm, really." I said. "We have three extra beds plus Leah's now unused one."

Mika's phone then began ringing and it was Sooyeon.

"Hello?" Mika said putting her phone on speaker.

"Good afternoon, Mika!" Sooyeon said. "JYP asked me to tell you to go to his office. Lin and Leah should go too. If you see any of them, please tell them. Probably someone in the staff will fetch them, but just in case."

"Thank you very much. See you later!" Mika said and hung up.

"I'm scared!" Lin said in Chinese.

"Don't worry. It's your second day here, it can't be anything bad." I told her.

I had noticed Lin sometimes spoke some Chinese without noticing, just like I noticed Leah used to do at first. I luckily had payed attention during the Chinese classes at school and was able to speak some, so I understood most of the things she said.

I then called Leah to tell her to go to JYP's office.

"Afternoon, Leah!" I said once she picked it up. "Could you please go to JYP's office now?"

"I'm on my way already. Did they call you too?" She asked.

"Yes. Mika, Lin and I are going now." I told her.

"Perfect. See you in a bit, then!" She said and hung up.

After that, the three of us went to the office and saw Leah waiting for us by the door. Mika then knocked on the door and we all went inside.

"Good afternoon, girls. Please, take a seat." JYP said greeting us.

We then all sat down in front of him in the seats which had our names. I was next to Lin on the far left.

"You may be wondering why your names are on the tables." He began saying. "Please, flip the papers right in front of you and take a look at them. As you can see, some of you have more papers than others. Mika and Soojin, in fact, should only have two."

"I have pictures of a dorm and some pictures of us four." I said.

"I have the same." Said Mika.

"I... I have a contract!" Leah said excited.

"Wait, me too!" Lin said and looked at Leah with a happy face.

"Let's go bit by bit." JYP said with a smile. "First of all: the contracts. I want you both to join Mika and Soojin as part of ResQ. You can read your contracts carefully. I'll give you a few seconds."

"Thank you." Leah said and they began reading them.

"In the meantime, I need to tell you two, Mika and Soojin, a quick thing." JYP said. "When we finish this, I need to talk to you and to two of the Stray Kids boys."

"May we know the reason why, sir?" Mika asked scared that it had something to do with her dating Chan.

"Don't worry, nothing bad." JYP reasurred her. "It's just a new thing that came out which I want you four to take part in."

A few minutes later, Leah and Lin finally finished reading their contracts and signed them before giving them back to JYP.

"First of all, Leah, congratulations on becoming a new JYP artist. You must thank Mika and Soojin for this as they were the ones making me keep an eye on you for the last showcase." He told Leah. "You did really good. I was impressed."

"Thank you, sir." Leah said.

"Now, let's talk about the pictures you saw of the dorm." He continued. "The dorm you see there is Stray Kids's old one. I don't know if you already knew or not, but they moved to the one above it a few days ago. Well, what concerns you is that you will be moving there. We have already rearranged everything to fit your needs and redesigned it. The pictures there show how it looks now."

All of the rooms looked extremely beautiful. We also had a studio which was perfect for me as I was tired of having to record everything in my room. It looked completely different from how it looked when the boys were there. I would have never guessed it was the same dorm if JYP hadn't told us. It looked luxurious even.

"When will we move in?" Lin asked him.

"As soon as you can. You can already go there today if you want to." He said. "The rent for the other dorm is payed for the rest of the month, so you have all that time to move out of the old one into the other."

"Why the change of dorms, though?" Leah asked. 

"Because of the incident of the previous month. I want all of the trainees and artists to be safe."

"What happened?" Lin whispered to me.

"Someone broke into our dorm a few weeks ago." I whispered back and she was shocked but said nothing.

"Now, the last thing I wanted to talk about: your debut as a group." He continued. "You will start working on it soon, but I expect it to happen aroun three or four months from now. If you have any songs that you want to release with the album, feel free to submit them. Once we have everything planned, we'll tell you so that you can start working. For now, Lin should concentrate on her solo debut, Leah on perfecting her skills for debut and Mika and Soojin on their solo promotions."

"We will work hard." Mika said.

"I expect great things from all of you." He said. "Now, please, Leah and Lin you can leave. Tell the boys to come in when you leave."

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now