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The 13th of July: the day of our comeback. After all the waiting and practising we would finally be debuting as a four-member group.

As much as I enjoyed when Mika and I performed together, being able to finally debut together with Leah and Lin felt surreal. I really enjoyed performing with them and although it hadn't been long since we met Lin, our passion for music brought us close really quickly.

Normally I was the only one creating the songs for our albums, with some help from Mika and Leah, but this time Lin and I worked on them all together, making the songs fit both of our styles and making them as perfect as they could possibly get.

We would be performing both Oh! My Mistake and Lady in that order. We agreed on that as that way we would be able to showcase both sides of our group (the more cutesy one and the swaggier one).

"Lin, have you seen my earrings?" I asked her as I searched for them around the room.

"Have you checked under the makeup bag?" She said as she sat on the couch, scrolling through her social media.

It was indeed there so, after thanking her, I put them on and joined her on the couch.

"Anything interesting?" I asked trying to see what she was looking at.

"Nothing really," she said. "I was just checking out my friends' accounts and messages they sent me.

"They were sending you encouraging messages, I believe."

"Yes. They have been supporting me these past days. They even promoted our comeback/debut on their Instagram and Weibo accounts."

"Gossiping much?" Said Mika who just came back from the bathroom. "Shouldn't you be warming up your voices?"

"We still have an hour, Mika. Warming up now won't do anything. We should start warming up later," Lin told her. "The only thing we should do now is to relax. We don't want to be too nervous about the performance."

"But performing always makes me nervous," she protested. "No matter the circumstance."

"At least you already have experience!" Leah said as she came back from changing her clothes. "May I remind you I am the only one here who hasn't performed yet? Apart from the showcases, obviously."

"Don't panic, you'll do just fine," Lin reassured her. "It's just like another showcase."

"If you think that helps, you don't know me at all," Leah snapped back.

"Let me try again," said Lin standing up. "You stop all the blabber and all the insecurity and just flipping get on that stage believing you are the best singer in the entire world and the sexiest, cutest, most perfect woman alive."

"Much better," said Leah wrapping an arm around Lin's shoulders. "We're on the same page now."


After an hour had passed, it was finally time to go on stage to perform Oh! My Mistake. I was really nervous as I would have to sing and act cute, neither of them being my forte. I still tried to be confident.

"Say some words, leader!" Leah told Mika.

"Well, first of all, I am really thankful that we can finally debut together after the mishap the other time, Leah. We are finally reunited on stage. Also, I'm glad that Lin joined us as well, you are not only an amazing artist but an amazing person too. Thank you for being part of the group," she began saying. "Let's try to leave the stage with no regrets and let's show the people the new, more complete version of ResQ. Fighting!"

"Fighting!" We all cheered.

We then finally went on stage and got to our positions before the music started and it was time to perform.

Immediately after the song began I tried to act as cute as I possibly cute while still trying to act flirty. It was really unlike me, but I still enjoyed this stage persona. The fact that this song was meant for Hyunjin made it even more fun, as I knew he would be watching it. Also, the audience this time was composed of mainly boys, so I knew his blood would boil taking into account all the flirtiness combined with the short dress I was assigned.


"So, the song is dedicated to me?" Hyunjin suddenly asked as we watched TV at his dorm.

"Yes, it is." I immediately responded. "Why, any problem?"

"None at all!" He said chuckling. "I'm quite flattered, but why?"

"Remember when you used to sing A to me all the time?" I asked and he nodded. "It's kind of like an answer to that."

"Then dedicate the stage to me too," he said cheekily. "It's only fair if you do so."

"How can I do that?" I said. "It's impossible. I can't dedicate it to you without getting caught."

"Not directly, idiot! Send a flying kiss to the camera during your ending pose, for example." He suggested.

"Argh... okay, fine!"


As I had promised, when the song came to an end, I sent a flying kiss to the camera as well as a wink, making the audience erupt into cheers.

Once we were told they had stopped recording we finally relaxed. We all bowed to all of the people who came to see us and introduced ourselves.

"Fight for it..." Mika began.

"ResQ! Hello, we are ResQ!" We all continued and bowed.

"First of all, thank you to everyone who came to see our comeback. We are truly thankful." Mika said. "Now, I think we should formally introduce our two new members, right?"

The audience then let out a series of "yes" as well as cheered Leah and Lin's names.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Leah. Please take care of me." she said bowing. "I hope you enjoyed this performance as much as we enjoyed the process of creating it."

"Hello, everyone! It's your one and only girl, Zhu Lin!" Lin said a lot more cheerfully. "I'm really glad I was able to join these incredible and amazing girls and I hope you enjoy this mini album as well as all there is to come. Please, look forward to it."

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now