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Two seconds later, he pulled away and stood up quickly.

"Sorry I- I shouldn't have done that." He said and scratched his nape. "Hyunjin why are you such a effing idiot?!"

He then turned around and hurriedly left, leaving me shocked and unable to react.

A few minutes later, Mika approached me with her camera.

"Here you are!" She said sitting down next to me. "I was wondering were you had gone!"

"Mika, turn off the camera." I told her.

"What?" She asked confused.

"Please, turn it off." I told her again.

After seeing my serious face, she immediately turned it off and looked at me worried.

"What happened? Is it because of the 2TEAM thing?" She asked me.

"No, not that. It's just... Hyunjin... Hyunjin just kissed me." I blurted out.

"Wait, what? For real?" She said shocked and I nodded. "Oh my god! So you like him?"

"I really don't know." I told her. "Plus, I think he just did it without noticing. I was just consoling him, so he could have just done it without actually meaning it."

"First of all, did he say anything after it?"

"No." I responded. "Well, he said he shouldn't have done that and that we was stupid."

"Oh..." Mika sighed. "Well, did you feel anything when he kissed you? Any butterflies in the stomach? Fireworks?"

"No... Not really." I said. "But I did feel something in my chest. Something warm. I don't know what that means, though."

"I think you should find it our yourself." She said and stood up. "For now, don't stress about it too much. We have to concentrate on our debut."

She then stretched out her hand and pulled me up from the bench. Trying to get my mind off of it, I turned on the camera back again and tried to have fun.

We went back to were the boys and the camera crew were and they told us we would be playing a game.

"Oh, what is it?" I asked curious.

"We will first go to a studio. You will be playing some mini games." Their manager told us.


We all went inside the studio where they had already prepared everything out. Several things were placed on top of a table along with some papers.

"Woojin, you will be the MC." One of the man from the staff said. "Get the papers from the table."

After everything was ready, they began recording everything.

"Hello, everyone and welcome to 'SK ResQ minigames'. I am Woojin, your MC for the day." Woojin presented. "For this game there will be two teams which have been split up randomly by the staff. On team A, we have Hyunjin, Mika, Chan, Seungmin and I.N while on team B we have Felix, Changbin, Han, Minho and Soojin."

Each team had our own coloured t-shirts. Ours was thankfully yellow, so I didn't have to change clothes. The other team's colour was navy blue.

"The first mini game is going to be 'two thruths one lie'."Woojin announced." For those of you who don't know what that is, each member of the team while have to come up with three facts about themselves but one of those has to be a lie. If, for example, team A manages to guess  which of B's facts was the incorrect one, they will score a point. If they don't, the team who made up the sentences does."

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now