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The day of the final challenge finally arrived and we were all really nervous.

The artists from SM entertainment had already finished their lyrics and were reheasing the song since morning and the Pledis artists were given the songs five hours before. We still had about ten minutes left before they would give it to us.

"We should just quickly write the chorus and then improvise over that. We can make it like a conversation for it to be easier." I told Hyunjin.

"Yes, let's make it real so it flows quickly." He agreed. "I hope I can rap, if not we are screwed."

"You can sing, idiot!" I said hitting his arm. "Just be confident. If you aren't then we will surely fail."

"Soojin, we literally have to improvise a song. I don't exactly have a lot of faith." He told me.

"Just look at me, alright?" I told him. "Forget there are cameras in the room and just imagine we are at my room making up random lyrics."

Just as I finished saying that, a staff member knocked on the door and Mika opened it.

"I'm here to give you your pendrives." She said and Mika picked them up. "You have to be down in five minutes for hair and makeup."

We quickly then ran to get our laptops and plugged in earbuds to not disturb Mika and Chan.

"It's a love song!" Hyunjin said. "There's no way I can rap over this!"

"Be quiet! I'm trying to come up with some lyrics." I told him and he immediately shut up.

When the song ended I quickly oicked up a notebook and scribbled a few phrases before sitting back down on the bed.

"Love song?" Mika asked me and I nodded. "Ours too..."

"It's an easy topic and you two have it easy as you are both singers." I told her. "But Hyunjin and I are both rappers, if I may remind you."

"You'll do fine!" She told us. "Let's now get to work or else we surely won't do well."

I then showed Hyunjin the few ideas I had written down and he agreed to go with the topic of 'Dream'.

"I think we should keep it as a conversation until the last chorus." He suggested. "We can have different lyrics for the first and second chorus and then sing together for the final one."

"I quite like that!" I said. "Let's work on it, then."

We then wrote the lyrics quickly and went down to the hotel's room the staff had rented where they would be waiting for us.

"Soojin and Mika, to booth one. Chan and Hyunjin to booth two." A man from the staff told us once we arrive and we did as told.

"Where are the other girls?" Mika asked the makeup artist curiously.

"They have already performed. You are the only ones left." She told us.

"What?!" We both asked at the same time. "Why didn't you tell us?!"

"You aren't allowed to see the performances that aren't from your company until later tonight. That's why." She answered rather calmly, taking into account our reaction. "Just focus on your performances and forget about them. You have the heaviest burden out of all."

Around five minutes later, Mika and I were done with the hair and makeup and went outside to meet the boys.



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"Wow..." Both Chan and Hyunjin said at the same time once they saw us.

"You look... Wow!" Chan said and wrapped an arm around Mika's waist.

"You look very handsome too." She said and kissed his cheek.

Hyunjin, on the other hand, was still at the same spot. He hadn't moved an inch.

"Earth to Hyunjin?" I said waving my hand in front of his face. "Is anybody there?"

He then grabbed my hand so that I stopped but still didn't move. He looked at me but said nothing.

"You are scaring me, Jinnie. Say something, anything." I said confused and scared.

"You look... Beautiful." He said finally.

"Thank you. But why are you like this? You look like you have seen a ghost." I told him.

"It's just... I think this is the first time I've seen you all dressed up formally." He explained. "I've only seen you wearing informal clothes or stage outfits.

"Don't act so surprised! You think I couldn't dress up properly?" I asked him joking.

"I mean, sometimes you could mistake you wardrobe with mine so..." He jocked too.

"Hey!" I exclaimed buy he just laughed.

"Chan and Mika, your turn." The director told us and we immediately went inside the recording room.

The music was going to be played live too, so musicians were placed across the room behind their respective instruments. After greeting all of them, we went to the side to sit down and see Chan and Mika perform.

Once they warmed up their voices and were ready, they began recording everything and their performance started.

"They are literally the cutest couple I've ever seen." I whispered to Hyunjin as we watched them. "Just look at how Chan looks at Mika. He's so cute!"

I then looked towards Hyunjin and saw that instead of looking at them he was looking at me while smiling.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked him smiling too. "Do I have something in my face?"

"I love you." He suddenly blurted out taking me by surprise.

"Sorry?" I asked him shocked.

"I love you." He said once again. "With my whole heart."

As there were cameras and staff everywhere I simply just rested my head on his shoulder and continued watching the performance.

"I love you too."

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now