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By the time the rehearsal had ended and the song was recorded, it was already ten in the morning, which meant I had to search for JYP to show it to him. When I knocked on his office's door, though, only his secretary was there.

"Sorry, where is Park Jinyoung PD?" I asked him.

"He already left to Japan,"he answered."Are you perhaps Lee Soojin?"

"Y-yes. The one," I said still processing the fact that JYP had left already.

Am I that late? Does it just end like this?

"He told me to give this to you," he said handing me a letter. "He didn't say what it was about, sorry."

"Don't worry, thank you," I said bowing before leaving the room.

I then went back to the rehearsal room without opening it. I wanted to see it with the girls. When I reached it, all the Stray Kids boys were there and they were attempting to mimic the dance moves as the girls rehearsed.

As soon as they saw me, they all immediately stopped and turned off the music before approaching me.

"And? What did he say?" Mika asked me.

"He- he left already," I answered with teary eyes before handing them the letter. "His secretary gave me this."

Mika then opened the envelope with shaking hands and two smaller envelopes dropped to the floor. One had my name scribbled on it and the other one had ResQ.

While Lin picked up the ResQ one, Leah picked up mine as it was closest to her.

"Here," she said handing it to me while looking at it worried.

"Let's open this one first," Lin said. "Someone else read it. I'm not fast at reading Korean."

Chan then picked it up and began reading it out loud:

"Dear ResQ, I'm sorry to inform you that I had to reschedule my flight so I won't be able to receive you to see your work. Due to this, I am announcing that you will have just one chance. When you arrive to Japan, call the number at the end of the page and we will meet to see if you can perform or not. If you want advice, present something that represents you. I don't want an ordinary pop song. Good luck!"

"What the hell?!" Leah exclaimed. "What's wrong with him?!"

"Does he not want us to perform or what?!" Lin said.

"Guys, we won't get anything from saying things like this. We can only rehearse and pray it all goes well. We need to learn this as well as we can before tonight," Mika told them.

Excusing myself, I then went out of the dance room to read the letter written for me.

Dear Lee Soojin,
I know you hate me for all the things I've put you through recently, but soon you will know the reason behind it all.

If you have this, it means that the song is ready. I don't want it to be another love song or something you made up just to please me, I want it to truly represent all of you as a group and as artists. If you prepared another cliché love song, save it to yourself and don't show it to me.

No matter what, please don't be discouraged. Remember I hand picked you on your audition because I saw potential in you, I sometimes trained you myself because I felt that the classes weren't enough to unleash your true colours. You are almost like my niece, Soojin. I believe in you, so don't give up.

Good luck!

Park Jinyoung.

I then began crying, dropping the letter to the floor. JYP had been the thing closest to a father for me since I joined JYP. My hometown was really far away from Seoul, so I could only visit my parents once in a blue moon.

I then felt  someone beside me picking the letter from the floor and, after a few seconds, wrapping me in a hug.

"You can do it, Soojin," Hyunjin told me. "Even JYP believes in you. This song really shows who you are. He'll love it."

"He- he called me his niece..." I said. "He called me that yet he's been draining me physically and mentally for months now."

"He said you will get all of your answers soon, golden one," he told me.

As the Jin in Soojin was the chinese character for gold, he sometimes called me that playfully.

"I'm just... Tired, you know?" I told him. "I keep trying to impress everyone, to prove that it's talent and not just luck but I feel like it's never enough."

"You're an idiot," I then heard Mika said and saw her at the door with the rest. "A complete giant idiot."

"Thanks for such uplifting words," I told her with a small smile.

"You create most of our music, our dances, teach us everything, created our solo stuff too, and you think no one sees your hard work?" Leah told me. "May I remind you of two of the three awards we won yesterday?"

"But-" I tried to say.

"No buts, Soojin!" Lin exclaimed starting me. "I'm sick and tired of you not seeing your capabilities and your worth. You need to be more confident! You are the only person who doesn't  see you are amazing! You came up with lyrics and a dance in less than four hours. Do I need to remind you that we took more than six to learn what you did in under four?"

"Amen..." Felix said after Lin finished her speech.

"She's completely right, though, let's be honest here," Jeongin commented.

"Now, get your ass back inside that dance room and help me with my part, thank you," Lin finished and went back inside.

"I couldn't have said it any better!" Mika said proudly and one by one they all went inside.

She was right. I needed to believe in myself for people to believe in me. I had to find out who I truly was.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now