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"When are they coming?" Leah asked me as she inflated some balloons. "The cake is still in the oven."

"They said they are on their way. They shouldn't take long," I answered. 

Just when I finished saying that, the oven dinged signalling the cake was ready. I then took it out and placed it on a plate before beginning to decorate it. I wasn't going to make anything fancy, I just wanted to have something to celebrate their debut with.

The doorbell then rang and I asked Lin, who was the one closest to me at that moment, to open it. I then heard the girls congratulating each other and, in the case of Lin, introducing themselves.

"Soojin?" I heard Ryujin say from the living room.

"In the kitchen!" I told her. "Just a second!"

I then gave the cake the last finishing touches before putting it on the fridge and going with them. It had actually been a long time since I had seen them (since Mika and I's debut to be precise), so we had a lot to catch up on.

"Soojin!" Ryujin exclaimed before embracing me in a hug. "I've missed you."

"You could have called me or texted me!" I told her jokingly.

"I thought you would be busy. I didn't want to bother you," she explained. "You are already a known artist, you know?"

"Yes, yes. Try to hide the fact you've forgotten about me!" I said pretending to cry.

"Hello, Soojin," someone then said from behind me and I turned around to see Yeji there. "It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

Yeji and I didn't have the closest relationship at first. We both didn't really stand each other because teachers tended to compare us a lot as we were similar in some ways and we ended up hating each other because of that. For example, the teachers told us to dance to a certain song and then told us how we were lacking in some aspect and should learn from the other. In the end, though, thanks to Ryujin, we managed to get to know each other better and realised that we were too similar.

"A long time, indeed," I said approaching her. "My best enemy."

We then gave each other a tight hug and the other girls, except for Ryujin, looked at us with a confused face. During the time we didn't really stand each other, none of the other girls were in the same dance class as us.

"You were so good when you debuted!" She told me once we pulled away. "You four are one of the most powerful girl groups out there."

"Look who speaks!" I said. "You five are about to debut and you are definitely JYP's prodigies. I'm sensing success already."

"Oh, shut up!" She said giving me a side hug.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Leah exclaimed stopping us. "Didn't you just call her your 'best enemy'? Why are you hugging each other now, then?"

Yeji, Ryujin and I then burst out laughing while the rest still stood there not understanding a single thing. It was definitely going to be a good night.


"아파도 괜찮아 사랑하기 때문에 (Apado gwenchana saranghagi ddaemune)!" We all almost screamed as we sang the song 'Because of you', one of Leah's favourites.

We had been dancing, singing and, in all honestly, drinking, so we were already a little bit tipsy. The only really sober ones were Lin and Yuna, who hadn't even tried a drop of alcohol. The rest of us had at least had a few shots of soju and the one who had drunk the most was Leah.

There then was a knock on the door and, as I was the only one who had heard it, headed towards it trying not to bump with anything and everything on my way.

"Binnie!" I exclaimed once I saw Changbin there. "What brings you here?"

"You stink of alcohol!" He exclaimed. "Have you been partying or bathing in beer and soju?"

"Don't say such nice things. You'll make me blush," I said as I rolled my eyes. "Did you come alone?"

"No, the rest are on their way too. Can I come in?" He asked me and I moved to the side so he could step in.

I then waited for the rest to come but, as I was a sleepy yet dorky drunk, laid my head on the doorframe as I waited, which nearly made me fall asleep. I would have if it weren't for Hyunjin, who lightly hit me in the forehead and made me almost fall over.

"Can you please control your drinking habits?" He reprimanded me. "You aren't even of legal age yet!"

"I'm only a week away. Let me live," I said sticking my tongue out.

The rest of the boys had apparently all come in already, so I closed the door behind me and jumped onto Hyunjin's back so he carried me towards the lounge room where the rest of the girls were.

"Hello, Hyunjin!" The girls said once we went in. 

"Woah, woah, woah!" Lin exclaimed. "Is she already knocked out?"

"Not really, she's just a sleepy drunk," Hyunjin explained.

"And he's my koala!" I said kissing his shoulder.

He then sat down on the sofa and I sat down on his lap while the party continued and everyone sang a few songs. Leah hadn't stopped drinking, so she was really drunk. She was the kind to not have a filter, so she literally just said anything that came to her mind.

Leah and Changbin were singing and dancing along to JYP's 'Who's Your Mama?' and we all cheered for them. But something happened which changed the mood of the party all over.

"Why do you dance a thousand meters away from me?" Changbin asked Leah. "Am I disgusting or what?"

"I just don't want you to get confused, Changbin," she told him.

"About what? About you not liking me? I already know that!" He exclaimed. "I bet you like everyone here apart from me."

"That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard," Leah said. 

"And why is that exactly?" Changbin said with an ironic tone.

"Because I'm lesbian, idiot!"

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now