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The sixteenth of September, a day after Felix's birthday and two day's after Jisung's, was the first day of our meeting with the Seventeen boys.

For the first week we would be going to pledis entertainment and for the second one they would be coming to JYP.

With our disguise on, we took the train in the morning and got there in a little less than an hour.

We first approached the receptionist and, after around five minutes, we saw Seungcheol approaching us.

"The ResQ girls!" He said bowing. "It's nice to meet you all."

"Nice to meet you too." We said bowing as well.

"Shall we go with the other boys?" They are at the rehearsal room setting everything up.

We then took the lift and went to the dance room. On the way Seungcheol also acted as a guide and showed us around explaining what each of the rooms were and where we could find places like the cafeteria and the bathrooms.

Once we reached the dance room he opened the door and we saw all of the boys talking in different groups.

"We're here!" Seungcheol said making everyone turn towards us.

"Hello, we're ResQ." Mika said as we all bowed.

"Mika, Soojin!" Seungkwan and Mingyu exclaimed approaching us.

"How have you been?" Mingyu asked us as he wrapped one of his arms around my shoulder.

"We've been doing great, thank you for asking!" I answered. "What about you?"

"Working hard and having fun!" Seungkwan answered.

"Guys, we get you know each other, but could you perhaps let us introduce ourselves?" Jeonghan told them.

"Sorry!" Seungkwan said moving aside.

The boys then introduced themselves and I was trying really hard not to fangirl. The girls, Seungkwan and Mingyu seemed to sense that too and eventually burst out laughing.

"Your face!" Mika said laughing.

"Shut up!" I told her covering my face with my hands.

"What happened?" Seokmin asked confused. 

"Remember I told you one of them was a carat?" Mingyu asked them and they nodded. "Well, Soojin's the one."

They then all began laughing making me feel even more embarrassed if that was possible.

"Guys, stop teasing her," Seungcheol said approaching me. "I would like to see how you would be if you met your favourite groups too."

"Thank you..." I muttered.

"Technically three people here already have," Vernon muttered under his breath.

"I have!" Soonyoung said putting his hand up. "I met the Shinee boys."

"And the other two have met their favourite group now," Vernon added pointing towards Jihoon and Minghao.

"Shut up!" Minghao said slapping his hand. 

"I'm going to kill you!" Jihoon said about to hit Vernon but I stopped him before he could.

"Wait, are you serious?" I asked perplexed.

"Sadly, he is," Jihoon said scratching his nape. "We both really love your music. He had shown me Lin's performances on Idol Producer and I showed him your debut with Mika. We were shocked to see Lin and Leah joining both of you months later."

I then just stood there shocked, not knowing what to do. Minghao even waved his hand in front of my face but I didn't even blink.

"Did something happen to her? Did we do anything?" Minghao asked worriedly.

"No, don't worry. She's just shocked." Said Leah before approaching me and shaking me violently. "Idiot, pull yourself together!"

"Hey! No need to call me an idiot!" I exclaimed and raised my hand to hit her but stopped myself as she was older than me.

"Girls, stop! We're here to work, not to mess around!" Mika scolded us and we bowed lightly as a sorry. "Anyways, we are supposed to work on two stages, right? A collaboration stage with the song mash up and then the new song, right?"

"That is correct," Seungcheol answered nodding. "We were shocked when our manager told us we would be creating a new song with all of you. It's not normal to have collaborations like this with other groups, even less if they are from other companies."

"Who will we be collaborating with for that one, by the way? They only told us it would be with four of you, but they didn't tell us who." Lin asked.

"It's with Soonyoung, Vernon, Woozi and Wonwoo," Seungcheol answered. "We wanted to have one person from each unit and then one from whichever unit. We literally just chose it via rock-paper-scissors."

"I was lucky!" Said Woozi shoving it on Minghao's face.

"Let's get to work now, shall we?" Seungcheol asked.

"Actually, we were thinking as we came here that we could do some game to ease the tension and to be more comfortable around each other," Lin said. "Only if that's okay with all of you, obviously!"

"Sure!" Jun said. "What game?"

"Mafia, maybe?" I suggested.

"That's a good one!" Vernon said high-fiving me. "Who wants to guide the game?"

"I will, I am really bad at it," Leah confessed. "Come on, sit down all in a circle. Girls, don't sit down all together! Mix up a little, make friends!"

Jun and Dino (let's call him this way to not confuse him with the other Chan) immediately took a seat next to Lin, Dokyeom and Jihoon next to Mika and Wonwoo and Minghao next to me. The others just sat down wherever so the game could begin.

"Night falls!" Leah said and we all lowered our heads and covered our faces. "I will now choose the two Mafia."

We could hear her walking around us. She did so two times before I felt a tap on my shoulder. I mentally cursed as I didn't like being the mafia. It wasn't because I was bad, but rather because I preferred having easier tasks on the game.

"The mafia can look up to check who's the other one now," Leah instructed once the doctor and the police officer were chosen and I looked up.

I then saw Jun looking up and sending me a wink, to which I sent him another one before we went back down to cover our faces.

"A new day has come!" Said Leah officially starting the game.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now