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Once the MAMAs came to an end and after chatting with other artists and taking a few pictures, we all went to the bus to head back home. We were unluckily stuck in traffic, so we decided to play some music as we would probably be there for an hour or so.

"How are the songs going?" Felix, who was sitting beside me, asked me. "Any progress?"

"I'm still stuck and the due date is tomorrow. We have to prepare anything within a span of around twenty hours," I answered.

"But do you have at least any instrumentals you like?" Seungmin asked this time.

"There is one we really like, but we haven't been able to give it any good lyrics," I said.

We were then startled as Changbin snored the loudest I had ever heard.

"Maybe you can sample that!" Woojin joked. "No, but seriously, can we listen to it?"

I then stood up to plug my phone to the bus' speaker system. As Changbin, Hyunjin and Jeongin were fast asleep, I didn't play it too loud to not startle them.

"Girls, I've posted a picture on your Instagram in case you want to check it out," Yeongjae told us.

As I was still searching for the song, the girls checked the comment section underneath it to see what they were saying.

"This is unbelievable!" Leah exclaimed. "They are only talking about us not wearing girly clothes as well as having an allegedly manly performance!"

"Just ignore it," I told her. "I won't look all girly just because a few haters want so." 

I then finally found the song and played it before going back to my seat.

"Here it says 'Red lips?'" Mika told me.

"No!" I exclaimed sitting down.

"'Earrings?'" Lin read. 

"No!" I said again. 

"'High heels?'" Leah read this time.


"Handbag?'" Mika said.


"Wait, wait, wait!" Jisung exclaimed. "Did you just start a song?"

We all looked at him confused, even the boys, and he sighed before standing up and playing the song back again from the beginning.

"Red lip? No. Earrings? No. High heels? No. Handbag? No," he sang.

"Holy moly!" I exclaimed. "I actually like it!"

"Guys, we have about half an hour left. You can sleep if you want to," the driver told us.

"To hell with sleep!" I said. "Does anyone want to help me with the lyrics?"


After we arrived at our dorms, I thanked the boys who had been helping me with the lyrics as the girls took a nap before the girls and I went to the JYPe building.

"Take a quick nap. I'll record the demo as fast as I can. "I told them and sprinted to the recording studios.

Once I arrived there, I burst the door open thinking no one was there, but the Twice girls were recording so I startled them.

"Did something happen?" Dahyun asked me worriedly.

"Four minutes," I said getting on my knees. "Lend me the recording booth for just four minutes, please. Not a second more."

"A-Alright..." Said the producer there confused. "Get in. I'll help you."

"Thank you!" I exclaimed and handed him a pen drive with the song.

"Just a demo?" He asked me.

"Just a demo, yes."

After that, I quickly recorded it in one go. My voice almost cracked at some point as I was really tired, but I ignored it and rolled with it.

"I think you could improve this part," the producer told me.

"I don't have time," I said saving the demo and removing the USB drive from the computer. "Seriously, thank you."

I then went to the Michael Jackson dance room where the girls were either on the floor or on the couch sleeping.

Feeling bad for them, I decided to not wake them up and, using the computer there, I saved the demo on my phone and played it with my earbuds on. After that, I began the process of creating a suitable dance as fast as I could while trying to not wake the girls up.

"Come on, girls! Time to work!" I said as I played the demo on full volume to wake them up.

"You are already back?" Leah asked me rubbing her eyes. "Now we need to create the dance, right?"

"I already came up with something. Now you only have to learn it, so start stretching," I told them.

"Wait, what time is it?" Mika asked confused.

"Four-ish," I answered. "Come on, you already slept for a while. Now it's time to work."

"Why didn't you wake us up!" Lin exclaimed hitting me. "We could have helped you!"

"Thank you, Soojin, for letting us rest while you worked your ass out," I said sarcastically.

"Thank you," Mika told me. "Now, we have a few hours to learn this, so let's get to work already."

As the girls stretched there was a knock on the door and the 3racha boys along with Hyunjin appeared.

"Are you still alive?" Chan asked as he opened the door.

"They just woke up, so I guess so," I told him.

"Just woke up?! Haven't you done anything yet?!" Changbin asked us shocked.

"No, idiot! They were asleep while I was working. I let them sleep while I came up with the dance," I explained.

"Oh, so you are done with the dance already?" Hyunjin asked me and I nodded. "I came to help you but I guess there's no need to now."

"Thank you!" I said hugging his arm.

"But you haven't recorded the song per se yet, right?" Jisung asked and I shook my head. "Good. We'll help you with that."

"Alright, we'll record after they have learnt the basics of the dance. We'll perfect it afterwards," I told them. "Thank you, really. You should go to sleep now. It's four in the morning and you really deserve some sleep. We are the ones who need to work, not you."

"It's okay. We'll just take naps on the couch!" Changbin said throwing himself on it. "Fighting!"

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now