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A/N: Two chapters left (apart from this one)!

Back in Korea, I was preparing my solo debut full time. We had also already decided the songs for our group album, so the girls were advancing in that area while I prepared my debut. It was all really busy and hectic and my sleeping schedule got completely messed up, but I was used to it by that point and didn't really mind it that much.

From time to time, the boys and the girls joined me at the studio or at the rehearsal rooms while I worked. They sometimes really didn't say anything but them just being there made me feel a little better, so I really appreciated it.

"Your debut was the twenty-first, right?" Mika asked me as he looked at something on her phone.

"Yes, why?" I asked her confused.

"No, I was just checking the comebacks this month to see who is releasing music at the same time as you," she told me. "Seventeen, apparently."

"I guess, I'll see them during promotions, then. Although getting a first win, which was already highly unlikely, now is impossible," I joked.

"By the way, what are we doing for Christmas this year?" Leah asked. "We always do something but haven't talked about it yet."

"JYP told me I won't have a schedule that day, so you don't need to worry about it," I told the girls. "Also, don't count with me on the afternoon of the 24th."

"Why is that?" Lin asked.

"Jisung and I are going to the arcade. It's my Christmas gift from him," I explained.

"How cute!" Leah said. "You shouldn't count with me either as I am going out with Changbin too. To the movies."

"Are you going out too, Lin?" Mika asked her. "Are you meeting up with the president or something?"

"Don't worry," Lin said side-hugging her. "I am not going anywhere. I will keep you company."

My phone then rang and I excused myself, going to the side of the room to not disturb the girls with their ongoing conversation. The number belonged to Felix, so I picked it up.

"Felix?" I said picking it up. "Did anything happen?"

"No, don't worry. It's just Hyunjin and me were searching for you. Where are you?" He asked.

"Bobby Brown," I answered. "Do you mind getting some water before coming?"

"Not at all. We'll be there in a second," he said.

"Alright, see you!" I said before hanging up. 

I then went back to rehearsing and was in the middle of the song when the boys arrived. They had seen me do it plenty of times and Hyunjin even knew the dance as I taught it to him a few days before, so I continued dancing and simply greeted them.

When the song came to an end, they all applauded and I lightly bowed.

"I'm still shook by your vocals," Felix said throwing me a water bottle. "I am definitely not used to hearing you singing."

"I hope you mean it in a good way!" I said before taking a gulp. "I am worried about my voice faltering. The title track doesn't really have any high notes, but still."

"You'll do just fine. It's not as if you had to dance sexily or something," Mika told me.

"That would definitely be a funny sight!" Leah said laughing.

"I don't get what you mean. Why would it be funny?" Hyunjin asked them before turning towards me. "Didn't you show me once the dance to <Hello Bi-"

"They are right!" I said interrupting him. "I can't dance sexily at all!"

"Were you about to say she has danced to CL's <Hello B****es>?!" Lin asked Hyunjin.

"I was!" He answered.

"No, you weren't!" I said loudly. "You definitely weren't."

The girls and Felix paid no mind to what I said and kept pestering me to dance. Even Hyunjin eventually joined at some point.

"Oh, god, okay! I'll do it! But shut up already will you?"

Sighing, I went to the computer and searched for the song while they all sat down in front of the mirror.

"If any of you laughs or makes a funny comment, I will skin you!" I threatened them and they all nodded.

Although I wouldn't admit it, I really liked dancing to that song and danced it a lot whenever I was on my own. The time Hyunjin saw it, it was actually because he caught me when I thought I was alone.

When the ending part came, I was really embarrassed but still did it. Grinding myself on the floor with all of them watching wasn't exactly my idea of an ideal evening.

"Oh, holy Jesus!" I heard someone say from the door and immediately stopped. "Lee Soojin?"

JYP himself was standing there and I became so red you could confuse me with a tomato. Of all the times he could have caught me dancing to a song it had to be that one.

I thought the rest of them would be embarrassed as well, but they all suddenly burst out laughing, making me reddened even more if that was possible.

"I'm going to try to pretend I didn't see that," JYP said. "I already told your manager but I'll tell you too since you are here. Your videoclip recording was rescheduled to tomorrow in the afternoon."

"Alright, thank you," I told him and bowed.

"I'll leave now," he said. "You were dancing really well, nonetheless."

As soon as he closed the door, they all started to laugh back again and I sent them murderous glares.

"You are dead!"

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