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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mika, happy birthday to you!" We all sang before Mika blew the candles.

It was the day of her solo debut but also her birthday, so all of us decided to go to see her perform but also celebrate her birthday and give her our presents before the show to hopefully ease her nerves.

"Open mine first!" I said stepping over the sofa to reach her. 

"Okay...?" She said chuckling and opened it. "Big Bang merch?! Thank you!"

"Look inside the box," I told her.

She then opened it and found four silver rings there. They were all engraved with the name of the member, the day we all debut together and the name of the group.

"I know it is your birthday, but I bought them online for all of us and didn't know when to give them to you," I said scratching my nape.

"Are you kidding me? I love it, Soojin!" She said giving me a tight hug.

"Let us see them too!" Leah exclaimed approaching us.

"Let's all wear them on our right hand," Lin said as she had the one her boyfriend gave her on her left. "On the ring finger."

We then all put them on and looked at them smiling.

"This is literally the best present ever," Mika said. "Thank you!"

"It will be hard to top this, to be honest." Said Chan handing her his gift.

It was All Time Low's, Mika's favourite band, full discography. She was absolutely thrilled to have it and hugged Chan tightly, kissing him in front of us.

"Get a hotel!" Exclaimed Felix and Mika just gave him the finger.


"Mika, Mika, Nishikino Mika! We love you! Saranghae! One shot two shot!" We all exclaimed doing the fanchant as the song began. (Fanchant begins at 0:18)

We were at the side of the stage watching everything and cheering at the top of our longs. Well, Chan was extremely jealous as she danced a lot with the other boys, but tried to not let it show.

We were being recorded for a future V-Live episode for our channel, but we almost forgot we had cameras around us.

"She's so good, what the hell?!" Leah exclaimed. "I knew she was good, but she's glowing on the stage. She owns it."

"She has trained for a long time," Chan said. "She's proving everyone, but mostly herself, that she is talented, that she didn't waste all those years."


"Mika! Mika!" We all chanted as we went upstairs on our building block.

"Sign me an autograph!" Jisung exclaimed.

"I'm your biggest fan!" I exclaimed too.

"Stop teasing me, guys!" She told us.

"But you were extremely good! The songs were amazing!" Woojin told her.

"That's thanks to Soojin. She's the mastermind behind those tracks." She said pulling me on a headlock.

"But even mediocre songs can turn out amazing with the right singer!" I told her with a wink.

We then went inside our dorm and immediately went to the lounge room. We were almost always there because that way we could work on music and hang out at the same time.

"So English, Thai, Japanese, Korean and Chinese in the end, right?" I asked the girls turning the laptop on.

"We have to work on most of them, right?" Mika said.

"Yep. I kind of have the Korean one, Lin the Chinese one and Leah the Thai one, but we still have to arrange them."

Mika's telephone then rang so we shut up so she could listen to the conversation.

"Hello, JYP," she said putting the phone on speaker. "Did something happen?"

"No! I just have something to tell you but you still have no manager. Sorry for that, by the way, but I don't know what to do with all of you. I want to make sure the past situation doesn't repeat itself." He apologised.

"It wasn't your fault," Mika reassured him. "What is it that you need to tell us?"

"I know the MAMA awards aren't until the end of the year, but I have arranged you some collaboration stages with groups from both inside and outside the company," he told Mika/us. "Your song 'Oh! My Mistake' was a hit and you are really well known outside the country, but not so much in Korea. You still are, but I think you could be even more well known. I feel that those stages may help you with that and it may also be a great opportunity to improve the company's image."

"I really love the idea!" Mika said.

"Great, tell the girls to see what they think. I'll wait." He said.

"Don't worry, we're listening!" Leah said.

"Oh, hello! I didn't know you were there," he said chuckling. "What do you think? Does the idea sound good!"

"It sounds amazing!" Lin said. "I'm really excited to see who we'll be collaborating with."

"I can tell you already!" He said. "From outside the company, it will be Mamamoo and Seventeen. From inside the company, Stray Kids, Got7 and Twice. All the stages won't be on the same day, obviously."

"Mamamoo and Seventeen?!" I exclaimed trying not to fangirl. "Oh god!"

"Mamamoo asked for it personally," he informed us making me choke on my own saliva. "We'll talk about it more in depth next week. I will also arrange a week or so for you to spend with each group."

"Thank you! Have a good day!" Mika said before hanging up.

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