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As we finished the song and did the ending pose, we heard someone clapping from the door and we immediately turned towards it.

"That was really good!" JYP exclaimed. "This collaboration will be a hit."

"Thank you," we all said bowing.

"How has this week been? Have you been productive?" He asked us.

"We finished the song and showed the boys our dances. The only thing left is for us to learn theirs," Mika informed him. "We won't take more than three or four days to do that, I presume."

"Very well, then," JYP said. "I sadly came here to bring you more work."

"What is it?" Chan asked.

"I have already chosen the songs for your collaboration stage," he told us as he handed us the lyrics. "Chan, Hyunjin, Mika and Soojin will be doing <Trouble Maker> and Changbin, Jisung, Leah and Lin will be doing <Now>, both songs by Trouble Maker."

"Woah!" The Seventeen boys exclaimed. "This year's MAMAs will be heated!"

"We have to take advantage of our official couples!" JYP joked. "Well, for Trouble Maker, I mean."

"Couples? What couples?" Jihoon asked confused.

"Chan and Mika and Hyunjin and Soojin, of course!"He exclaimed. "Didn't you know?"

"No!" They all exclaimed. "How didn't you get caught?!"

"Now that I come to think of it, there hasn't really been a scandal or anything since that time when we were recording the program," I said. "Well, if we don't take into account Sooyeon's thing."

"So I let you guys date to stop rumours and there aren't any more rumours?" JYP said and sighed. "You are going to be the death of me."

"It's not like we aren't going out together!" Mika told him. "Chan and I have gone on a couple of dates ever since. I guess people are just used to seeing us together by now."

"Well, I'll get going now. Continue to work hard," JYP said. "Oh, by the way! Your new manager will finally come next week. I had to make sure no incidents like the last ones are repeated, so sorry for the wait."

"Thank you, sir," we said before he finally left.

"So... Trouble Maker, aye?" I said cheekily to Hyunjin. "Thank God we learned it already."

"I hope you are ready to shock everyone," he said sending me a wink.

"Save the flirting for the performance!" Leah exclaimed throwing us an empty water bottle.

"So you know it already?" Mika asked me. "Let's see it!"

"Let's go!"Hyunjin exclaimed throwing his arm over my shoulders. "Let's show them what we've got!"

Hyunjin and I began dancing and tried to make it as faithful to the original as possible. Still, we had fun as we danced along.

In the part where he was supposed to touch my bottom, he suddenly spanked it, so I did the same later on as revenge. I didn't really like public displays of affection other than an occasional peck or holding hands, so I really wanted to kill him there and then.

When the song came to an end, we were supposed to pretend to kiss by placing our hands between our faces, but Hyunjin's sneaky ass pulled my hand away and kissed me, so I immediately pulled away and began chasing him around to kick his ass.

As he ran away, he suddenly stopped and crouched in front of Jun.

"Hey, mate, eyes over here!" He said pointing towards his eyes. "And close your mouth, she's taken."

"Sadly, we need to go!" Seungcheol said standing up and fixing his clothes. "Guys, stop drooling and let's go."

"Okay!" Said Minghao not daring to look towards me. "It was nice seeing you."

"See you tomorrow," Jun said bowing.

"Same time?" Seokmin asked.

"Alright!" Mika exclaimed.


After the Seventeen boys had left, we tidied everything up and went to our dorms already as we were really tired even though we hadn't done too much. The next day we would have plenty of work too, so we wanted to rest a little.

"Thank god you know the dance to Trouble Maker!" Mika exclaimed jumping on the sofa and laying down. "We would take much longer if we had to learn it from scratch."

"Lin apparently also knows the choreography for <Now> so we are saved!" Leah pointed out.

"The dance line saving your arses!" Lin said throwing her arm over my shoulders. "What would you do without us?"

"Honestly? We'd probably still be training taking into account you are the ones that compose the songs," Leah said making us laugh. "How are you doing with the songs, by the way?"

"I have the Thai one almost ready," Lin told her. "I need you to check the lyrics for me."

"Sure, I'll do it tonight," Leah said.

"And the Japanese one?" Mika asked me. "How is it going?"

"I wanted to talk to you about that," I said. "The instrumental is ready. My limited Japanese can't really help me create the lyrics, so I definitely need your help with that one."

"What's the style like?" She asked me.

"I went for a more intense rock style to really shock everyone," I told her and they all looked surprised. "Do you want to hear it? I'll hum the melody I thought of too."

(Sorry for the smurf-sounding audio, but I wanted you to listen to it in the female key)

"Shoot!" Leah exclaimed. "That's so cool!"

"I really love this concept!" Lin added. "This has to be the title track!"

"You think so?" I asked them shyly.

"Are you kidding me? This is a masterpiece!" Mika said. "People are going to be shocked when they hear this. You need to remember our last title track was Oh! My Mistake, Soojin!"

"Shoot, I kind of forgot about that!" I said scratching my nape.

"Let's work on the lyrics now all together, should we?" Mika suggested and we all went to the lounge room to start working on them.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now