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Once Leah and Lin left, Chan and Hyunjin came in.

"Good afternoon." They said bowing.

"Good afternoon, boys. Take a seat." JYP said and they sat down where Leah and Lin used to be. 

"Did something happen, sir?" Chan asked.

"You keep on asking the same question. Should I be worried?" JYP said and laughed a little. "I just wanted to talk to you about the new show '음악 뒤에' (Eumag dwie/ Behind the Music). It's a new show in which different artist will go in pairs to compete with other artist in different tasks. These artists will live together for a few days and can only partner up with another artist from the same company and from the opposite sex. I don't get this last rule, but it's not my program so I can't say anything. Anyways, as you may have guessed already, I want you four to take part in it."

"Is there any particular reason why, sir?" Hyunjin asked him.

"That V-Live episode you did together showed that the four of you are really close to each other, especially Chan and Mika and you and Soojin, but I also think it can be beneficial to promote both of your groups."

"We will go in those pairs, I assume." Mika said.

"Yes, those pairs." He confirmed. "The program begins filming in two days. I don't know who the other contestants are, but you will meet them there. A van will pick you up in this building's entrance at eight in the morning. Any questions?"

"None, sir." Chan said.

"Very well, then. That was all. You can continue working now."


All of the girls and I wanted to see the new dorm, so once the meeting finished, it was the first place we went. As it was just below Stray Kids' one, we asked them if they wanted see it too and we all went there together.

"I can't believe you will be living in our old dorm." Felix said. "I just hope they changed it up a little for you. We left it pretty messy."

We hadn't told them about the pictures we had seen as we wanted it to be a surprise for them.

"I wonder which room will belong to who. I'm excited." Said Seungmin.

"We all know which one's already decided, though." Hyunjin said teasing Chan and Mika.

Once we finally arrived, Sooyeon was there with the sets of keys.

"Hello, everyone!" She greeted us. "Ready to see it?"

"We're ready!" We (all of the girls) said.

She then opened the main entrance door and, once we headed inside, we were shocked.

Even if we had already seen it in the pictures, it was much more impresive to see it in person

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Even if we had already seen it in the pictures, it was much more impresive to see it in person.

"Is this really our old dorm?" Changbin asked shocked.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now