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After the week with the Seventeen boys was over, we were working full time on the album. All of the lyrics and music were done as well as the dances, so the only thing left was to show it to JYP for his validation. 

We had recorded the dance practices the previous day and I went to his office to show it to him as Mika had to perform her solo songs once again and the other girls went to see her.  The other girls had basically named me the vice-leader of the group in case Mika was away, so I had no choice but to stay behind to work.

"Come in!" JYP said after I knocked on his office's door. "Oh, Soojin! You are here to show me the final work, right?"

"Indeed!" I said sitting down on a chair in front of his desk. "Hopefully you will like them."

"I'm sure I will," he said. "Up to now your songs always have the few things I always look for in a song. If you have followed the same composing style, you will be fine."

"There's actually one with a new style. The Japanese one," I said giving him the pen drive. "I brought you a copy of all the lyrics for you to read them too."

He then opened the files with the lyrics and read all of them silently while I fidgeted with my fingers waiting for him to say something.

"Who wrote all these lyrics?" He asked me after he was done with all.

"Lin and Leah wrote the Thai one, Mika and I wrote the Japanese one, Lin and I wrote the Chinese one and I wrote the English one. Well, and we all wrote the Korean one," I told him. "We basically all wrote every one of them, but it was mainly that way."

"I see," he simply said before loading the videos we had recorded.

He then watched them intently, not even blinking once and looking at every single detail. He was really scrupulous when it came to things like this, so I was worried he wouldn't like them.

"Regular and Call Call Call..." he muttered looking at the lyrics once again. "Aren't those a little too... boy-ish?"

"Is that a problem? I asked him. "What defines boy group music and girl group music? It's all music after all."

"It's just... your last comeback was really 'bubblegum', let's say it like that, and these songs are the complete opposite."

"It's only a different style," I explained. "We want to show everyone the different sides of ResQ. This comeback is intended to show songs with more and heavier raps as well as darker concepts."

"Alright, alright!" He said chuckling. "Let's do it! You are a self-producing group, if you all agreed I can only give it a yes."

"Really?!" I exclaimed. "Thank you!"

"It's alright," he told me. "I must also congratulate you on these songs. Your way of composing keeps improving. Give the message to the other girls too."


That same evening, Leah, Lin and Mika were still out so I was alone at home. I had worked on some songs already and was tired, so I just laid down on the couch and scrolled through the group's social media, reading the comments people had written on some of our posts.

 I had worked on some songs already and was tired, so I just laid down on the couch and scrolled through the group's social media, reading the comments people had written on some of our posts

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(Mika, Leah, Lin, Soojin)

@_ResQProducer _: Lin looks so beautiful and sexy in this picture! She deserves de visual title!

@Mika_is_my_religion: Mika is just so talented! I'm glad she got a solo album to shine even brighter. I feel the group doesn't do her much justice.

@JYP_forlife: Leah, Lin and Mika are just, hands down, the best vocals of this generation.

@ResQLeahis_love: If Soojin's a rapper, why did she get the centre position for Oh! My Mistake's chorus? Just go to the back and let the vocalists shine! 

@StrayQ_: Nine or nothing? Better like #3OrNothing #Mika #Leah #Lin

All of the comments followed the same theme, the hashtag '3 or nothing' appearing in most of them. 

I had been trying to hide it as best as I could, but I had known about this hashtag for months. It was getting more popular as time passed by, which only made it harder for me to ignore it. Nearly ninety percent of the comments in our music videos and pictures were followed with that hashtag.

Obviously, the pictures I posted alone were the ones who got the most hateful comments and the least likes. Due to that, I hadn't posted a picture alone in more than a month and one with any of the girls in more than two weeks.

I hadn't noticed a tear had fallen down my left eye as I read the comments. I quickly wiped it away and stood up to grab a bottle of water from the kitchen and cool myself down.

As I went there, the bell rang and I went to open it. I found Hyunjin there, who immediately wrapped me in a hug.

"Hello!" I said chuckling. "Excited to see me?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were here alone?" He asked me as he pulled away. "I thought you left with the other girls."

"I had to show JYP the songs for the new album," I told him. "He thankfully gave the okay to all of them."

"So you finished all of them?" He asked and I nodded. "Can I hear them?"

"Sure, they're on my phone. It's on the table," I told him. "I was about to get some water, I'll join you in a minute."

"Alright!" He said and left.

I then went to the fridge and picked up the water bottle, taking a big gulp before putting it back inside and turning around. Hyunjin was right behind me, which made me jump scared.

"What is all of this about?" He said putting my phone right in front of my face.

I had forgotten to close the Instagram app so all the comments I had been reading were there, and he had read all of them.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now