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After my realization, I crouched down and began crying. It was all to overwhelming. I hated to love him. I hated the fact that everything had changed. He didn't feel the same and that was what hurt me the most. Of all the people who I could have fallen for, it had to be him.

The door then suddenly opened and I checked the time. The fifteen minutes had already passed and I wasn't supposed to be there.

"Soojin?" I heard Jihyo's voice.

"Oh, hello." I said bowing to her and the rest of Twice. "Sorry, I didn't check the time. I'll take my things and leave."

Careful so that they didn't see my red, puffy face from crying, I went to the laptop to turn off the music and take my things.

"Are you okay?" Jeongyeon asked me and turned me around so that I faced her. "Have you been crying?"

"It's okay. I was just hurt, nothing more." I said. It was technically true, after all.

"I don't believe you." She told me and then turned to the rest of the girls. "Do you mind if you start practice without me? It will be just a minute."

"Yes, don't worry. We'll wait for you." Jihyo said.

After thanking them, Jeongyeon took me outisde and we sat down on one of the lounge areas. She then went to the water machine and fixed a cup for me before sitting down.

"Now, what happened, Soojin?" She asked me.

Even though she was older than me and we weren't close at first, Mika and  the Twice girls were friends before I joined JYP, so I naturally began hanging out with them from time to time. The one I was closest to was Jeongyeon as she acted like a protective older sister.

"It's just... I realised something that should have never even happened in the first place." I confessed.

"Does it have anything to do with love?" She asked me and I nodded. "And you have a dating ban, I see..."

"I actually don't, but it's not about that." I told her. "It's just I fell for someone I should have never fallen for."

"Is that someone Hwang Hyunjin?" She asked me and I was shocked.

"How on earth-?" I began asking her but she cut me off with a laugh.

"I know you two have been friends for a long time, but I also sensed there was something else between you two." She said. "The way you look at him says love, but the way he looks at you... He's head over heels for you."

"I just came to the realisation that I like tod- Wait! What did you just say?" I asked her.

"That I knew you two have been friends for a long time..."

"No, not that. The last part."

"That he's head over heels for you?" She asked unsure.

"Why do you think that?"

"Well, no matter if you are talking or not, he's always looking at you to begin with. He also smiles brightly whenever you say anything and also whenever someone mentions you in a conversation. No matter how silly what you are saying is, he always laughs along..." She said."I could go on, but I think you get my point."

"I... I think I actually do." I said and quickly stood up. "I owe you a big one!"

I then kissed her forehead and ran to my dorm with an idiotic smile in my face. I didn't know why, though, as I still didn't know for sure, but it still brought my mood up.

When I arrived at the dorm, I opened the door and threw myself on the couch while hugging one of the pillows.

"What happened to you?" Mika asked me. "That grin is the creepiest thing I have seen."

"Someone just told me something good." I told her nonchalantly.

"And it was?" She said going to the kitchen to take a bottle of water.

"That Hyunjin may like me." I blurted out.

"What?!" She yelled from the kitchen and ran back to the couch. "Why are you happy? Do you think you like him?"

"I know I do." I told her with a smile.

"Oh, lord. Finally!" She said and celebrated it. "Finally you admit it! I though I would die first!"


(Soojin, Mika)

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(Soojin, Mika)

It was finally the day of our debut and we were at the venue of M Countdown for the recording. They let us choose the two songs to present, so we would be recording both Selfish and Lower. We did it like that because I wrote the lyrics for Selfish and Mika wrote the ones for Lower.

After getting our hair and makeup done plus put on our outfits, there was a knock on the door. It then opened revealing none other than JYP himself .

Mika and I immediately stood up to bow and he approached us.

"How are JYP's new stars?" He asked us with a smile. "I hope you are both ready to give your everything. In an hour, you will officially debut."

"I'm so nervous I feel like my voice will tremble on stage." I admitted.

"How many showcases were you in, Soojin?" JYP asked me.

"Six." I answered. "We were preparing for my seventh when you told us about our debut."

"This is just like one of them. You are here to show the audience what your five years of training led you to." He told me. "And you too, Mika. After seven years, you will officially be able to say hard work and perseverance led you to this."

"Thank you, sir. We will do our best to show our abilities and to represent the new generation of girl groups in JYP." Mika said.

"I expect great things for both of you. Now, before it is time for you to go on stage, I belive several people wanted to see you."

He then opened the door and we saw all of the Stray Kids boys there as well as some of the Twice girls.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now