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"Guys, dinner is ready!" Lin exclaimed from downstairs.

Without needing to be told twice, we all went downstairs to the dining room where they had managed to fit an extra table so we could all sit down.

"Woah!" We all exclaimed as we saw a wide variety of Chinese food on the table.

"This looks delicious!" Chan said trying to grab something but Mika slapped his hand.

We all then helped set up the table before sitting down together, Lin and her father on each side of the table. I was sitting down next to her father in case he needed translation and Minho in front of me.

"Say a few words, Lin!" Jeongin told her.

"First of all, I want to say I am really glad I was able to gather all of you here and I am glad I got to show you the other side of my life," she said. "I know we have no time and I can't show you around, but I'm glad that at least you got to meet my father and Chengcheng in person and they got to meet you."

"I think I'm going to cry!" Someone with a very strong Australian accent said in English from the door.

"Donghai!" Lin exclaimed standing up and hugging him.

By the name, I guessed it was her brother who was living in Australia due to his work, so that explained the accent.

"Hello, guys!" He greeted us and we all stood up to bow but he told us to remain seated. "I see I arrived just on time to eat!"

"You speak English?" Felix asked him.

"It would be weird not doing so if you live in Australia!" Donghai joked. "You must be one of the two Australian members from Stray Kids. Are you Chris or Felix?"

"I'm Felix, nice to meet you," he introduced himself.

"Donghai, stop chatting and sit down," his father told him. "Enjoy the meal, guys!"

After dinner, Lin's father said he had to run some errands so we were left alone with Donghai. He was really fun to be with and really playful, so we had a great time.

"So you all hang out together all the time?" Donghai asked us.

"Basically, yes," Chan answered.

"But you are so many!" Donghai exclaimed. "Do you all sit on the floor or what?"

Donghai couldn't speak Korean at all, which meant that only the Aussie line, Seungmin, the girls and I were able to keep up with ease. The others tried to, but we sometimes had to translate.

"Do you want to play some games? It's still pretty early," Lin asked.

"You could play limbo!" Donghai suggested.

"You? You mean we, right?" Lin teased him.

"We could do a 'boys versus girls'," Chengcheng suggested. "The losers have to do what the winners want."

"It's not fun if we don't know what we have to lose!" Felix said. "We should come up with something now."

We then all thought about what we could do. The things we came up with were either too extreme or too easy, so we spent more than ten minutes trying to find something suitable.

"Maybe haircuts?" Hyunjin suggested in English. "We can choose the loser's haircuts."

"Oh, that's a good one!" Donghai said high-fiving him.

"Only one thing!" I said. "It can't be too extreme and it has to pass our stylists' cut. We live off our looks, remember?"

"Okay! Let's start, shall we?" Chan said.

The boys then chose their representatives although, if they lost, they would all have to cut their hair. The ones chosen were Chengcheng, Donghai, Chan and Jisung. Donghai was seemingly at a disadvantage since he was about 1,90 metres tall if not more.

For the first round we went with 1,20 metres and we all passed with ease. Next was one metre and we struggled a little bit more but still managed. Then came eighty centimetres and finally the first people left, who were Mika, Lin and Chengcheng. 

"I actually can't believe you've made it this far, Soojin," Hyunjin told me. 

"Thank you for the support, babe," I said sarcastically.

"There are no «babes» in competition. My hair is at risk here," he said making us laugh.

Then it was time for seventy-five centimetres. They had all passed and I was the last one. Already managing to get so far in the game was amazing taking into account my flexibility (which wasn't too bad but certainly wasn't too good). The odds were against me that time and I failed, my knees touching the floor.

"Ha! Told you!" Hyunjin said.

"Be thankful we are sleeping in different rooms tonight," I threatened him and he immediately shut up.

Finally, seventy centimetres. Leah was the only one left in our team so all of our hopes were placed on her. She was left for last to keep the tension. 

The first one was Chan, who struggled a little but still somehow managed; the second one was Donghai, who oddly passed with ease; the third one was Jisung who this time failed; and lastly came Leah who, even though we cheered for her and her being very flexible, ended up falling on her back, making us lose.

"No!" The girls and I exclaimed at the same time.

"Yes!" The boys cheered. "We won!"

They then asked for our phones to search for haircuts on Pinterest. The ones in charge of Mika's hair were Chan and Minho; the ones in charge of Leah's were Changbin, Woojin and Seungmin; the ones in charge of Lin's were Chengcheng, Donghai and Jeongin; and finally Hyunjin, Jisung and Felix were in charge of mine.

We were all sitting down in groups ad we checked what the boys were searching for. In my case, they at first were searching for simple haircuts with no hair dye, but that changed when they heard Minho.

"She could dye her hair green!" He exclaimed.

Jisung, Felix and Hyunjin then looked at each other and immediately changed their search to dyed haircuts.

"Minho, I hate you," I said bluntly. "I have never dyed my hair and I planned on keeping it that way."

"Oops! Sorry, not sorry!" He told me.

I then went back to check the boys' search and they had already saved a few pins, so they decided to choose from the ones there.

"Short or long?" Jisung asked.

"I think she may look cute with a short one. I think I have never seen her with hair shorter than her chest." Felix answered.

"Do you mind?" Jisung asked me.

"You are already dyeing my hair, I don't care," I said shrugging.

A few minutes later and, after much discussing, every group had chosen their haircuts. We weren't allowed to see them, so I only knew it was one of the twelve pins they had saved.

"If I end up looking bad, I will kill you," Leah told the boys.

"Don't worry. You'll look great," Changbin assured her.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now