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I had been gone for over an hour when I went to the Han river and sat down just to look at both the people who passed by and the view of the river

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I had been gone for over an hour when I went to the Han river and sat down just to look at both the people who passed by and the view of the river.

"Lee Soojin?" Someone suddenly said making me look up. "Are you ResQ's Lee Soojin?"

"The one," I said with a small smile.

"I'm a big fan! Can I take a picture with you?" She asked with a trembling voice.

"Yes, of course!" I said standing up and taking a picture with her. "Have you been a fan for long?"

"I used to go to JYP's showcases and saw you there. You inspired me to become a rapper when you were alone at those showcases," she answered. "I have been a trainee in YG for a month now."

"Really?! Congratulations!" I told her. "But how could I be an inspiration?"

"You must me kidding me, right?" She said. "You trained for five years as a rapper in a company that is mainly focused on dance and vocals, you were accepted by five different companies... Shall I continue? You also compose, play instruments and sing well."

"It's ResQ's Soojin!" A group of boys then yelled and approached me.

"Can I get a picture?!"

"Can you sign me an autograph?!"

"She's even more beautiful in person!"

"And you thought you weren't liked..." The girl said before finally leaving

People then quickly began gathering around me and pushing me, which made me become claustrophobic. I was starting to feel dizzy and fell down to the floor covering my ears.

"Everyone out of the way!" A man yelled making people move away from me. "If you want to see her, book a ticket for a fanmeet. Do you think you will get her attention this way?"

"Are you okay, Soojin?" Leah asked me as she crouched down beside me with Lin.

"Can you hear us?" Lin asked and I nodded.

"Let's take her to the dorm quickly," said the man once everyone left way.

"Who are you?" I asked him quietly.

"He's our new manager," Mika told me.

"Sorry to meet you in such conditions," he said before we finally hopped on the car and left.


After the incident, we were able to talk to the new manager and got to know each other more. His name was Kang Yeongjae and he had just turned twenty-six. He had studied management (which was obviously a plus), but was his first time working as a manager. He had given us his number and address and told us we could always call or visit him, even if he wasn't on duty, something which Sooyeon never did.

He would be with us every day from eight to five Monday through Saturday except for occasions such as award shows or extra activities. He said he would help us with anything we need it not just work-wise. He told us he would run errands like grocery shopping with us or for us if it needed be.

He was a little bit shy and sometimes looked like he wasn't comfortable around us, but he kept reassuring he was just new to all of this and had to get used to it. He was a really cute boy, I dare say.

The first thing he did after introducing himself was to ask us how we worked, who we usually hung out with and what we did on any given day. No matter how useless and small the things we said were, he wrote them all down on a black notebook with ResQ engraved on the cover in white, part of our merch.

We then explained our relationship with the Stray Kids boys, including who was dating who. He seemed to be shocked about the fact that JYP had let us date but congratulated us nonetheless.


A few days later, it was time for Stray Kids to release their new album "I am You"

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A few days later, it was time for Stray Kids to release their new album "I am You". As we spent almost all of our time with them, we had seen them rehearsing it thoroughly and even learnt some of the songs and dances ourselves.

The night before the release and the comeback stage, I was with Hyunjin in one of the dance studios watching and helping him rehearse.

I think you can maybe raise your elbows more at the <같은 공간 석에서 (Gateun gonggan sogeseo)>, "I suggested him. "It will look more open that way."

Following my advice, he did it and it honestly looked much better.

I had also learnt the dance, so we both did it together to help him with the spaces and all. He kept telling me to go home and that he could rehearse alone, but I honestly paid no mind to him and kept working.

It was three in the morning when Hyunjin finally decided to stop. Before leaving, we sat down on the floor by the mirrors to recover our breaths.

"You didn't need to stay," he told me laying his head on my shoulder.

"If you keep saying that I'm going to think you don't want to see me!" I joked.

"Don't be an idiot!" He exclaimed and kissed my shoulder. "Thank you."

"It was nothing," I said smiling.

We then stayed silent for a few minutes until I noticed Hyujin felt heavier. Turning to the side, I saw he had fallen asleep which was cute, but essentially problematic.

Being three in the morning, calling someone wasn't an option nor letting him sleep there. Realising there wasn't any other option, I stood up and managed to carry him on my back before heading to the dorms with trembling legs.

After a long and exhausting walk, I finally reached the door of their dorm. I just then noticed I hadn't picked up the keys and mentally cursed.

With a whole new level of contorsionism I didn't know I was even capable of, I was able to somehow get my hand on his tracksuit pocket and pick up the keys without waking him up nor dropping him.

I then quietly opened the door and went inside. The sight there made me want to flip over a table: Chan was still awake and sitting down on the couch writing what I guessed were lyrics.

"You must be kidding me..."

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now