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Mika and I sat down on her bed as our seven minutes began.

"So... How's everything going?" I asked her to try to start a conversation.

"You don't have to start an awkward conversation with me, Hyunjin." She said chuckling. "Let's talk about something serious."

"Like what?"

"Like your relationship with Soojin." She said. "How are things going? Did you try to hint her anything or...?"

"The other day something strange happened, " I began saying. "The day of your debut, when we both left we almost kissed. We would have if Jeongin didn't interrupt whatever had happened."

"Wait, what?! Why didn't she tell me any of this!" Mika exclaimed.

"I guess she didn't want you to know. Don't tell her I told you." I pleaded.

"I promise." She said. "Anyways, tell me exactly what happened."

"It almost was as if she was teasing me. It felt kind of like flirting in a way." I explained. "Do you think she likes me?"

"I can't tell you that. She's the only one who can. " She told me. "In the meantime, I can only say that you should continue going for it. You can do it!"

After that, we checked the time and saw that we only had a few seconds left, so I hugged her as a thank you.

Just then, the door burst open revealing Soojin.

"Time's up!" She exclaimed.

Mika and I immediately pulled away in fear that she would misunderstand.

"You... I'll leave." She said quickly closing the door.

"We are fucked aren't we?" I sighed.



After I finished my glass of water, I quickly washed it before going back to the living room. They were all on a circle once again.

"We were waiting for you!" Felix exclaimed. "Come on, sit down!"

I then sat down on my place and waited for then to spin the bottle. I tried to not make eye contact with Mika nor Hyunjin during the whole time to not make it more awkward.

"Chan and... Soojin!" Seungmin exclaimed. "Off you go!"

I then stood up and Chan followed me to my room. I immediately sat down on my bed and sighed.

"Do you mind if I sit down?" He asked.

"No, of course you can." I told him. "You don't need to ask. We're like siblings."

"As we are like siblings, can I ask you a question?" He asked and I nodded. "First of all, are you okay? You left quite suddenly after telling Mika and Hyunjin their time was over."

"Honestly? No, I'm not okay. I'm pretty sure I like Hyunjin." I said as if it was nothing.

"Oh, it's just that... Wait, what?" He said shocked. "You like him?"

"I mean, it's pretty obvious, don't you think?" I said chuckling. "I started thinking about it the day he kissed me and I concluded I like him."

"You kissed?!" He asked even more confused. "When? Why?"

"It happened day we recorded the Vlive together. After Hyunjin had cried due to the rumours, I began conforting him. He kissed me then." I told him. "He said he shouldn't have done that and that I should forget it, but I still hope he likes me back and I'm not just misunderstanding his intentios."

"Go for it!" Chan told me. "Just take Mika and I as reference. If Mika hadn't had the guts to confess to me, we would have never started datng. Maybe you just need to confess to him. You already have the no, so you have nothing to lose."

"But we are really good friends. I don't want things to become awkward between us." I confessed.

"Your relationship is too strong for it to be over just because of that." He told me. "I'm not saying you should confess this instant, do it when you are ready. The thing is that you do it, that way you won't regret it later."

"The problem is I'm not good at expressing my feelings and I am also quite touchy with everyone, so I can't hint it to him that way." I said sighing and laying down on the bed. "Why does it have to be so difficult?"

"You are a songwriter. Express your feelings the way you know best." He said and stood up. "We only have a few seconds left until they call us."

"Thank you for helping me, I owe you one." I said and high-fived him.

That instant, the door opened and we saw Hyunjin there.

"Time's up, guys!" He awkwardly said and we both left to the living room.

"I'm tired of the game. Should we just continue watching the movie?" Leah said.

"Sure, I'm actually a bit tired too." Said Chan sitting down next to Mika and wrapping an arm around her.

"Can... Can I talk to you?" Hyunjin suddenly asked me.

"Yes, sure. What do yo want?" I said.

"No, not here. In private." He said scratching his nape.

"Okay... Let's go to the lounge room, then." I said confused. "Or we can go to my room too."

"The lounge is okay." He said and we turned towards that room.

"Where are you going?" Changbin asked us. "Aren't you going to watch the end of the movie?"

"We just need to talk about something. We'll be back." Hyunjin told him.

Finally, we went inside the lounge roon and I closed the door behind me.

"So, what do you need to talk ab-?" I began saying but he cut me off.

"I need to tell you two things." He began. "The first one is that I don't know what you think you saw before, but I was just hugging Mika to thank her for helping me with something."

"You don't need to give me explanations. I'm not your girlfriend." I said.

"I don't need to, but I want to." He said. "Which brings us to the second thing." 

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now