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As soon as I closed JYP's door, I fell down to the floor crying

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As soon as I closed JYP's door, I fell down to the floor crying. I didn't regret sacrificing myself for Mika and Chan nor taking all the blame myself, but I hated the idea of having to leave the stage.

A pair of arms suddenly wrapped around me and I looked up to see Hyunjin there.

"You are a complete idiot..." He said placing my head on his chest. "But I can't hate you. I simply can't."

"I'm sorry for dragging you with me," I said between sobs. "I'm sorry for failing you."

"Failing me? You can't fail me." He said taking my face in his hands. "You are the most amazing courageous person I have ever met and, on top of that, I love you."

"A horrible decision, really." I said with a sad chuckle.

He then pecked my lips and I immediately began crying again, so he wrapped his arms around me and let me cry for a few seconds.

"Come on, Soojin. We have to tell the others, especially Chan and Mika," he told me helping me stand up.

"She's going to kill me," I said drying my tears.

"She would have reasons to do so, let's be real," he said and we went to the dance room.

Once we reached it, I took a few deep breaths before opening the door. All of them immediately turned around and ran towards us.

"Hello!" I said trying to sound alright but failing miserably.

"What happened?" Chan asked us concerned. "Was he too harsh? Will he make you do a public apology?"

"I'm going on hiatus for an indefinite period of time," I blurted out. There was no point in delaying the reveal.

"You fucking idiot!" Mika said slapping me. "Why would you do that?"

She then hugged me and I cried on her shoulder once again. The rest of the girls joining the hug seconds later.

"You too, Hyunjin?" Asked a teary Felix as we ended the hug.

"I'm not, Felix." He said looking sad.

"How? Why only Soojin?" Jisung asked confused.

"She took all of the blame. When JYP tried to punish us, she insisted on taking the blame." Hyunjin said.

"Oh, you idiot!" Said Chan hugging me. "I don't know whether to thank you or kill you."

"I appreciate my life, at least for now, so a thank you would be sufficient," I tried to joke.


Once we were back at the dorms and opened our dorm door, we were met with an angry Sooyeon. We were only with Hyunjin at that moment as he said he wanted to be with me for the night.

"I want you out of this dorm now!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. "If I see you enter this dorm or go close to any of the girls, I will kill you! Did I make myself clear?!"

"But-!" Hyunjin tried to say.

"Did I stutter? Out!" Sooyeon yelled at them. "You have already ruined one girl's career, I don't want you ruining any of the others' too."

Giving up Hyunjin left, like leaving us alone with Sooyeon.

"Thank you for taking one of my last bits of happiness. I hope you know you suck at being a manager." I spat out. "If you don't mind, I will go to my room now. Unless you are going to prohibit me that too."

I then ran towards my room and closed the door with a thud before throwing myself on the bed, hoping the earth would suck me there and then.


More than a week had passed and my days consisted of making music, helping Mika with her solo album and trying to not think

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More than a week had passed and my days consisted of making music, helping Mika with her solo album and trying to not think. Sooyeon also became my shadow and followed me everywhere, which made me want to pull my hair out.

"Do you want me to dedicate you a song or something?" I snapped at Sooyeon. "Perhaps something rhyming with Mitch suits your style."

"Of all the insolent children I have ever met, you surely are the one I hate the most." She told me.

"I must be doing things right, then." I said before putting my headphones back on and continuing working on music.

"Have you eaten?" She suddenly asked me.

"Why would you care?" I told her.

"As much as I hate you, I'm still your manager. I don't think a dead person looks good on my resume." She said without looking up from her phone.

"I haven't eaten and I don't want to eat, so don't bother." I told her and checked the time. "You end your working hours in fifteen minutes. Do both of us a favour and leave earlier. You have your bodyguard minions out there making sure Hyunjin can't come in, so there is nothing to worry about."

With a huff, she thankfully left, leaving me alone after torturous 10 hours.

"We are the champions, my friend!" I sang once she left but seconds later the doorbell rang. "Really?"

I then opened the door pissed off but Jisung was there instead.

"You look hideous!" He said once he saw me.

"Thank you for such sweet words. They are really appreciated." I told him. "What brings you here?"

"I wanted to check how you were," he said coming in. "I managed to convince the bodyguards outside."

"That's a first!" I said. "Do you want something to eat or drink?"

"Just some water will do, thank you." He said sitting down on the sofa.

I then went to the fridge and fetched him a cold bottle of water and picked a bottle of soju along the way. I then grabbed a shot glass and went to the living room.

"You aren't of legal age yet, you know?" Jisung said.

"And who will say anything, you?" I said opening the soju bottle and throwing the cap to the bin, thankfully managing to get it in.

"Have you been drinking your problems away?" He asked me concerned.

"Not really. Just when it gets too overwhelming." I confessed. "I just drink a bottle and go to sleep, in hopes on not waking up until the next day."

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