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"Friends..." I muttered as I washed my face. "Best...friends... What's next, telling me I'm like her brother? Am I that deep inside the friend zone?"

There was a knock on the bathroom door and I pulled myself together before opening it. There was Chan, looking at me with a pitiful face.

"If you are here to laugh at me, you may as well just leave." I told him.

He instead went inside and closed the door behind him.

"She's just oblivious." Chan said. "You have been friends for so long that she doesn't realize what you have isn't friendship anymore."

"Or maybe she really only sees me as a friend and nothing more." I told him. "You are lucky to have Mika, she's more straightforward with her feelings. She straight up just asked you if you liked her."

"Then be the Mika in your relationship!" Chan blurted out. "Ask her, you have nothing to lose."

"A friendship is nothing to you? She was the first person I ever talked to in JYPe!"

"I don't think she will end your friendship just because of that."

"I don't know, Chan. Things could change. I'll think about it..."


"I still don't get what has happened." I told Mika after Chan left. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Soojin, how do you feel about Hyunjin? And answer me honestly!" She implored me.

"He's a good friend? I don't get your question." I said confused. "What do you expect me to say?"

"Do you like him?" She blurted out.

"I what?! Why are you asking this now?!"

"Just answer me."

"I... I don't know, okay? Just leave me alone!" I spat out and ran to my room.

"Soojin!" Chan, who had just come out of the bathroom, called me.

"Let me live!" I said and slammed my bedroom door shut.

I then threw myself on the bed and yelled on my pillow to get my frustration out.

"Why does she have to ask me this now? We had a good relationship, why destroy it all?" I thought and laid down looking at the ceiling. "We are good friends, we trust each other for anything and everything, and he's always there for me as I am there for him... Do we really need to change it all now? Does he actually feel anything for me at all?"

Looking at the clock, I saw it was already half past eight, so I turned on my computer to work on some music. Chan and Hyunjin would leave soon, anyways.

Ten minutes later, though, there was a knock on the door and it opened revealing Hyunjin carrying a tray with food.

"I brought you dinner." He said and I told him to come in.

He left the tray on the table and stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do or say.

"Do you mind if I eat here with you? They are acting all lovey-dovey out there." He asked me.

"Yes, sure." I said and moved the piano chair so that he could sit there. "Suit yourself."

We then sat down in silence while eating dinner. I didn't know what to say or how to act around him for the first time ever.

"Ehmm... Chan said he wanted to sleep here," Hyunjin informed me, breaking the silence. "Do you mind if I stay here too?"

"No, it's okay. I don't mind." I told him shrugging. "You can stay here. I'll sleep in Leah's room."

"Thank you very much." He said. "I'm sorry for 'kicking' you out of your room."

"It's okay, I kicked you out of your bed last time, anyways."


Once again, and as always, I woke up in the middle of the night. I was just going to turn around and continue sleeping, but I heard a noise outside my room and wanted to check who was awake.

I opened the door and quietly went to the living room, trying not to make any noise to not wake the others up.

"Chan? Mika?" I half-whispered half-yelled. "Hyunjin?"

I was then grabbed by someone who covered my mouth with their hand and I began screaming. Suddenly another person appeared in front of me wearing a black mask.

"Take anything and let's go!" The person holding me said. 

As the other one began taking things from our home, I tried to free myself from his grasp and screamed louder. My screams were muffled by their hand, though.

Seconds later, I was freed as both of them fell down to the floor unconscious. Looking back to see what had happened, there was Hyunjin with one of my photo albums in his hands. On the other side, Chan was holding the living room lamp with the other person in front of him.

"Are you okay?" Hyunjin asked me and embraced my in a tight hug.

"I'll call the police, take care of her." Chand said and took out his phone.

I hugged Hyunjin tightly as I tried to catch my breath. He then began rubbing circles in my back.

"It's okay, I'm here." He said. "It's all okay now."

He then carried me to the couch and we sat down. I was still hugging him and he didn't complain, so I guessed it was all okay.

Mika was with Chan making sure the robbers wouldn't go anywhere until the police arrived. Eventually, they came and took them to the police station after making sure we were all okay. They also asked us if we wanted to file a law suit against them, but Chan told them we had to talk to JYP before doing so. They then managed all of it.

A few minutes later, I finally managed to calm down although not completely.

"Hyunjin, take her to her room to sleep." Chan ordered him. "We'll go too once this is all sorted out."

Hyunjin nodded and stood up, grabbing my hand and taking me towards the rooms.

"Wait, please, sleep with me!" I begged him. "I don't want to sleep alone, I don't think I can."

After thinking about it for a few seconds he gave in and we both went to my room.

I was the first one to lie down, so I was between him and the wall.

After checking one last time on Mika and Chan, he came back and laid down next to me. I quickly cuddled with him and placed my head on his chest. He then ran his fingers through my hair and sang a slow song to me, making me slowly fall asleep.

"I'm here, I'll always be." Was the last thing I heard him say before I fell asleep.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now