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When we went to our resting area, we saw that we were placed beside the Stray Kids boys, only on the other side of the stairs. They had all left to change as they would performing about a minute of Twice's <Like OHH AAH>, so we were there on our own.

The performances were extremely good and we all had a blast not only watching them but also commenting on how good some of them were doing. The Stray Kids boys were super cute, which differed completely from our performance minutes before.

When they finished, they approached us and we high fived all of them before they went to their places. As they left I noticed Hyunjin had the back of his hair all messy, so I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards me to brush it with my fingers in hopes of fixing it slightly.

As the people there already knew we were dating I thought they wouldn't say anything, but I was very wrong. Suddenly they began screaming, which made Hyunjin and I burst out laughing.

He then turned towards them and did half a heart but I didn't get what he wanted me to do. Sighing, he grabbed my arm and forced me to complete the heart which made me hit his arm and push him towards the rest of the boys while chuckling.

"He's too cute for his own good," Leah, who was sitting beside me said. "And such a dork too."

"I'm scared to see the reactions on social media later. Will they accept it?" I confessed.

"Who knows? In the meantime you should focus on our performance and the ones from the other artists," she told me. "Besides, after what happened with Hyuna e E'Dawn there's no way people won't be accepting."

"Or perhaps it could be the opposite," I told her.

"Girls, let's quiet down," Mika told us. "We are being rude."

After that, we all shut up and watched as they began presenting the awards. We were nominated on four categories: best composer of the year, best new artist Mandarin, best new female artist and best solo vocal performance. Stray Kids, regretfully, were only nominated for new male group.

As the professional awards were the first ones, we were expectant to see what happened. In all honesty, I wasn't that confident taking into account the people I was going against.

Once all the other professional awards were announced, since none of the winners were able to attend, it was finally time for the best composer of the year one. All of the nominees then appeared on the screen and my face appeared with the song <Lady>. A lot of people in the venue cheered for me, which unconsciously brought a smile to my face.

"Good luck!" The girls told me.

"Let's be real, I won't win," I told them. "Not against the God Dean himself."

"Congratulations..." The presenter said. "Congratulations to Lee Soojin from ResQ!"

I was then completely shocked and couldn't move for a couple of seconds. I was then tackled by the boys and the girls in a group hug which brought me back to reality.

"You did it, Soojin!" Jisung told me. "Congratulations!"

After hugging all of them, I went to the main stage to receive the award. As I took it I felt my eyes watering, but I tried to remain calm for my speech.

"Woah! Did I just win against all these amazing people?" I exclaimed. "I honestly didn't think I would win so I haven't prepared anything. Thank you so much to everyone. As a rookie I would have never imagined winning this. Thank you very much to all of the 'Fighters' who support our music, my group members who need to cope with my mood swings and stress during comeback season and to the Stray Kids boys who are always there supporting us."

"Soojin, Soojin!" The boys chanted like a football team, making me literally facepalm.

"Finally, thank you to all my seniors and JYP. This is ours, not mine. Fighting!" I said and everyone applauded as I went back to my seat.

"Congratulations, Soojin," Hyunjin told me once I arrived there and wrapped me in a hug. "You deserve this and more."

"Come on, captain cuddles! Go back to your seat now," I told him and pushed him a little towards his seat.

We then watched the next bunch of awards before the Best Asian Artist Mandarin award came.

"Linlin!" The people at the venue yelled as her face appeared on the screen with a clip of the <My New Swag> music video.

"Come on, Lin! You can do it!" We all told her.

"加油(Jiayou) !" I told her in Chinese.

After a few torturous seconds, her name was announced and this time it was her turn to be shocked.

"Oh my holy f- mistake!" She said to not curse. "Did Jisoo actually say my name?!"

"Yes, you idiot!" I told her. "Go!"

We all then sat back down while she did her speech. I could even see Mika with teary eyes.

"Someone please pinch me!" She said after picking up the award. "I want to thank all the 'Fighters', my groupmates, my seniors, JYP but mostly all of the boys and the staff from Idol Producer. I haven't forgotten about you, guys. I owe this to you. I'll keep working on new and better music for you. This is our award. Thank you."

When she came back to her seat, I hugged her tightly and she immediately let out some tears. It was all truly overwhelming for us. We hadn't even debuted a year before yet we already received two awards out of the four in which we were nominated.

After a while, the boys left once again to change as they would be performing along with The Boyz. They all did brilliantly and Hyunjin in that white outfit looked absolutely outstanding.

A few minutes later it was time for the best new artist awards to be announced by Kim Yuri and Hong Jonghyun. The boys and us were nominated for this category, so it made it even more nerve-wracking.

The male award was first and, as they presented the nominees, the girls and I approached them to wait for the announcement. To not be too rude, we crouched down beside them so the ones behind us could see too.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now