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The room fell silent after Leah's confession and all of us, the drunk ones, sobered up immediately. Even she was shocked about having confessed it so suddenly.

"Alright!" I said standing up. "I'm going to choose a song now, alright?"

My poor attempt to break the silence was a blatant failure. Everyone's jaws were hanging low and Leah looked like she wanted the earth to suck her low.

"Come on, judge me! I'm waiting!" Leah said with tears rolling down her face. "Say whatever you want. I'm ready!"

"Leah, shut up!" Changbin exclaimed, shocking us all. "Do you really think we give a fuck about your sexuality?! Do you think we are that thick-headed?!"

"But-" she tried to protest but Changbin stopped her.

"But nothing, Leah. I honestly feel ashamed that you've only told this to us now," Changbin said before embracing her in a hug. "I like you, that bit is obvious, but I just want to see you happy, okay?"

"Guys, let's leave them to talk," Chan told us all. "Let's go to the living room."

We all followed his instructions and left both of them alone. We were all silent for a few minutes digesting all that had happened until Yuna spoke up.

"I have the feeling we weren't supposed to hear that," she said.

"Did anyone know about it?" Mika asked us.

I thought about whether to tell them or not. It's true that I knew it, but I didn't know if Leah wanted me to say it, so I chose not to.

"I didn't," I answered. "I'm glad she told us, though."

"To be honest, I'm kind of disappointed about the fact that she didn't feel comfortable enough to tell us before..." Mika said running her fingers through her hair. "I feel I have failed as a leader and as a friend."

"Don't be stupid, Mika," Lin told her. "You are obviously an amazing leader and friend."

"This is not something a good relationship would change," I said crouching in front of her. "That was a big thing to confess, it's not a matter of you being a good or a bad leader and it's definitely not about you being a bad friend because you aren't."

"But it's still disappointing," she told us.

"She was more afraid about telling Changbin than about telling anyone else," I said. 

"How do you know that?" She asked me suspiciously.

"She has not only friendzoned him, Mika. She has told him she isn't even remotely attracted to him," I said saving the situation.



"Don't cry, idiot," I said still hugging her. 

"Don't you hate me?" She asked me as she pulled away from the hug.

"For being yourself?" I said drying her tears with my thumbs. "Don't you realise that being yourself is what made me like you? Your sexuality doesn't define who you are."

"But I feel really bad because I truly appreciate our relationship and even though I'm not romantically to you, I still love you. It's just... in a different way," she said grabbing my hands which had just dried her tears.

"That's enough for me," I told her with a smile even though it pained me. "Let's go with the rest now, shall we? You were supposed to be partying and I have been waiting to steal a bottle of beer from all of you for half an hour now."


Changbin and Leah then came back and Changbin threw himself on the couch after picking up a bottle of beer.

"Didn't you say you wanted to sing, Soojin?" Changbin asked me as he opened the bottle.

"Yes, I forgot!" I said standing up. "Do you want to join me, Leah?"

"Yes, sure! Which one shall we sing?" She answered.

I had sensed they wanted to act as if nothing had happened and I was in all honesty totally in favour. It wasn't something we needed to give much thought to, so it would be much better that way.

"Guys, can't you cheer up?" Leah told the rest. "It stinks awkwardness in here."

"Okay, then!" Said Yeji standing up. "Which song are you going to sing? I'll join you."

"What about HOT's 'Candy'?" Leah suggested.

"Alright!" Yeji and I exclaimed at the same time and we searched for it on youtube.

"단지 널 사랑해 이렇게 말했지
이제껏 준비했던 많은 말을 뒤로한채!" The three of us along with Changbin, who decided to join us mid-song, sang.

Yuna, Ryujin and Chaeryeong also sang from their seats the parts they knew, but the rest of the boys, Mika and Lin weren't singing at all.

"Yo, guys, for real. Can you not be awkward?" Leah said after the song came to an end. "If you accept it, just act normally. We are at a party, remember?"

"O-Okay..." Mika said. "Let's just party! We need to talk tomorrow, though."

"Of course, idiot," Leah said giving her a side hug. "It's meeting day, anyway!"


"Goodbye, girls. I hope you had fun!" I told the girls at the entrance of our dorm building while bidding them goodbye.

"We did!" Ryujin said. "Remember to make the groupchat later!"

"I will, don't worry," I told her.

"Also create the 2000 liner's one," Yeji told me and I nodded.

"I won't forget!" I told her and they left after that.

When they were out of my sight, I turned around to go back upstairs but crashed into someone.

"Hey, Soojin," Hyunjin said chuckling. "Are you sober now?"

"How can I not be after Leah dropped that bomb?" I said chuckling. "Was I really that bad before? I can't quite remember that well."

"You clinged onto me like a koala for quite a long time," he told me. "Not that I mind, though. I just wish you didn't have to be drunk to do that."

"Oh, shut up!" I said pecking his lips and going upstairs back to the dorm.

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now