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"How long has this been going on?" He asked me sternly. "And don't you dare dodge my question."

"For a few months..." I said sighing. "I have been ignoring it, so you don't need to worry."

"I don't need to?! This isn't right, Soojin! People are literally saying they want you out of the group!" He exclaimed.

"I know, I've read the comments! You don't need to tell me what's on them once again!" I snapped back. "Do you think I'm happy about it? I'm trying to ignore it because if I don't then I'm going to either snap or leave the group, and I really don't want to do neither of those."

"Why didn't you tell us? Why didn't you tell me?" He asked me now much calmer.

"It wouldn't make a difference, would it? It's just making you worried for no reason," I told him. "Besides, some of the comments have some truth to them."

"Don't say that!" He exclaimed.

"But it's the truth!" I told him, tears starting to fall down my face. "I shouldn't have sung during the chorus of Oh! My Mistake because I allegedly am the rapper, I'm not as good looking as the other girls, I'm not as talented. I'm simply just the composer of the songs and Lin could easily cover that spot too."

Instead of saying anything, Hyunjin embraced me in a tight hug and ran his fingers through my hair and rubbed my back as I cried onto his shoulder.

"You are the most talented girl I've ever met and the amount of responsibilities you have to bear in your group is unbelievable. Soojin, you are the composer, lyricist and choreographer for most of the songs. What is ResQ without you? It's four or nothing, Soojin. Who's the one who taked to Leah first? Who's the one who bonded the fastest with Lin? Who's the one who composed Mika's solo album to help her friend?"

"But..." I tried to protest but he cut me off.

"No buts. You are important, Soojin. You are loved, " he said. "I believe that if at least one person in the world loves you and supports you, you already have something to fight for. I love you, Soojin. I told you once while Chan and Mika sang during the program but I'll say it again. I'll say it as many times as I need to get it to your head. I. Love. You. "

With my teary, ugly face I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. He really knew what to say no matter what happened and I was honestly really grateful I had someone like him in my life.

"I love you so much," I said between kisses before he picked me up and sat me on the kitchen counter.

The kiss then began heating up and we lost track of time. He sneaked his hand under my t-shirt and rubbed circles on my lower back and stomach, which made me let out a gasp.

My phone then began ringing and I cursed before getting it out and checking who it was.

"Hello?" I said answering it, Hyunjin still kissing my neck.

"Soojin!" Exclaimed an over excited Mika, who probably had drunk a glass or two. "We're going back home now. We'll be there in five minutes."

"Five minutes?!" I exclaimed horrified, worried they would see Hyunjin and I like this.

Instead of saying anything else, Mika simply hung up and I immediately stopped Hyunjin, who whined at the loss of contact.

"They're coming. They'll be here in five," I told him.

He then took out his phone while cursing out loud and texted Chan.

If you distract the girls for half  an hour I'll clean the dorm for a week.

Deal. Have fun! ;)

After he got the reply, he threw his phone who-knows-where and went back to kissing me deeply, picking me up and carrying me to the room.

"What if they still come here?" I asked him worried.

He then took off one of his socks before putting it on the door handle and closing the door, making me burst out laughing.


"Soojin, we get you want your part to be perfect, but you have been going over the same verse for fifteen minutes now when it already sounded great the first time," Lin said through the speakers in the recording booth. "Is something wrong?"

"I just don't like how it sounds. My accent has to be perfect," I told Lin. "I sound too Korean."

"You sound like a native, Soojin. Let's change the song already!" She protested. "You still have to record four others."

Sighing, I turned to the next page of the lyrics and prepared for the Japanese song. It was my nightmare because it had a heavy rap and it was in a language I barely even spoke, which made it even worse.

"Let's go in order of appearance, okay?" Lin said.

"I'm here if you need any help with pronunciation," Mika told me. "But don't stress over it. The fans know you can barely speak Japanese, I'm sure they'll understand."

"Precisely the fans are what worry me the most..." I muttered before proceeding to record.

"I think that was great!" Mika exclaimed with a smile. "It was very clear and precise."

"You must be kidding me," I told her. "That was absolutely horrible!"

"Okay, let's do something here!" Leah said standing up from the couch. "You get out of that booth and go for a walk while we record. You seem to really need it."

"I'll record this on my own tonight," I told them as I picked my things up. "I'll leave now."

"Alright," Mika said. "But rest, Soojin. You need it."

"I will, don't worry," I said before leaving the room.

Instead of doing that, though, I immediately went to the dance studios and found the Bobby Brown one was empty. I got to work as soon as I stepped inside and rehearsed for two hours non-stop, monitoring every few minutes.

After those two hours, I decided to post the first picture in a month.

After those two hours, I decided to post the first picture in a month

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Practice makes perfect! :)

As soon as it was posted, comments began to flood in and I read them.

@daily_kpop: First Soojin post in a month! Stans are finally being fed. #knews

@Monah_Mikamywaifu: I hit the notification extra fast only to find this? Today's Mika's turn to update! #3OrNothing

@KPhilosophy__: You didn't deserve to debut. 2TEAM is better than ResQ and Ryunjin is much better than you. #SorryNotSorry 

@xX_e_Xx: Yes, practice! If you drag the other girls down with you once again we'll get you out of the group no matter what it takes! #3OrNothing

Fight for it? RESQ - Stray Kids Hyunjin FF (RESQ SAGA PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now