Chapter 1: Adjusting

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I stare out of the car window feeling miserable. I'm silent while I let my mind control me like a robot. I stare into the darkness as a tear escapes my eye, but I quickly wipe it away. I hate it when the weekend is over and I have to go back that place. I look down at my hands and sigh feeling hopeless and stupid; stupid because I wish I didn't feel like this.

"You ok?" My dad asks, looking at me in the rear view mirror.

"Yeah." I nod, trying to sound like I'm fine.

"You'll be back home again soon Alison." My mother says from the passenger seat, looking back at me with a smile.

"I know." I nod.

"I bet your friends can't wait to see you again." My mother says looking ahead now.

"They're not really my friends... I just live with them." I shrug.

"I'm sure once you all get a bit more comfortable with each other, you will be good friends."

"Yeah Al." My dad says, agreeing with my mom. "Some of my best friends, who I'm still very close with were from University."

I roll my eyes, playing with the ends of my long, chocolate coloured hair. I wish my parents would realise I'm not like them. It annoys me how they don't understand how I feel.

"Um..." My mom gives my dad a look as she fakes a cough. "Forgetting someone?"

My dad chuckles.

"And University is where I met you're mother."

"And then we had you." My mom smiles looking back at me again.

"Ugh, ok i think I understand." I say, wanting to change the subject.

"You never know Al, you could meet the man you're going to marry." She says raising her eyebrows.

"Mom I'm only eighteen. I'm not interested in any of that. I have bigger things to be thinking about."

"That's my girl." My dad smirks.

"Matthew." My mom says giving him a look.

"There's nothing wrong with her being focused on her education, and career. It's probably a good thing Diana."

"I know that... but sweetheart." She says looking back at me. "I've never seen you with any boys, or even talk about them. At your age I was boy obsessed, and had four boyfriend's by the age of eighteen."

"Mom..." I sigh.

"You can still be focused on your education and career, and have a boyfriend. I fell pregnant with you while I was studying, and still managed to get a high degree and an amazing career afterwards. I was lucky to have your father."

"Leave her Diana. It's up to Alison what she wants. If she doesn't want a boyfriend yet, then that's fine."

"Ok..." She nods. "Or girlfriend, because if that's what you like there's nothing wrong with it."

"Mom!" I shake my head.

"Diana?" My dad says giving her a look.

"She doesn't talk to me about anything Matt. She might be sexually confused."

"Oh my god." I scoff, folding my arms. "I'm not talking about this."

"See!" My mom says.

"Ok, enough. If Alison doesn't want to talk about it, then she doesn't have to. She's young, and has her whole life ahead of her to find someone."

My mother sighs and we all go quiet. She clears her throat.

"Anyway, it will take some time, but soon enough you won't want to come home at all." My mom says with a soft laugh, trying to cut the tension. "And it's only been a month."

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