Chapter 67: Stand by Me

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I check the time on my phone. It's 9:30. I've got messages from my mom... I don't open any of them because I know exactly what she has been sending me. I do feel a bit bad about not saying bye to her earlier, because she thinks I've gone on a date with a stranger so she must be worrying... but what could I do? She would have been nosey and seen Michael...

I look up from my phone and see Michael glancing down at me. He looks away quickly and I put my phone back in my bag.

We walk side by side to the cocktail bar in silence for a little while. I really like being able to walk with him in public and not have to worry about people seeing us. Even though we've already been with each other this all feels so new and different, but a really good kind of different.

"You should reply to your mom." Michael breaks the silence and looks down at me.

I show a little smile and look at him.

"I will later."

"I'm guessing she doesn't know you're with me?"

I don't answer him straight away and look up ahead. Michael waits for me to answer him.

"She knows I'm on a date." I nod.

"With me?" He raises an eyebrow and smiles.

Again, I don't answer him straight away.

"With Malcolm..." I say quietly.

Michael gives me a look and laughs.

"Malcolm? Who's he?" He smirks, being sarcastic.

I give him a look and shake my head, feeling bad.


"It's ok." He smiles, reassuring me.

I frown and sigh.

"That's why I came out before you knocked on the door... my parents don't know about this..."

I can't believe this is all a secret again... I hated us being a secret at Uni, it fucked me up..  and here I am, hiding it all again.

"You don't have to explain yourself Al." He smiles. "I was kind of nervous walking up to your front door... I prepared myself for a punch from your dad, but I'm glad that didn't happen."

I widen my eyes and laugh.

"I didn't know you was going to knock on my door..."

"How else was I going to let you know I was there?" He chuckles.

"Sorry." I shake my head and smile.

"I want to do it properly this time. I'm not going to text you or call you to let you know I'm outside... I know you're probably used to all that secrecy and me parking down your street away from your house so no one sees us... I want to show you that it's not gonna be like that any more."

I smile widely, but then look down as my smile fades.

"I'm sorry..."

"What for?" He asks softly. "I understand why you haven't said anything to your parents. It's been a year since everything that happened, and I know how they must feel... after everything I done to you." He shakes his head. "I guess it would have been a shock for them if they saw me on their doorstep... I don't want to upset them."

Shock is an understatement... I frown and run my hand through my hair. I wish I didn't have to worry about what my parents would think. He stops walking and holds my arm, stopping me. His touch sends an electric shock through my body and I look up at him.

"I don't want to upset you any more either. I want you know to how serious I am about you, and I'm not going to be an idiot this time."

I let out a soft laugh and he smiles. I'm actually lost for words...

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