Chapter 96: Circle of Fifths

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I sit on the bed and look through jobs on the laptop with Jasper laying next to me. There's one that catches my eye and I click on it, reading in to it.

Michael walks out of the bathroom after brushing his teeth and looks over at me.

"We should take Jasper to the beach next weekend." He says.

I don't hear what he says because I'm still busy reading through the job description.

"Al?" Michael calls my name.

"Huh?" I say, keeping my eyes on the laptop.

"I said next weekend we should take Jasper to the beach."

"Oh?" I take my eyes from the screen and look at Michael now. "That would be good." I nod. "Jasper would love that. He hasn't been to the beach before."

He nods.

"And we could have some fun on the sand too." Michael smirks.

"Like we had fun in the forest today?" I giggle.

"Yeah." He grins.

"No." I shake my head and look back at the laptop.

"Oh, why?" He frowns. "I thought you enjoyed today?"

"I did, but we can't keep doing it in public places Michael." I laugh. "Plus, I think there will definitely be people walking around. Beaches are a bit more popular than forests."

"Mmm." Michael thinks about it. "That's true I guess. Worth a try though." He shrugs showing a little smirk.

I chuckle and shake my head. Michael walks over to his side of the bed and sees Jasper next to me with his eyes closed.

"Jasper, down." Michael points to the floor.

Jasper opens his eyes, looks at Michael and then closes them again. I raise my eyebrows and laugh. Michael makes a face.

"He did not just- Jasper!" Michael clicks his finger.

Jasper keeps his eyes closed and Michael rolls his eyes.

"Hello?" Michael claps his hands. "Get the hell off my bed."

"Michael." I giggle and stroke Jasper. "There's enough room for you."

Michael raises his eyebrows.

"Enough room for me? That's not the point Alison, he shouldn't be on our bed. I've let him sleep with us too many times and now look." Michael holds his hand up. "He thinks he owns the damn bed."

I roll my eyes and smile.

"Jasper, I know you can hear me. Open your eyes!"

Jasper continues to ignore him and in the end Michael gives up and gets in to bed. Jasper opens his eyes and looks over at Michael and Michael gives him a look.

"Don't give me them puppy dog eyes. It don't work on me." Michael shakes his head. "You have your own bed..."

Jasper wags his tail and gets up, moving over to Michael.

"Don't you dare come over to me trying to be all cute." Michael raises his eyebrows.

"Awww." I giggle and watch Jasper lick Michael's arm and lay next to him.

"You're just trying to keep me sweet so you can stay on the bed." Michael smirks and strokes his head.

I laugh softly looking at how cute they both look and then look back at the laptop.

"What's that?" Michael asks, looking over at the laptop.

"Oh, just a job I've found."

"Yeah? Does it sound good?"

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