Chapter 7: I Love His Name

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We stay in the pub for about an hour or so and order more drinks. I'm on my third wine and I'm feeling tipsy. I better not have any more. Everyone is talking and I keep thinking of going back home. I see Jamie look at me. I glance at him. He shows a little smile.

"What do you study?" He asks.

"English Language and Literature. What about you?"

"Sport, fitness and coaching with Ryan."

I nod and smile.

"I'm useless at sports." I chuckle.

"Really?" He let's out a soft laugh. "You look like you keep fit."

I pause for a second and look down smiling.

"Thanks. I probably should exercise more."

He gives me a look.

"Doesn't look like you need to from where I'm sitting."

I laugh and sip my drink, feeling embarrassed. Dani cuts in the conversation.

"We both study English Language and Literature actually." She smiles.

"That's cool." He smiles. "It sounds a lot more smart than Sports." He laughs.

"It probably is." Dani chuckles.

I give her a look and shake my head. That was a bit rude.

"Well I guess you have to be smart on the body... muscles and all that stuff. I wouldn't have a clue on any of it." I say looking at him.

Jamie chuckles.

"Yeah that's right." Ryan says, coming in to the conversation now. "Theres more to our subject than just running around, like I guess theres more to your subject than reading Shakespeare." He chuckles.

"Ryan." Holly rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, we use our brains." Dani laughs.

I giggle and shake my head.

"Dont stereotype Dani. That's rude." Ryan jokes.

"Never judge a book by its cover." Jamie chuckles.

"Nice pun." Dani laughs sarcastically.

We all laugh and I shake my head.

"Are we going to go clubbing now?" Becky asks. "We've been in here ages."

Clubbing? I thought this was it?

"Yeah ok." Holly stands up, and so does everyone else.

I give Dani a look and she looks at me.

"I'm not sure about clubbing." I say quietly.

"Hey don't worry. We wont be there long." She smiles.

I sigh. I've never been to a club before. We walk away from our table. I look over at Mr Jackson before we leave. He looks at me.

"How come I haven't seen you before?" Jamie asks, taking my attention away from Mr Jackson as he walks beside me.

Dani looks at us as she walks next to me.

"Oh.. uh.. I usually go home at the weekends." I say looking up at him.

"Oh, whys that?"

"I just missed home a lot when I started here."

He nods.

"I'm the opposite. I couldn't wait to get away from my parents." He chuckles.

I frown. That's sad.

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