Chapter 48: Don't Moan

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Me and Dani sit down and get out our notebooks and pens. She smiles at me.

"We haven't sat together for weeks."

"I know." I chuckle. "I don't want any of that to happen again."

"Neither do I." She smiles. "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you yesterday, your friend Jade text me at the weekend."

I raise my eyebrows. I knew she would text her.

"So how did she get my number?" Dani smirks.

"Sorry." I smile. "You dont mind do you?"

"No." She shakes her head. "It was a bit random, but shes nice."

"She thinks you're hot." I grin. "But don't tell her I said that."

"She does?" Dani shows a shy smile.


"But I was a bit of a bitch that day she was over. I didn't really speak to her or anything."

I laugh.

"That obviously didn't bother her."

Dani giggles.

"So do you like her?" I ask.

"She's pretty." Dani nods. "But I dont know her yet." She smirks.

"You and her should meet up soon. Get to know each other properly." I smile.

"Yeah. We've been texting a little bit so maybe I'll ask her out soon or something."

"Jade is such a nice girl. You will really like her once you get to know her."

"Well shes your friend, so she must be nice."

"I feel like cupid, setting my two best friends up." I smirk.

She rolls her eyes and laughs softly.

"I wouldn't go that far yet Al."

I chuckle and look over at Michael.

"How was your weekend anyway? What did you do apart from trying to get your friend to text me?" She smiles.

Michael looks over at me. I smile slowly and look at Dani.

"It was ok." I nod. "I didn't really do much."

I trail off thinking of the weekend I had with Michael.


As the week goes by me and Michael have kept some distance from each other, like we usually do on campus... I've kind of got used to that now. We smile at each other and talk occasionally when we get the chance. I wish things didn't have to be so secretive but I guess that's how it has to be.

Me, Dani, Becky and Holly are hanging out in the library. Me and Dani have a lecture soon, but thought we could try and get a bit of studying in beforehand. My phone goes off and I see a text from Michael.

Can you meet me in the library? X

I raise an eyebrow and reply.

Yeah, I'm already here. Why? X

He replies.

Go wait in that room at the back x

I stare at the text as my heart starts to race. I wonder what he wants? I put my phone down and run my hand through my hair.

"I'm just going to look for that book before our lecture." I say standing up and looking at Dani.

"Sure." She smiles and then continues talking to Holly.

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